Start with an Archangel

Chapter 743 Teleporting Storm Strait

Shi Fei ordered his army to surround the Fortress of the Undead, station it in place, build camps, and at the same time purchase war equipment from Palm Tree City.

When Jin Zha No. 1 arrives, it can carry out a violent bombing on the enemy, and then take advantage of the chaos to complete its strategic purpose.

In this war, Shi Fei's strategy was to carry out a saturation attack on the Undead Fortress regardless of the cost, and complete the attack and retreat in the shortest time. He did not have the capital to fight against the cyan coalition, so he had to try his best to create an offensive advantage and create opportunities for the dominant army.

As the defender, Monica actively adjusted the defense of the forward fortress, recovered the mid-level and high-level troops, and prepared to use low-level soldiers and war equipment to fight a bombing war with the invading enemy.

Both sides of the war are actively preparing for a war, but Da Liang, who is unable to conduct on-site command, can only be a bystander this time.

There should be no problem if Forward Fortress is just for defense.

Monica has sufficient supplies and troops, and has a complete defense system to occupy the advantageous terrain. She should be able to hold on for a while during Shi Fei's strong attack.

Daliang must use this period of time to complete the treasure hunt as soon as possible and return to the forward fortress to participate in the confrontation with Shi Fei.

After considering the entire war situation again, all the troops that the Black Fire Leader could mobilize gathered towards the Forgotten Hills. Everything he could do was done, and Daliang no longer worried about gains and losses and was distracted by the defense of the forward fortress, but instead focused his energy back on this treasure hunt.

At this time, the second pirate fleet had been eliminated by the Black Pearl.

Da Liang stood on the bridge of the Black Pearl again, Sophia stood on his left, and Julian in the sky emitted a holy light that illuminated the entire sea. The hero's level increased, and the range of activities increased. Xinyue lay on the edge of the ship and looked at the battlefield below where the battle ended.

The sinking warship raised its bow, and the burning black flag flew back into the water.

The sound of cannons could be heard faintly from farther out to sea. This was destined to be a night of killing.

Xinyue said at this time: "According to the time, the newly departed pirates should be here. But there is no ship coming. They must have been frightened by us and deviated from the route. Sir, your plan worked."

Daliang found that Xinyue's voice had changed a lot. The original rough voice had become thinner, and it had a bit of the unique charm of the elf's voice. Xinyue's voice during her lifetime was due to physical trauma. Now that she has become a soul body, it is natural for her voice to recover.

As for his plan, Daliang is not as optimistic as Xinyue: "Beelzebub is determined to win the Doomsday Blade, and he will not let any omissions occur in his plan. Even if he does not fight the remaining pirates, Beelzebub will personally Take action and destroy what needs to be destroyed.”

Xinyue said: "What you said makes sense. However... there are so many pirates. No matter how strong Beelzebub is, if he wants to destroy them, it will be a big drain on himself. If we have to face Beelzebub, , it will be relatively easy.”

"Perhaps, if we use all means to strengthen ourselves and weaken the enemy, the final victory rate will be higher.

I've had people put magic beacons on some pirate ships, and I'll know if they destroy them.

It would be best if Beelzebub did not eliminate the scattered pirates behind him. If Beelzebub could eliminate the pirates who changed their routes in one night, it would mean that he had a way to locate all pirate ships. In addition, he also wants to put spies on our ship before we enter the forbidden area of ​​death to fully understand our treasure hunt route.

As long as we make good use of these, we will have a chance to get rid of him or capture him. "

Xinyue turned around and looked at Da Liang, stared at him for a moment and then said: "I found that if I follow you, I might be able to catch Beelzebub... What should we do now?"

Daliang smiled and said: "Of course I will continue to kill pirates. The Black Pearl turned and headed towards the next battlefield..."

The crew of the Black Pearl spent the entire night surrounded by gunfire and attacks. They attack all the pirates they can defeat, and in the storm of attacks, they leave a piece of debris flying towards the next target. Until the night passed, a water element gathering place appeared on the sea in the distance.

Water elements are pure elemental lifeforms. Their bodies are similar to mermaids and are translucent cyan. The water element gathering place is also the birthplace of the water element. The magic element of water attribute here is extremely active, and new water elements are formed every day.

Looking down from the air on the sea surface illuminated by the morning sun, there are groups of cyan water elements floating on the blue sea surface. They lazily absorb water-based magic elements, hoping that they can evolve into ice elements (promoted forms of water elements) or heroes.

As an elemental intelligent life form with a peaceful temperament, the water element showed no hostility to the Black Pearl that entered their gathering place.

The Black Pearl maintained its cruising speed and headed towards the center of the gathering place.

The center of the water element gathering place is an iceberg with a diameter of one kilometer. The icebergs are all filled with ice elements, and heroes with water elements and ice elements also live around the icebergs.

Ice element (element level 6)

Attack: 8

Defense: 10

Kills: 30-70

HP: 300

Biological special skills: ice arrow, long-range attack.

When the Black Pearl arrived near the iceberg, a water elemental hero suddenly appeared outside the Black Pearl's magic barrier, and then fell to the deck.

The water element twisted its big tail and slid forward quickly in the water trails, and soon reached the front of the bridge. He asked Daliang: "Guests from the outer plane, please tell me your purpose of coming?"

Da Liang replied: "I am Black Pearl, the captain of the Black Pearl. I want to go to the death restricted area in the Storm Strait and ask the water element here to open a fast passage for my ship to get there."

The water element replied: "You are the third group of people who want to go to the Death Forbidden Zone today. I don't know what attracts you there, but it is the most dangerous place in the entire elemental plane. If you go there, you are likely to die." I won’t come back. Are you still sure you want to go there?”

"Yes, I'm definitely going there."

Hearing Da Liang's affirmative answer, the water element said: "Since you insist on going to the Death Forbidden Zone, we will open a vortex passage to there for you. But the magic element there is very chaotic, and we cannot open a passage to the inside of the Death Forbidden Zone. It can't send you to a designated location, it can only randomly send your ship to the sea area around the death zone.

If you don't mind this, please pay us 1,000 gold coins as the channel opening fee. "

Daliang took out the gold coin and asked Sophia to hand it to the water element, and then said: "You can open the channel."

The transmission fee was paid, and the water elemental left the Black Pearl.

The sea surface below began to rotate, a large ocean whirlpool quickly formed, and a channel appeared in the middle of the whirlpool.

Da Liang ordered the Black Pearl to fall towards the bottom of the passage...

The scene changed, and the originally peaceful sea surface was replaced by strong winds and huge waves. Thunder rolled, dark clouds gathered, thunder ripped through the sky, and heavy rain washed down.

This is the Strait of Storms.

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