Start with an Archangel

Chapter 71 Heading to Chongming City

The feeling of riding the Silver Pegasus is completely different from that of the Royal Griffin. The speed of the Silver Pegasus is much faster than that of the Royal Griffin. The feeling of pushing your hips when flying at high speed is like sitting in an accelerating sports car. It is very stimulation.

Moreover, the Silver Pegasus flies very smoothly in the air, which makes it easier for the knight to make various movements to accurately attack the enemy. Relatively speaking, the Royal Gryphon bumps up and down slightly when flying. It can be used as a transportation tool, but riding When it comes to fighting, there are relatively high requirements for knights.

Daliang rode the Silver Pegasus and quickly caught up with Hell Julian, who was flying slowly in front. Hell Julian casually blessed Daliang with an "Attack Acceleration" magic, which increased the Silver Pegasus' flying speed a little, and then she turned sideways. Let Da Liang take the lead in flying and fly a little behind him.

The two flew silently in the sky. The sea below was dark, with only a small scale wave reflecting the moon in the sky.

Da Liang could feel that Julian was angry, but he didn't know where he had offended her, so he randomly found a topic to break the dull atmosphere: "Actually, the name Juliet doesn't suit you..."

"Then what should I be called? Julian the devil? Julian the hell? Or Julian the liar? You don't think of Julian and I as the same person, am I just the dark side of her heart? No! Every angel is the purest Yes, they are also the purest when they become evil. She is her and I am me. The only thing we have in common is that we use the same body and the same name. Now I don’t want to share the same name with her! "

Daliang didn't expect that he would start a long speech before he finished his sentence. He waved his hand and said: "I didn't say that you should continue to use the name Julian. I just think that the name Juliet is not powerful enough. You should be called Shuangjian, for example." A succubus, a cruel dragon-slayer, or a tyrannical black butcher who kills thousands of people, and so on..."

Hell Julian put his hands on his swords and tried to control the urge to pull them out: "Shut up, I will call you Juliet, don't call me those disgusting names."

Daliang spread his hands: "You must promise me that you will listen to me when you get to Chongming City, otherwise I can come up with more good names and make sure that they are all very domineering and loud, so that people can remember them as soon as they hear them."

Hell Julian tried hard to pull out the sword, but finally let go: "Even if I promise you? Do you dare to believe me? I am a devil..."

"To be precise, your race is half angel and half demon. I believe you."

"Okay, I promise you, just this once. Please call me Juliet from now on..."

"Juliet...I think we can go faster if you push the horse's behind for me. I'm really in a hurry."

Juliet's face turned cold: "I will kill you sooner or later."

Facts have cruelly proved that the speed of the Silver Pegasus can be increased after adding the Hells Angels engine.

Light gradually appeared in the darkness in the distance, and Da Liang and Juliet were approaching the land. The biggest good news for Daliang is that the war has not started yet, but the time for Chongming City to make up its mind is not far away. The dragon's cry can spread far in the quiet night.

Getting closer to the land, Daliang tilted the reins and the Silver Pegasus flew towards Chongming Island.

At this most tense moment, Daliang did not ride the royal griffon in Shangjiang City to Chongming Island, because among the Pegasus knights scattered all over the island, you, the royal griffon, could not fly in without any flags. Beat? I guess they couldn't get to Chongming Island and were defeated by the Chongming fleet on the sea?

Therefore, even if it takes a little time, Daliang will return to Feichen Island first and transfer to the Silver Pegasus before flying back.

It was difficult to distinguish between humans and elves in the night sky, but the vest of the Silver Pegasus was very eye-catching under the bright reflection of the city and ships. Daliang bypassed the waters controlled by the Pudong Fleet and passed directly over the Chongming Fleet.

The fleet on the sea below has completed all preparations for the war. The warships are linked end to end to form a battle line several kilometers long. Countless artillery has been pushed out of the gun doors, and the gunpowder and shells have been loaded. As long as A single order can complete a salvo of ten thousand guns, spreading the war to the entire Shangjiang area.

The Pudong fleet on the opposite side also faced each other in battle lines, with the distance between guns and guns less than 500 meters.

A silver Pegasus knight flying alone was not blocked by the Chongming fleet. Their Pegasus knight's opponent was the gryphon of the Pudong fleet. As long as a large number of unknown targets do not invade, these Pegasus knights will not leave the airspace they are responsible for.

Daliang successfully passed through the defense line of the Chongming fleet. When he was about to enter Chongming Island, a small group of vigilant Pegasus knights finally stopped him.

The first thing the Pegasus knights saw was a woman hovering next to the silver Pegasus.

"Flying Thaumaturgy" is an advanced magic. Only powerful spellcasting heroes can fly in the air so easily, and powerful heroes are always respected and feared.


The knights saw clearly the knight on the Silver Pegasus. He was not an elf but a human. His features were more obvious than that of the woman, and his clothes showed that he had a very noble status. This is a human noble. What is he doing at this time?

A person who can have a powerful hero guarding him must be an even more powerful hero.

The Pegasus knights did not attack rashly. Instead, nine of them lowered themselves to prepare to escape at any time and sound the alarm. A Pegasus knight squad leader slowly flew forward. He saluted gracefully and asked: "Your Majesty Hello, my lord, where are you from, and what are you bringing to Chongming Island at this time?"

Daliang glanced at Juliet quietly and saw that she did not show any murderous intention. He took out his baron badge with confidence and replied: "I am Baron Daliang of Shangjiang City, a noble directly under the King of East China Sea. I have something very important. We need to meet the owner of Chongming City, Marquis Joshua, which is related to this war..."

Because Chongming City has not publicly announced its break with Shangjiang City, even if the two sides are ready to go to war at any time, the aristocratic system of Chongming City is still integrated with Shangjiang City at this time. The status of baron gave Daliang great convenience, otherwise a player would never be able to meet a city lord marquis easily.

The direct baron of the King of East China Sea and the information about this war made this little captain of the Pegasus Knights dare not make the decision without authorization. He summoned a subordinate and asked him to report immediately, and then said to Daliang: "Dear Baron, I will escort you into Chongming Island, but during this sensitive period, I hope you will not do anything that will cause us to misunderstand. .”

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