Start with an Archangel

Chapter 745 Entering the Death Forbidden Zone

In the captain's room of the Black Pearl, in response to the current treasure hunting situations, the entire treasure hunting team has formulated a complete set of response plans for various situations.

The meeting ended, the control of the Black Pearl ended, and all personnel returned to their positions.

The airship, which was traveling steadily in the storm, began to accelerate and rushed towards the death restricted sea area in the distance.

Matthew, the maker of the treasure map in Geese's hands, is a very good explorer and a very powerful hero. After Matthew judged that the Poseidon Treasure was within the Death Forbidden Zone, he once led his fleet into the Death Forbidden Zone in search of the treasure.

The losses along the way were very heavy, but it also allowed Matthew to explore a safer route to reach the final location of the Poseidon Treasure - Despair Island.

In the end, Matthew was blocked from the Island of Despair. Surrounded by the uninterrupted forbidden spell, it was impossible to reach the safe area of ​​​​the island with the strength of the individual hero alone. So Matthew thought of building an aerial battleship that could sneak and fly at high speeds. Unfortunately, he never built such a battleship until his death.

Matthew's regret was left in the hands of Keith, and the Black Pearl was built in the hands of the three masters.

In Matthew's treasure map, the entire area of ​​the Death Zone is similar to a circle, with densely populated islands in the middle, and most areas are marked with skull signs to indicate that they are inaccessible. The route to the Island of Despair is winding and winding, often sailing in the opposite direction to the Island of Despair.

But this so-called safe route is not absolutely safe, just because the probability of generating forbidden spell-level magic is smaller here, but other attack magic and status magic can still break out at any time on the route.

Whether you can travel this route alive depends on luck in addition to strength.

In addition to Matthew's treasure map, Daliang also has a treasure map in his hand.

This treasure map was made by Beelzebub to lure pirates to find the Poseidon Treasure.

The Death Forbidden Zone is not a very dangerous place for a hero of Beelzebub's level. He can easily enter and exit most areas here and personally assess the danger level of each place. Therefore, Beelzebub's treasure map is more detailed than Matthew's treasure map, and there are more relatively safe waterways.

After all, Matthew was leading the fleet all the way there, so the choice of route was definitely not optimal.

Therefore, if you combine the two treasure maps, you can find a faster and safer route to Despair Island.

As for the authenticity of the contents of Beelzebu's treasure map, Daliang did not doubt it too much. Beelzebub's purpose is to use pirates to find the Doomsday Blade, to deceive the treasure map, and to trick the pirates is to trick himself.

So Daliang worked out the best route to Despair Island based on his current location and two treasure maps.

The Black Pearl sailed directly towards the death zone, and in front of her, the undead continued to pour downwards.

The islands covered by the magic of summoning the undead have long been submerged by the undead. The undead in the sea are layered on top of each other, piling up out of the water like a sea and rising rapidly, and they are actually connecting several islands into one.

The Black Pearl did not choose to take a detour when faced with such undead summoning magic. She was an aerial battleship. No matter how many undead were on the sea or islands, they would not pose a threat to her. She only had to deal with those undead that could fly. Compared with those more unpredictable attack magic and mental state magic, these flying undead are actually easier to deal with.

As the Black Pearl entered the death zone, the nearby undead flying monsters flying in the air immediately rushed towards the Black Pearl.

The prophet, who mastered master-level earth magic, personally released a force field shield around the Black Pearl through a magic amplification device. Six powerful shields protected the aerial battleship inside. The undead flying monsters rushing madly collided with the shield, but could not shake the shield at all.

The force field shield can resist both physical attacks and magical attacks, but it is a flat surface and cannot provide all-round defense without blind spots like the magic barrier. There were gaps between the multiple force field shields, and some undead flying monsters rushed in through these gaps.

Julian and Sophia immediately led the vampire sword guards to fly to the outside of the battleship to attack. There are master magicians providing spell support, and the all-hero escort team efficiently kills the undead monsters. The speed of clearing them is just enough to offset the invasion speed of the monsters.

Daliang looked at his experience bar, which had been difficult to increase for a long time, and actually started to have the intention of rising a little. He felt that choosing to enter the death zone from here was really an unintentional move.

After reaching level 40, most players will choose to leave the level alone because upgrading is too slow and will become even slower in the future. Therefore, once players reach this stage, it will be difficult to achieve level crushing. This is a protective measure for new players who enter the game. Otherwise, the hundreds of level differences will only scare new players away from playing.

Level restrictions flatten the difference in player strength. There is an upper limit for the strong, and there is hope for the weak. No matter how strong you are, it is difficult to kill hundreds or thousands at once.

Such measures allow new blood to be continuously injected into the game. The more people play, the longer the life of the game will be.

And after the level reaches the bottleneck, players are not without things to do. No longer a team of upgraders, when players begin to truly experience the game world, integrate into the life of the game, make friends with various NPCs and other players, and then they will find that this game has become an indispensable part of their lives.

Daliang looked at his level and found that he had reached level 41 at some point. When most players are still in their thirties, this is definitely the top level.

As a forbidden spell level undead summoning spell, the undead monsters summoned are very powerful. One-on-one, even the heroic vampire sword guards would have a hard time defeating them. But this time there were three masters on the Black Pearl, as well as advanced magic amplification devices. Using only status magic, the undead monsters that had been weakened layer by layer quickly turned into experience.

As a lord, when we are on the same battlefield, we naturally have to share some of our experiences. The experience value is high and the acquisition speed is fast. Da Liang's experience bar actually started to move.

The pleasure of leveling made Daliang very happy. Anyway, there was a field shield outside for protection and a master for support inside. This situation of spawning monsters was rare.

So Da Liang asked the prophet to enlarge the opening of the force field shield a little more, allowing more undead monsters to rush in. And he flew into the air on the royal griffin, scattering all kinds of magic randomly, and at the same time, a green arrow light shot out from his priest's robe.

Xinyue controlled the floating shuttle arrow and rushed directly out of the protection of the force field shield. What was outside was a crowded group of undead monsters blocked by the force field shield. Crescent Moon is really at home here. Within the range provided by the bright magic energy, she flies around the Black Pearl, causing undead monsters to fall wherever she passes.

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