Start with an Archangel

Chapter 764 Suggestions for Transforming the Bone Burial Ground

Monica continued to garrison the Forward Fortress, and reinforcements from all parties also returned to their stations after the war.

Troops of armies followed the plane portal back to the Forgotten Hills, and then dispersed in all directions.

Daliang changed back to the main hero state of the human priest and entered the Black Pearl.

At this time, the Black Pearl is flying towards the Bone Burial Ground. She will return to the main world through the teleportation array of the Bone Burial Ground, and then return to Shangjiang.

Astro led the frost dragons and flew around the Black Pearl.

Daliang was sitting in his captain's cabin, and the treasure hunting team gathered together.

Looking at the three masters, Prophet, Gis, and Nicole, Daliang recalled the entire treasure hunting process.

According to the normal treasure hunting process, it is impossible for players to take away all the Poseidon Treasures. The appearance of Satan is a must-trigger event. Then Satan begins to attack the treasure hunting team. How much you can gain from this treasure hunt depends on how much the players can remove from the ground before being killed.

In other words, the Prophet, Geese, and Nicole must die, and the Black Pearl will be left behind on the Island of Despair, becoming a reward for later players’ adventures.

Now, because Daliang has come up with props that can scare Satan, and at the same time through negotiations. Not only did he get what he wanted, but he also allowed Prophet, Geese, and Nicole to survive.

The relationship between Daliang and the three masters has become closer.

Giss took out the water spirit ball, felt the pure and surging water element inside, and then said: "After returning to Shangjiang, I decided to take a rest for a while as Satan said. Count Daliang, I can no longer guide your ship during this period. Design learning. However, you have already mastered the basics of ship design, and the rest is your own breakthrough. I think too much guidance will affect your thinking.

I have left all the ship design materials I have in Flea Street with you, and I very much look forward to having you design your own battleship when I wake up.

At the same time, I suggest that the Black Pearl be given to Earl Daliang to take care of. What do the Prophet and Nicole think of this suggestion? "

The prophet also took out the Fountain of Life: "I have no objection. The Fountain of Life can resurrect my lover. We will enjoy the happy time after reunion in the Garden of Truth. Black Pearl will not like the life underground. I think Earl Daliang Can take good care of him.”

Nicole put the spiritual stone on the table: "I have no objection. Earl Daliang has endless money and endless resources. I can complete the elementalization of my body as soon as possible, and I also have enough materials to complete all the various tasks in my mind." Alchemy experiment. You all know that alchemy research is really expensive..."

Keith reminded from the side: "Nicole, we are talking about Black Pearl now."

Daliang quickly said: "Leave the black pearl to me. The three masters can rest assured that I will take care of her like my own sister. If Master Nicole is also willing to stay in my territory, I can build an alchemy with you in charge." laboratory and cover all costs incurred by you for your research.

In addition, the Bone Burial Ground we are heading to now contains a destroyed soul summoning circle.

I have told Master Nicole about this matter. The three masters can help me figure out how to repair this undead summoning circle. "

The Black Pearl entered the military order of the Black Fire Territory.

After flying, the group arrived at the Bone Burial Ground.

The Boneyard Fortress protects the exit from the Black Fire Territory to the Kingdom of Death. It is an important transportation channel and chokepoint for troops and supplies.

Among all the lands that Daliang expanded and occupied, the Bone Burial Ground was the most important one. Therefore, this is also a key defense project built by Daliang. Astro, the leader of the frost dragon, is directly responsible for guarding it. The frost dragon's nest is also located in the sulfur mine of the Boneyard.

This time during the battle with Shi Fei, the 14 golden and green dragons brought by Shi Fei all died under the attack of Doomsday Judgment. Their bodies have been found and are on their way to the burial ground.

At the same time, during the offensive and defensive battle of Sunshine Plain, some of the angels and archangels in the hands of the Eight Lords were also killed by Daliang. These main materials used to make restoration potions have also been sent to Shangjiang City, and the transformation process of the frost dragon can only be started when the prophet returns.

The frost dragon army in Da Liang's hands will be greatly expanded.

The Black Pearl passed through the teleportation array and went to the Blackfire Territory Shipyard for maintenance and supplies. The three masters, Prophet, Geese, and Nicole, and Da Liang carefully visited the entire burial ground, and at the same time, they also used the entire undead summoning magic. I looked at the formation again.

Nicole, who specializes in direct hooking, said: "The nodes of the magic circle have been slightly damaged, and it is not difficult to repair. Only the nodes covered by the teleportation array are more troublesome to take out and repair, but it is not impossible. As I have done before As you said, create another magic circuit, and then use space magic to deceive the entire magic circle, so that the undead teleportation magic circle can operate. The prophet's earth space magic is perfect for use here.

In addition, the magic power of the entire magic circle actually comes from a rare resource super-rich mine!

The energy here is really abundant. If my alchemy laboratory can be built here, then all the energy that can supply a city will be used by me alone. It is a wonderful thing to think about..."

Nicole is once again caught up in planning for her future alchemy laboratory.

The prophet said to Da Liang: "The person who built this undead summoning circle must be a great alchemist master. However, there is a lack of space spell support here, which makes all the important circle nodes exposed on the surface, making this circle easily destroyed. .

If you have enough financial resources and manpower, I can help you set up an earth space magic array above this undead summoning magic array. You can bury the entire Bone Burial Ground, and the summoned undead will appear outside the soil layer in the future. Then if necessary, you can enter the sulfur mine by teleporting again.

Such a transformation would make it more difficult for outsiders to destroy the magic circle inside. "

Giese also expressed his opinion: "I can help you design a maze below the soil layer. As for the materials of the soil layer...

It is possible to dig deep into the ground.

Your territory is the undead, and the undead should stay underground.

I will design a large underground tomb for you, and some of your important facilities can be moved to the tomb.

A city of graves! "

The more Da Liang listened, the darker his face became...

Please come and help me build the magic circle for summoning the undead. Why is this building getting more and more sideways?

Grave City…

It doesn’t cost you money, does it?

Install a space teleportation magic circle!

The area of ​​the burial ground is five kilometers, and it must be covered entirely with soil!

Build a maze!

Repair and open up underground space!

Do you know how much it will cost if you just pout?

Is it easy for me to make some money?

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