Start with an Archangel

Chapter 704 What does he want to do?

The eight lords directly announced their purpose of withdrawing part of their troops, and they were not afraid of being known by Daliang. This is conspiracy and psychological warfare. They just want Daliang to know, "No matter how you plan to sneak attack on us, we have the strength to deal with it, so... show all your cards, and let's have a good fight on the Sunshine Plain."

After the eight lords endorsed their actions, the audience who originally questioned all fell silent and realized that Daliang was a commander who was very good at using surprise troops. Looking at the arrangement of the Judgment Leader, at least Daliang's aerial battleships and Archangel Julian is not here.

The ruling lord has an army ready for a sneak attack. This is not an alarmist statement by the eight lords.

In this case, it is not an exaggeration for the lord coalition to take some precautions.

Anyway, as long as there is no secret operation inside, the Eight Lords Alliance and the Judgment Territory will fight tooth and nail on this sunny plain. Everyone just needs to watch from the sidelines to see how many days Da Liang can last...

The War in Sunny Plains continues.

The Eight Lords Allied Forces were much more cautious in their attacks, consolidating every stronghold they captured, and would rather attack slowly than risk giving their opponents an opportunity to take advantage of them.

The Judgment Leader continued to adhere to the strategy it had formulated at the beginning, fighting for every inch of territory, defending every step of the way, and exerting every effort to slow down the loss of the control zone.

The next day...all the outermost defense line was lost, and the third trench was breached. At night, most of the third line of defense strongholds were lost, and the front line of the Eight Lords Alliance attacked the second trench.

On the third day...the second trench was breached, and the two sides fought back and forth in the small second defensive zone. The Judgment Territory still controls only the innermost core defense zone, which is less than one kilometer in diameter.

The battle continued into the night, and the Judgment Leader, who was working hard, finally did not let the eight lords' coalition threaten the last line of defense. Most of the second defensive zone was still under the control of the Judgment Leader.

This benefits from the smaller defense area, allowing the ruling leader to invest more defensive forces in the unit area. But now the war has only been going on for three days, and most of the Sunshine Plains defense network has fallen into the hands of the Eight Lords Alliance.

When the Eight Lords Alliance forces clear out the Judgment Leader defenders in the third defensive zone, they can move forward with more troops and war equipment.

How long can the Judgment Territory hold on with its current strength?

All the major player military organizations in the entire game world are conducting battle deductions in the Sunshine Plain at this time.

Under the premise that Daliang was unable to attack the territory of the eight lords, or was unable to cause enough damage to force the lords to withdraw their troops.

According to the results of the war chess, if Da Liang does not use air power and 100,000 players on standby in the ruling territory to enter the battle. As the defender, the ruling leader can hold on for at most three days.

If Da Liang had used air power and 100,000 mercenaries at the beginning of the battle, the Judgment might have persisted for fifteen or even twenty days. However, in these three days of fighting, the Judgment Territory lost most of its land. Even if Liang deployed all his troops now, it would not help.

Unless Da Liang really attacks the territory of the Eight Lords and succeeds, the battle in Sunshine Plain is a foregone conclusion and there is no way to turn around.

What does Da Liang want to do?

This is a common doubt among all commanders who are concerned about the Sunny Plains battle.

If Da Liang wanted to preserve his air power and fight in aerial battles with the eight lords, then there was no need for him to hide the 100,000 player mercenaries from the Judgment Territory. Every player in this mercenary army has signed a contract with Daliang, and the money must be paid even if there is no war. There is no use in keeping it in their hands.

All signs indicate that Daliang will never be reconciled to this failure and will attack the territory of the Eight Lords. As long as half of the lords are forced to withdraw their troops, the 100,000 player mercenaries in the Judgment Territory will be a new force. They are the counterattack force left by Da Liang.

Daliang wants to attack the territory of the Eight Lords. How does he mobilize his troops in and out of the ultra-long range? How to invade the territory and destroy it while taking precautions against the lords? How can we ensure the speed of the attack and reverse the situation before the lord coalition forces break through the core position?

Time was not on Daliang's side, and he had missed the best moment for the attack.

This is simply an impossible task.

Brave Heart looked at Daliang in the middle of the battlefield. The smooth battle did not make him have any happy thoughts. The calmer Daliang was at this time, the more nervous his heart became.

What on earth does he want to do?

Braveheart asked his staff to deduce the battle situation over and over again, asking them to look for all the loopholes he had laid out from the enemy's perspective.

The results were without exception, and all the offensive and defensive battles in Sunshine Plain ended with the victory of the attacking side.

The strength gap between the two sides is too big...

Is it a kind of psychological warfare that Daliang put the two armies aside? To make the Eight Lords Allied Forces have doubts and dare not let go to attack?

But you are about to be defeated? What kind of psychological warfare is this?

Brave Heart becomes more and more sure that Da Liang has a plan, a direct attack on his vitals, but he doesn't know that this sword is pointing everywhere?

Since I don’t know what Daliang wants to do, let’s fight for the time...

Brave Heart summoned the other seven lords overnight, and then said: "The battle situation is now very favorable to us. The Judgment Lord only has the last defensive area left. No matter what Da Liang's plan is, as long as we attack and step on his teleportation array, this will The war is over.

I ordered the coalition forces to attack throughout the night from the moment this order was issued. We do not have to contend with the remaining forces of the Judgment Territory on the outer defense line. They no longer pose much of a threat to us. We must concentrate our efforts to open up the road to attack their last line of defense.

Put your strongest army in the assault position. We must end the battle in the shortest possible time without giving Da Liang any chance. "

On the command channel of the Judgment Legion, there were urgent sounds everywhere. After nightfall, the coalition of eight lords suddenly launched a strong attack. They no longer slowly struggled with the defenders of the Judgment Territory on the outer defense line, and concentrated their superior forces to attack the last defensive circle from eight assault points.

Soon the front line of the Eight Lords Alliance launched an offensive against the last line of defense of the Judgment Territory.

"Legion Commander, the Eight Lords Alliance has used their strongest legions at the attack point. We need more troops to strengthen the defense of the last line of defense."

The entire defensive battle in Sunshine Plain was organized by the command system of the Judgment Corps. From the beginning of the war to the present, the defensive process was very orderly. However, this attack by the Eight Lords Allied Forces put pressure on the command system of the Judgment Legion. The loss of troops and personnel was too great. Some members of the main legion that had been on the front line had died as many as five times.

Now the Judgment Lord still has 100,000 mercenaries in the main world. If they enter the Sunshine Plains battlefield, the defense can be easier.

So much need of support.

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