Start with an Archangel

Chapter 775 The chaotic foggy area

Tokugawa Nobunaga was assassinated, and the battle shook the entire foggy area. Da Liang in the tavern still didn't know what happened in this city.

He had just helped Feng Moying drive away the second-youngest boy in the group, using his identity as the leader of the flames. Daliang didn't have any special purpose for Feng Moying, he just wanted to help her out of the siege. The Flame Commander could help him escape better.

Now that the teenagers who were causing trouble for Feng Moying had left, Daliang bent down and walked out of the tavern. At this time, the streets were in chaos, and the fighting somewhere seemed to become more intense. Some players ran in the direction where the battle broke out, while others were in a hurry to avoid the battle.

Da Liang wanted to find a secluded place to transform back into a human priest. After all, the appearance of the Fire Lord was too eye-catching.

But when Daliang was about to leave, Feng Moying ran out of the tavern.

She quickly stood in front of Daliang and bowed deeply: "Thank you very much for your help. Can I know your name?"

Da Liang waved his hand and said: "I didn't help you, I just don't like those children. Now I have something to do, could you please get out of the way?"

The size of the flame leader put a lot of pressure on people. Feng Moying heard the other party's impatience and obediently moved out of the way.

And after Daliang just took a step,

System prompts [The good camp, the temple, and the scepter die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. 】

System prompts [The good camp, Orion, and Robin Hood die, and the evil camp receives 500 camp contribution points. 】

what's the situation?

Why did two people from the good camp die before the confrontation between the camps started? Could it be that the unknown battle taking place now is related to the Temple and Orion?

Before Da Liang could figure out the situation, the system sent another prompt:

[The good camp and the Templar Fool have positioned you. The remaining number of times you have been positioned today is 2. You cannot be positioned a second time within two hours. 】

Being positioned, Sanctuary and Orion will attack at any time. Da Liang didn't dare to walk slowly and suddenly burst into a secluded alley.

Just as he was about to transform back into the body of a human priest, Feng Moying followed him at some point: "Are you in trouble? I'm very familiar with the foggy area. You helped me just now, shall I help you this time?"

Da Liang patted his head.

Da Liang, Da Liang, when you played the role of the Pope in the foggy area, you knew that this girl Feng Moying was very difficult to deal with. I finally got rid of her, so why bother with her again? It's none of your business that she was chopped off, but now she's fine, she's stuck again.

Unable to transform, Daliang didn't dare to stay, so he turned around and ran away.

Feng Moying followed closely and inquired like a baby: "Is someone chasing you? How many people are there? Don't worry, you will be fine as long as I am here. I am very familiar with the foggy area."

Sister, can I call you sister? Are you as familiar with me as you are in the foggy area? Now a group of top players are chasing me, and I want to transform. Can you not follow me?

Just when Da Liang walked out of the tavern and was positioned, a flying owl in the sky looked over.

"Hou Yi, I saw the coordinates of No. 0 through my magic partner. One is a fire element creature and the other is an elf. I am not sure which one is the real No. 0. They found that they were located and were escaping. The fire element player and the elf The players are together, but they still can’t determine who is Number Zero.”

Shi Fei and the Fool escaped from the bombing zone with their men disgraced, and the Holy Church and Orion each lost one person.

The members of the Xuyang Guild continued to pursue him.

The Fool immediately located Number Zero, and Shi Fei led the hunters to contact his magic partners to determine who was Number Zero based on the coordinates.

It is now confirmed that Death Shadow's Zero is one of the fire elementals and spirits.

Shi Fei immediately ordered the pursuit.

While running, Shi Fei contacted his magic partner and also found the so-called Number Zero.

The leader of the flames!

Shi Fei recognized at a glance the Flame Commander who unleashed the Doomsday Judgment on him at Fortress Fortress, and also learned his name through Bauhinia City - Mie Shi. What he didn't expect was that the opponent turned out to be a player.

A player who can borrow the Doomsday Blade from Satan!

There are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world of heroes, and there are countless capable people.

It seems that the opponent did not escape in the 1 vs. 11 situation, not because of his many subordinates, but because of his confidence in his own strength.

However, in the City of Sighs, the Sorrowful Lord will not let you release Doomsday. Even under the eyes of hell, Satan does not dare to appear.

No matter how strong a player is, there are limits.

The key is that in the battle between camps, Shi Fei can't do anything without fighting.

Kill one first.

Between the Flame Commander and the Elf, Shi Fei chose to attack the Elf first, because the Flame Commander is a profession with high defense and high blood pressure. When both players are enemies, it is undoubtedly possible to severely injure or kill the Elf first. One less hassle.


Through the sight of his magic partner, Shi Fei launched an over-the-horizon attack. An arrow drew an arc across houses and obstacles and shot toward Feng Moying.

Da Liang was still trying to get rid of the overzealous Feng Moying: "Little girl, I don't need your help, please stop following me, okay..."

At this time, there was a crisp sound of "dang", and an arrow passed in front of Feng Moying.

"Sir, there is an attack."

The sound of the crescent moon rang in Da Liang's ears, and the floating shuttle arrow lay beside Da Liang, with the tip of the arrow pointing in the direction from which the sneak attack arrow came.

"Force Shield"

"Air Control Magic"

"Stone Skin Body Care"

"Fire Shield"

"The Eye of Truth"

"Attack acceleration"

"Bloodthirsty Thaumaturgy"

"Blazing Spear"

"Iron Stone Armor"

After realizing that the enemy had attacked, Daliang immediately applied layers of status and defensive magic to himself, holding a blazing gun in front of Feng Moying.

"The enemies coming this time are very strong. I can't take care of you. Please leave quickly."

Who would have thought that Feng Moying did not leave, but instead took out two short knives and held them in her hands. She also applied several status magics to herself, and then disappeared.


Moreover, it is also an advanced level of invisibility. Feng Moying's hiding ability is much better than Daliang's lame equipment skill of invisibility. Even if Feng Moying maintains a relatively fast transfer speed, there is only an imperceptible shadow, and the effect is comparable to that of the devil's subspace movement.

"You just saved me again. Now someone is chasing you. I won't escape at all. And... don't underestimate me. I am also a famous master in this foggy area. My name is Feng Moying. , what is your name?"

"Mie Shi, you can call me Mie Shi." Daliang has nothing to do with Feng Moying, and the arrow just shot was obviously aimed at Feng Moying, which shows that the other party has regarded Feng Moying as his accomplice. At this time Letting Feng Moying leave might actually harm her. After announcing the title of Commander Lieyan, Daliang said: "The people here this time are all top high-level players. You should be more careful."

Feng Moying's voice came from not far away: "I know, Miushi Sang. In this foggy area, I, Feng Moying, will protect you."

You put me in this predicament and still steal my lines, I really want to slap you to death.

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