Start with an Archangel

Chapter 707 Attack Instructions

When Daliang was attacking the Scottish Castle just now, other lords were paying attention to the battle there and witnessed with their own eyes the enhanced power of the "Meteor Shower".

The range is wider and the power is greater. No one wants their territory to be attacked by such an attack.

At the same time, Daliang also showed his powerful strength. The people who sneaked into the territory destroyed everything, and the people responsible for cover easily responded to the onslaught of the defenders. Magic confrontation and melee combat were all one-sided advantages. The defenders could only watch the fire clouds forming in the sky, making futile attacks like moths to the flames.

"Immediately order our rearguard troops in Sunny Plains to return to defense for support."

When he saw the meteorites and rain of fire falling, the attacked lord did not hesitate and immediately ordered the reserved defenders to return to the city for support. He did not want to suffer such a magic bombing again.

However, two "Meteor Showers" in one attack was a feast Daliang had ordered for the eight lords, and it was absolutely impossible not to eat it if they didn't want to.

The CD time was over, and the defenders still had not broken through the super strike team's defensive circle, so the second "Meteor Fire Shower" was launched.

A waterfall-like magical attack swept down, and the shrouded city was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​fire. Regardless of the effect of this attack, Da Liang immediately opened the ultra-long-distance portal and used magic to cover the team's safe withdrawal from the Judgment Territory.

"Everyone, take a break for a while, restore your physical strength, and replenish your state. We will start the third wave of attacks in ten minutes." This time, Da Liang slightly slowed down the attack frequency. No matter how strong the super strike team is, when facing the desperate charge of the defenders, they must After enduring intensive blows, I urgently need to take a break.

At the same time, Da Liang ordered the backstage personnel to keep surveillance on the rest of the territory, so that the Brotherhood personnel lurking in the past could prepare for the next attack.

On the offensive side of the Sunny Plains War, two territories of the Eight Lords Alliance were attacked by Da Liang in succession. As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the entire game world.

Although the two territories that were attacked did not release any imaging data at the time, the fact that they withdrew their troops in large numbers in the Sunshine Plain shows how powerful Daliang's attack was. The simultaneous launch of continuous attacks on two territories tens of thousands of kilometers apart also shows that Daliang has also mastered ultra-long-range strike capabilities. This is definitely not good news for those big guys who regard Daliang as a potential enemy.

"Daliang will definitely attack six other territories. Let our intelligence personnel around these six territories immediately go over to conduct on-site observations. We must know the attack method of Daliang's ultra-long-range strikes."

While ordinary players were so excited by the fierce battlefield in Sunshine Plain that they forgot to eat or sleep, the big guys and high-level players in the game world collectively focused their attention on the respective territories of the Eight Lords Alliance.

Sporadic footage has been reported from the two territories that were attacked. Although both territories have sealed off the surrounding areas, the bribed insiders still secretly took photos of some things and resold them at a good price.

It's really terrible...

Black smoke was billowing from the fire scene, and the fire was soaring into the sky. The still burning fire demon wall not only blocked the rescue team's progress, but also ignited more things. There are also those hidden magic mines that make firefighting unable to proceed normally in a short period of time.

Looking at those meteorites with a diameter of ten meters, no one wants to be hit by these things.

Just as everyone was doing their best to collect intelligence on the Eight Lords, news soon broke that another territory was attacked by Da Liang.

Da Liang's attack was as unstoppable as ever. After throwing down two more "meteor showers", he quickly evacuated.

Then the fourth territory was attacked.

fifth place

When more and more players pay attention to Daliang's attacks on the eight lords' territories, everyone also finds that Daliang's attacks on these territories are not only showing off his ultra-long-range strike capabilities, but also venting his anger.

Daliang did not carry out lasting damage to these territories. After announcing his presence and carrying out a certain degree of attack, he immediately withdrew.

It seems that Daliang has accepted the defeat in Sunshine Plain, and he is using this method to demonstrate his deterrence ability. This helped him not to be in an overly passive position in post-war negotiations. He had the ability to attack the hometowns of these lords, and Judgment had the capital to bargain with the eight lords.

This is a smart move.

Although Daliang failed in this war, he retained his main force. The loss was just a little money... no, a lot of money, but the money was not too much for Daliang.

It's a pity that Daliang's undefeated myth came to an end here, which had a great impact on his reputation.

After the eight lords were attacked in their own territories, their attitude towards the Judgment Territory would definitely be much more restrained.

Perhaps after the ruling leader symbolically agrees to some terms, they will let the ruling leader enter the world of heroic spirits. Always be wary of Da Liang's attacks on your own territory, which will also have a great impact on their development. After all, there are more than eight player territories in the World of Heroes.

At this moment, the battle in Sunshine Plain seems to have entered its final stage, with both sides using their trump cards to gain more advantages in the subsequent negotiations.

The dark night in the world of heroic spirits is about to pass, and the dawn begins to brighten this plane.

After a night of fierce fighting, the core position of the Sunshine Plains defense circle was still in the hands of the Judgment Leader, but all the outer strongholds had been lost.

Although the eight lords' coalition did not achieve their original goal, Daliang's deterrent attack on their territory also made the eight lords free their hands and feet.

They pushed all the troops in Sunny Plains to the periphery of the core position of the Judgment Territory.

The army was reorganized and war equipment was set up row by row.

With the last outer stronghold of the Judgment Territory captured, the Judgment Order defenders were left with only the last defensive area. The two armies faced off across a trench, and surprisingly did not attack each other.

The battlefield was strangely calm at this moment.

The sun began to illuminate the Sunshine Plain, and Da Liang rode the frost dragon back to his command position in front of everyone's attention. His air combat army slowly circled around the core position.

Looking at the intelligence reply, the rearguard troops of the Eight Lords have all evacuated from the Sunshine Plain. Although they all left legion assembly flags in place, in order to prevent Da Liang from attacking their territory again, these troops did not return to the battlefield.

In the opinion of the Eight Lords, their military strength in the Sunshine Plain can completely break through the last line of defense of the Judgment Territory, and removing more people is just a waste of manpower and materials.

Victory is decided.


After several NPC heroes appeared next to Daliang riding griffons, Daliang gave an order to all his troops.


Sunny Plains defenders built a road over the trench.

The mercenaries on standby in the Judgment Territory began to transition into the battlefield of Sunshine Plains.

The air combat unit conducts pre-war preparations in accordance with established objectives.

Attention all combat troops under the Judgment Leader!

We will launch an attack on all enemies in Sunshine Plain in fifteen minutes..."

As a result, something even stranger than a quiet confrontation occurred on the battlefield of Sunshine Plain. The army of the Judgment Leader was actually filling in the trenches they wanted to defend and began to pave roads with wooden planks.

Seeing the plank stretched out from the opposite side placed under their feet, the players on the front line of the Eight Lords Alliance were really confused.

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