Start with an Archangel

Chapter 721 The Grand Chess Game

Both Hound Dog and Crescent Moon strongly agree with Da Liang's countermeasures.

This is the best way to deal with it at present. You can easily find out how many pieces there are on a plate of bread. What if it is a plate of rice?

Now that you know that someone is preparing to snatch the treasure in the end, you can muddy the water, and then find a way to move the treasure as quickly as possible after finding it, and finally pretend that you haven't found it to confuse the public.

The hunting dog laughed loudly: "I really came at the right time this time, otherwise even if I find the treasure, I won't be able to keep it. This is settled. I will find someone to publish the treasure map and let pirates from all over the ocean come. Brady.”

Xinyue was also very happy, but he still asked: "Should we control the number of people who know the treasure map? Otherwise, if there are too many people, our chance of finding the treasure will become very small."

Daliang knows the exact location of the Poseidon Treasure. For him, the more people who know, the better. The more people he has, the less likely he will be watched by Satan and Beelzebub. Maybe with luck, I can get the Poseidon Treasure and the Doomsday Blade.

"I think the number of people should not be controlled, and the whole process should not let others know that we are the ones spreading the treasure map. Otherwise, it will be even more troublesome to attract the explorer's attention."

Thinking of the terrifying explorer, both Hound Dog and Xinyue realized that if he knew that his entire plan was discovered, he would definitely kill all those who knew about it first.

The hunting dog calmed down quickly: "Yes, we can't let anyone know that we leaked the treasure map. Then... we have no way to control the number of people who finally enter the death zone.

As many people as there are, a small chance is better than no chance.

There is still some time before the elemental plane opens, so we need to spread the news as soon as possible to let as many pirates come to Brady as possible. "

Xinyue nodded: "This is the only way... In addition, I need to remind you that the explorer is a very clever master of disguise. Anyone around us may be disguised by him and his subordinates..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Xinyue used the exorcism technique to sweep through the entire tavern.

Then a Moon Dance pirate turned into a demon baby.

The demon infant was about to flee after his disguise was revealed, but as soon as the hunting dog raised his hand, a ball of flame burned him to ashes.

Then the hunting dog said: "It seems that we are all under surveillance. There should be spies among my people who have sneaked in."

After Daliang waited for the flames to extinguish, he said: "The death of an agent can be an accident, and the other party will add another one. If multiple agents die, it is likely to be suspected by the other party. I suggest not to directly use magic to find the agents lurking in our team for the time being, but to find them quietly. But don’t alert them, so we can use them to pass on false information.”

For the two pirate kings, the originally simple treasure hunt has become so complicated at this moment. There is a tempting treasure in front of you, you are surrounded by teammates with different agendas, and there is an unfathomable strong man behind you who is watching your every move.

One wrong step and you won't be able to leave the elemental plane alive.

Thinking about the journey he was about to enter, the hunting dog smiled: "I find that this matter is really getting more and more interesting. It is much more interesting than robbing at sea."

Xinyue also chuckled and said: "Those who can have the last laugh will probably never be able to forget this experience."

Daliang looked at the smiling and beautiful Xinyue, and couldn't help but asked: "Captain Xinyue, are you a boy or a girl?"


The smile on Xin Yue's face disappeared immediately, and the wine glass in his hand was broken by him. He wanted to rebel, but thinking back to the black-haired captain's performance and his strength, he still needed to rely on this ally on this dangerous treasure hunt. Xinyue said sternly: "Black-haired captain, don't ask me this question in the future. I might really be tempted to kill you next time..."

Feeling the anger of the new moon again, Daliang knew that this question could really anger the elf. He quickly put away his curiosity and said instead: "Let's stop here today. First, we will lure more pirates to the death penalty area, and then Goodbye playing by chance.

I have one more thing to take care of, does anyone know where Brady's Ship Designers Guild is? "

Da Liang said goodbye to Hound and Crescent Moon and left the tavern, then found the Ship Designers Association in Brady City.

This is an organization that specializes in designing warships for pirates, and Giese was once a senior designer in this association. However, as a group that serves pirates, Brady's ship designers are unable to participate in professional ship designer seminars. As a result, Brady City's ship design capabilities are very poor, and it is unable to design battleships, air and space battleships, and higher level battleship capabilities.

The senior ship designer is the mainstay here.

As for Daliang, if he wants to be promoted to senior designer, the Brady Ship Designers Association still has the ability.

At the same time, because the overall level of the Brady Ship Designers Association was low, when Daliang appeared in the association and proposed that he wanted to complete the promotion test for senior ship designers, it really caused quite a stir.

The three senior ship designers are members of the Brady Ship Designers Association. After they learned that someone applied for promotion to senior ship designer, they immediately formed a jury to prepare to personally review the applicants.

One president and two vice-presidents of the Brady Ship Designers Association.

Looking at the three judges sitting opposite him, Daliang was really flattered. At the same time, he also understood why Keith did not dare to reveal his identity in Brady.

Master ship designer.

Why didn't Brady tie up Guice and raise him as an ancestor?

In the judging room, the three presidents and vice presidents looked at Daliang together. To be honest, they didn't expect that the person who applied for the senior ship designer promotion evaluation would be such a young human being.

If advancement through advanced skill books is seen as financial resources, then advancement through review relies on talent and experience.

I can’t tell the talent yet, but the experience…

Age definitely means less experience.

Although the three presidents are a little disappointed, since the other party has been promoted to senior ship designer, it means that he has completed his intermediate skills and is at least an excellent intermediate ship designer. This is considered an excellent designer in Brady.

Pirates pursue wealth and an exciting life. There are so few people who can conduct research with peace of mind. As a result, there are very few ship designers who serve pirates.

A young ship designer, having completed intermediate skills means he has good talent.

When you think about it, that's a good thing. Even if he fails to advance this time, he has accumulated experience. After several years of hard work and promotion, he will definitely succeed in becoming a senior ship designer.

Then Brady has four senior ship designers.

The three presidents were very happy and had the idea of ​​recruiting disciples at the same time.

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