Start with an Archangel

Chapter 762 War Compensation

The appearance of Satan made Shi Fei feel that the situation in the entire game world was more urgent, and the civil war in the Kingdom of Death was a proving ground for all forces to test their combat effectiveness. After all, large-scale peace has existed for thousands of years, and the new heroes on all sides still don't know how to fight a plane war.

Even heroes who have experienced the last plane war need time to find their feelings.

The last full-scale war was really too far away.

As the civil war in the Kingdom of Death broke out and gradually heated up, Sigh City's attitude of not intervening in the war became very confusing. This situation did not happen in Shi Fei's previous life. At that time, although the Sad Lord was the weakest, he was also involved in the civil war by the cyan coalition.

But in this life, there is something strange about the peaceful City of Sighs.

Perhaps the City of Sighs will become a key point in this civil war in the Kingdom of Death...

Shi Fei, who was eager to gain a new understanding of plane warfare, immediately set off for the Kingdom of Death after arranging for Long Xing to lead the army to re-recruit and dominate the army to rest.

At this time, Daliang was suspended above the forward fortress with his body dominated by flames. The sky has returned to its original appearance, only the smoke and dust raised by the fire turned the originally clear sky to gray. And under Daliang's feet, there was a piece of scorched earth.

Within the battlefield, the troops of the Black Fire Territory were gathering at the advancing fortress.

In the distance, the fire is still spreading, but the forest fire burning towards Palm City has been extinguished by the elves. The fire stopped in front of Palm City, the elven city on the edge of the Scorched Earth Circle.

Satan had already taken back the Doomsday Blade and left, and Daliang watched the Palm Tree City in the distance suddenly start up. The explosive flames erupted outward from the gaps in the armor, accelerating him continuously. The absolute speed soon exceeded the speed at which he could unfold the wings of the fallen angel.

Da Liang flew rapidly towards Palm Tree City, and Monica, who was in the forward fortress, immediately rode a silver pegasus and rushed out of the castle.

The whole army marches towards Palm Tree City!

The originally gathered Blackfire Leader army immediately turned around and headed towards Palm Tree City.

The giant frost dragon roared and flew in front of the bright light to catch up; the Sky Battleship Assault followed with the Vampire Sword Guard and Ghost. On the ground, the cavalry troops formed a line and galloped on the scorched earth where the flames were extinguished, raising black dust billowing into the sky.

Plague Crawler,

There are also skeletons crawling out of corpses under the influence of spiritualism.

The troops marched toward Palm Tree City together.

Even though the distance between the marching armies was gradually widening due to their different speeds, none of the Blackfire-led armies rushing towards Palm Tree City stopped to prepare, because their lords and commanders flew over The front.

Smoke and dust obscured Palm Tree City's view of the advancing fortress. The defenders did not know the size of the attacking army, but just now they saw with their own eyes a forbidden curse being released before their eyes. That is a super-level 5 magic that is not in the magic level - Doomsday Judgment. Its name used to be an introduction in magic books, but today it was released.

How powerful should a hero be who can unleash the Doomsday Judgment?

Palm Tree City did not have any confidence to resist such a powerful hero. That hero could have completely enveloped Palm Tree City in the Doomsday Judgment, but he did not.

The flying fire element life forms are getting closer and clearer, but the elves who have begun to prepare for war don't know how to defend.

The giant dragon and Pegasus knights took off in a hurry, but when faced with a single enemy rushing towards them, none of them crossed the city wall.

Da Liang flew to the front of Palm Tree City, and the Black Fire Army behind him was still far away from him. He stood about 200 meters outside the City of Palm Trees. Below him was the outer edge of the scorched earth, and between the city walls of Palm Tree City was a forest that had been rescued from the fire by the elves.

Open the properties panel, highlight the title behind Flame Commander, and enter a name.

"I am the leader of the flames - Destroy the World.

I have no intention of becoming an enemy of Palm Tree City. For your invasion of Forgotten Hills, I only gave you a small punishment and took back control of the plane teleportation array. I strictly order my army not to conflict with you or to expand the scope of my control.

I thought you could understand my kindness and maintain a tacit peace here, but you did not understand my tolerance and regarded it as cowardice.

This was a war that should never have happened, and Palm Tree City will bear all the consequences and losses it caused.

Palm City must declare a cessation of all hostilities against the forward fortresses.

The land within the Scorched Earth belongs to me, and no living thing, including plants, can enter without my permission.

All materials and expenses for rebuilding the forward fortress will be provided by Palm Tree City.

All losses to the forward fortress during the war will be compensated by the City of Palm Trees. If you don't have enough gold coins, I will accept all equivalent payments for food, wine, and troops.

Provide 20,000 elves to compensate for the cost of releasing the forbidden spell.

Finally, in order that no unpleasant things will happen in the future, the ancient wisdom trees in Palm Tree City are left to me to take charge of.

There is no room for change or negotiation in the above terms. Rejecting any of them will leave Palm Tree City with only destruction.

Please be sure to reply before my army arrives, otherwise I will go into the city to get it myself. "

Da Liang stopped in the air, and the entire Palm Tree City could see his body composed of fire elements. The pressure of high-level creatures and the threat of forbidden spells greatly reduced the morale of the defenders.

An emergency meeting was held in Palm Tree City, where the city lord, councilors and elders of all races gathered together.

"I think we must ask for help from Bauhinia City as soon as possible..."

When someone asked for help, they were immediately retorted: "Ask for help? Let there be a competition of forbidden magic in the sky above Palm Tree City? At that time, what else will we have left here?"

An elf magician echoed: "Yes, if this war continues, our city will only disappear. Have you noticed that the other side's army survived the Doomsday Judgment, and under the Doomsday Judgment, except for high-level heroes, ordinary The army could not survive.

I just checked the magic book and found an artifact that can release the Doomsday Judgment and protect one's own army during the Judgment. "

The magician's words made everyone even more worried. The enemy had a divine weapon in their hands. If the battle broke out in Palm Tree City, they would really not be spared. And what the magician said next made them feel even more frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

"This artifact is called the Doomsday Blade, and the Doomsday Blade is Satan's weapon..."

The city lord of Palm Tree City is a centaur. The horse is covered in white fur, and the man's upper body is wearing gorgeous armor. He holds a sword in both hands and wears a flower crown on his head that faces the city lord.

There was silence in the entire meeting hall, and everyone looked at the city lord, waiting for his decision.

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