Start with an Archangel

Chapter 719 Joining the gang

The sudden information caught both Xinyue and Hound by surprise. Originally, they all thought that they could have exclusive access to the Poseidon Treasure, but they did not expect that there would be so many competitors.

Is this treasure map real or fake?

What was the purpose of that mysterious explorer selling the treasure map to so many pirates?

Faced with the hound's inquiry, Xinyue said after serious thought: "No matter whether the treasure map is real or not, and no matter what the explorer's purpose was in giving the treasure map to so many people, I will definitely go to the Death Forbidden Zone. .

Presumably the leader of the hunting dogs is not willing to miss this opportunity to obtain the treasure of the Poseidon. "

The hunting dog smiled and said: "I am a devil. For me, the more people who snatch the treasure, the better. But if the treasure map is true, in order for me to get the treasure with a high probability, I need an ally."

Leader of Xinyue, please think about it...

Two pirate kings join forces, no one on the sea can be our opponent. "

Xinyue didn't think too much about it. Although joining forces with the hunting dog would eventually divide his gains, it would be one less powerful opponent and one more ally, which would be beneficial and harmless in the unknown and dangerous treasure hunting journey. Even if you have to fight with the hunting dog after finding the treasure, that is when it is finally confirmed that the treasure exists and the spoils are divided.

"Yes, the other treasure map holders don't know yet that there are so many treasure maps. They will know it only after they enter the elemental plane. When they fight with each other, we are already one step ahead.

However, I hope we can cooperate sincerely until we are sure we have found the treasure. Otherwise, if the treasure is gone, both our families will suffer losses, and we will really become a laughing stock. "

The hunting dog smiled and said: "I know what you are worried about. Although we demons do not pay attention to credit, we pay attention to profits. Before I find the treasure, I will never attack you from behind.

Now let’s drink to our cooperation. "

But Xinyue said: "There is another person on this table. He knows the secret of the treasure map. How should we deal with him?"

Only then did the hunting dog remember that there was another person. He looked at Da Liang, and then said with a ferocious face: "You heard something you shouldn't have heard. It seems that I can only kill you..."

Facing the hunting dogs who wanted to take action, Daliang smiled and said: "I don't want to listen to you talking like there is no one around. Besides... you really don't have the ability to kill me..."

Just as Daliang finished speaking, a portal suddenly opened in the tavern, and a team of vampire guards rushed in from the portal.

Neither Hound nor Xinyue expected that a portal would open next to them, and no magical energy was detected by them in the whole process.

Those who can achieve this level of magic release must be heroes who can rival them.

With legendary aerial battleships, elite archangels, all-hero guards, and a space magic master, this White Fang pirate who suddenly appeared on the sea is really wealthy.

Neither Hound nor Crescent has the ability to resolve a battle in a short time. If the private fight is discovered by Brady City, it will cause them a lot of trouble.

Xinyue said at this time: "The black-haired captain came to Brady well prepared. Do you also have a treasure map in your hand?"

The hunting dog that was about to take action looked at Daliang and his bodyguards, put away his murderous intention and said: "He used the Black Pearl as bait to get me to tell the secret of the Poseidon Treasure. It must be because he also has a treasure map in his hand. Want to verify.

Xinyue, it seems that I have to keep the secret, and the team has to add one more person. "

After Hound saw the strength displayed by Daliang, he wanted to recruit him into his group. Anyway, after finding the treasure, the team will fall out. When he and Xinyue compete with each other, they will definitely make a tacit understanding to kill the weakest one first to prevent the fishermen from taking advantage.

Of course Da Liang can see the hunting dog's tricks. Although his treasure hunting team is strong, it is weaker than the hunting dog and Xinyue in terms of overall strength. Regardless of whether they are friends or foes, Hound Dog and Xinyue must have a tacit understanding of each other after spending so many years on the ocean. Once a fight comes, they must first join forces to kill the third party.

However, if they don't agree to join the gang, who knows what the two pirate kings will do to keep the secret. After all, their identities are displayed here. Just when Xinyue attacked him, the patrol team turned a blind eye and passed by.

In front of huge interests, Brady's rules may not be able to restrain them.

Daliang didn't want to fight with the two pirate kings before entering the elemental plane.

So Daliang was very happy about the hunting dog's invitation. He said: "Yes, I did come here because I got a treasure map of the Neptune Treasure. But I didn't expect that I was not the only lucky guy. . It will definitely be much safer if I can pass with the two team leaders during the treasure hunt. I am willing to join your team.

But what I really wonder is, why did the mysterious explorer sell the treasure map to so many pirates?

To be able to deceive the eyes of the two captains, the other party must be a very strong hero. If he knows the route into the death zone, then taking the treasure should be a very simple matter for him. Let's go find the treasure, what is his real purpose? "

The hunting dog said: "He must not know the exact location of the treasure, but only found a general range. We have a large number of people, and there is definitely a higher chance of finding it when we cast a net to search. Then he attacked the team that found the treasure and took the treasure away. Have it for yourself.”

Daliang got another piece of information from the hunting dogs. The treasure map in their hands did not have an exact location where the treasure was buried, but only a general range. However, Keith's treasure map clearly pointed out where the Poseidon Treasure was. Matthew was blocked from the last section of the road, and the Black Pearl was prepared for this section of the road.

After the hunting dog finished speaking, Daliang said: "In other words, no matter who finds the treasure, that explorer has the ability to kill them, even if someone among the treasure hunters joins forces..."

Daliang's words sounded an alarm in the hearts of Hound Dog and Xinyue at the same time.

The explorer who made the treasure map must have wanted to finally obtain the treasure. He gave the treasure map to so many people. He must have been confident that no matter who found the treasure, he would be able to kill the person who found the treasure and take the treasure away. Walk.

The explorer must have considered the treasure hunter's alliance, but he still released the treasure map, indicating that even if the treasure hunter joined forces, there would be no threat to him.

What kind of strength is this?

Thinking about it carefully, both Hound Dog and Xinyue couldn't help but tremble at the strength of this explorer.

If you can have such confidence, even if you are not a level 16 hero, you are not far away from level 16.

Looking at the appearance of the hunting dog and Xinyue, Daliang knew that he had successfully scared them. If they insist on finding the Poseidon Treasure, they will never take action against their allies until the explorer appears.

And when the explorer appeared, Daliang felt that he would be safe, because he had already guessed who was the person who led so many pirates to the death forbidden area of ​​the elemental plane...

It's Beelzebub!

……………………The following does not include word count…………

Introducing a book "Bald Monk in the City"

A forum topic - "If you could have the ability of a DND career, what would you choose?"

Yi Qiu replied: "Of course he is a monk! He is in great shape and can run fast. He is immune to poisons and diseases, and he can defeat gangsters with his bare hands. This is incredible when weapons are controlled like a flower grower and the food comes with a table of chemical elements. It can’t be too awesome, and the bald head, as a sign of a boss, comes with a buff of +3 intimidation..."

So Yi Qiu really became a warrior monk...

This is the story of an ordinary young man on earth who acquires the power of a monk, clears dungeons when he has nothing to do, and occasionally punishes evil and promotes good.

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