Start with an Archangel

Chapter 710 It is impossible to cease the war

Money is absolutely non-refundable, not a penny will be returned.

Daliang said to many big merchants in the video conference: "The reason why the contract is signed is to be observed. If I return part of the advertising fee to you this time, it will be a serious credit crisis for us, so I It is believed that business is still conducted in accordance with the terms of the contract.

But what the bosses said is true. After this battle is over, the effectiveness of your advertising in Sunshine Plain will be much reduced.

But it's not impossible to adapt.

Advertising cannot be done here, but can be done elsewhere.

I promise all the bosses that wherever the troops under my command reach, I will fight for you wherever they go.

Do it for a month..."

This is not impossible, and...

When big merchants started advertising, the Adjudication Leader was on the defensive side, and it was considered a losing side by the outside world. As a result, the Judgment Leader won a big victory and established its dominance among the player lords in the World of Heroes. Now, following the Judgment Leader's offensive army to advertise, and sweeping the mighty lion with the momentum of a great victory, this style is definitely several times higher than at the beginning. grade.

It seems to have been earned...

The big bosses were very happy and said, "Just do what Mr. Liang wants!"

The battle in the Sunny Plains finally disappeared, and the Judgment Leader finally won a comprehensive victory. The players' power structure in the world of heroes was completely overturned. Although the Judgment Leader had just entered the human race's base camp plane, it deservedly became the leader after this war. Become the overlord here.

As expected by everyone, Daliang quickly issued an attack order after the battle in Sunshine Plain.

The target Scottish castle is at the entrance to the world of heroes - Lionheart Fortress.

The current strength of the Judgment Territory is not enough to attack eight territories at the same time. As the organizer of this eight-lord coalition, attacking the Scottish Castle Territory will undoubtedly serve as a warning to the monkeys.

Daliang made harsh words before the army set out for the expedition: I will fight anyone who supports the Scottish fortress!

Then the army of the Judgment Leader immediately headed towards Lionheart Fortress after ending the battle in Sunny Plains.

The gryphons covering the sky had already left first under the leadership of the "Oath". The angels lined up neatly on the deck ensured that this battle could achieve Da Liang's goal of stepping on the Scottish Fort teleportation array with air power alone.

Of course, Daliang still sent his own mercenaries as ground troops to Lionheart Fortress.

The employment fees of these players have already been paid, so they are not used in vain.

So according to the agreement between Daliang and the advertisers, the ground troops of the Judgment Territory formed a strange scene.

When other people's armies were marching, the carriages were pulling logistical supplies and war equipment. But this army...

Logistics supplies and war equipment were also carried, and more were billboards.

Da Liang ordered the logistics department of the Adjudication Territory to re-make all the billboards that were damaged during the battle according to the styles in the contract, and then let the attacking ground troops pull them towards the Lion Heart Fortress.

Fighting with such an army is really... a complicated emotion!

Now Braveheart looks at these billboards and when the war begins, he has two completely different moods.

After Da Liang issued a warning, the other seven lords of the original eight lords coalition all cut off contact with the Scottish Castle. He lost all the foreign aid in the world of heroes, and only some local lords and guilds in the British game area were willing to help him resist the attack of the Judgment Territory.

Brave Heart, on the other hand, had no confidence in whether he could hold the Lionheart Fortress. The losses in Sunny Plains were really too serious and he lacked everything.

We can only rely on the already completed defenses to try our best to defend, and then seek opportunities for peace talks with Daliang.

Finally, Brave Heart once again conveyed the request for peace talks to Daliang through various relationships.

"I am willing to bear all the costs of this war and pay compensation, and at the same time recognize the dominant position of the Judgment in the world of heroes..."

Da Liang also gave a reply: "The status of the Judgment Leader in the world of heroes does not need to be recognized by anyone. A truce is impossible, and it is impossible to truce within a month..."

Then Da Liang closed all contact with the outside world. He had handed over the battle in the world of heroes to the command system of the Judgment Legion. This war had nothing to do with him for the time being. He had more important things to do.

The treasure of the Poseidon.

It’s very emotional just to hear it, let alone to find it in person.

Now that the Black Pearl has completed all tests, Prophet, Geese and Nicole are also ready, and the conditions for finding the treasure are ripe.

But after meeting the three masters, Daliang felt that none of them seemed to be excited about embarking on a treasure hunting journey.

"What happened?" Daliang asked.

Keith and Nicole looked at the prophet at the same time, and then the prophet said worriedly: "I have done divination for our treasure hunt before, and it showed that we will go very smoothly. But in my divination just now, it showed that it is extremely dangerous, and I can't see where the danger comes from. This feeling is the same as the last time you asked me to divine where King Howard is. It's completely impossible to detect..."

Daliang knew that the prophet's divination was actually the result of intercepting the game data stream and deducing it. His previous divination showed that the treasure hunt went smoothly, indicating that no creature that could threaten the three of them was encountered during the entire treasure hunt.

And this divination, it is obvious that they can encounter three irresistible enemies. If combined with the divination of King Howard last time...

Because Howard was caught by Angela, the level difference made it impossible for the prophet to divine Howard. In other words, they might encounter level 16 creatures when hunting for treasure.

Sure enough... In the game, treasure hunting is never a simple matter, especially this kind of treasure that sounds very awesome at first glance.

Daliang asked: "Then shall we go? Maybe we can wait until the crisis is resolved in the future?"

Giss said: "We can't wait any longer. The Poseidon's treasure is in the elemental plane. It's very easy to come out of the elemental plane, but it's very difficult to enter. Ordinary plane teleportation arrays cannot establish contact with the elemental plane. You can enter through the entrance. But the location of this entrance changes at any time. I know that one entrance will only open once every five years. If you miss it and don't know the location of other entrances, you will have to wait another five years.

The threat that the prophet felt was most likely the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, the ruler of the elemental plane. Perhaps he possessed the Poseidon's treasure, or perhaps he stopped at the location of the Poseidon's treasure. But elemental beings don’t have much greed for wealth, so they may give us what we want. "

The prophet said: "That may be the case. Once a level 16 creature appears, my divination skills will fail. Maybe the danger is just the pressure I feel. I don't know what it will be like in five years. We can't wait any longer. We must Go to the elemental plane as soon as possible."

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