Start with an Archangel

Chapter 783 Reversal

Chairman Yargu did not expect Tokugawa Nobunaga to rebel at this time. He asked: "Chairman Tokugawa, do you know what you are doing? Now! Tell me everything you told me immediately. come out."

"Sir Speaker, the matter is very clear." Daliang stopped Yalgu from putting pressure on Tokugawa Nobunaga, and he also admired Tokugawa Nobunaga's reaction ability. Although Da Liang is not afraid even if Tokugawa Nobunaga really testifies against him, it will make things complicated and difficult for Will to handle. After all, his position prevents him from overly protecting the Mist Zone in terms of ultimate belief. Now Tokugawa Nobunaga was temporarily discouraged, and the situation was instantly in Daliang's hands.

Daliang used "Expulsion" to push Tokugawa Nobunaga away from Speaker Yargu, and then said: "Now... all the facts prove that all the accusations made by the Speaker against me are malicious slander.

It can even be said that the Speaker is preparing to frame me.

What made you do this?

I am very curious about the ulterior secrets of the Speaker.

Lord Will, I heard that in addition to the Shadow District that has assembled its own Knights of the Church, the other eleven parishes have also assembled Knights of the Church under the orders of the Speaker. "

Will said: "Yes, except for the foggy area. The church knights under the City of Sighs are gathering. They said it was the order from Speaker Yalgu."

Speaker Yalgu ordered other church knights to assemble in order to build momentum and reveal the secrets of the churches in the Mist Area in front of the churches. After all, Daliang is a member of the parliament, and Yargu must have the full support of other members if he wants to overthrow Daliang. As long as the secret of the Church in the Mist District's dissemination of the ultimate faith is found in the presence of all the bishops, the Pope in the Mist District will not be able to stand up.

Daliang, who grasped this point, smiled and said: "As the weakest parish in the City of Sighs, the Mist District does not seem to need so many Church Knights to attack us.

In fact, from the beginning, the Speaker said that what he wanted to deal with was my foggy area, and we seemed to be following the Speaker's train of thought.

But... what if the speaker's real purpose is not the foggy area, but somewhere else?

What place would require the combined efforts of twelve dioceses to attack? "

Speaker Yalgu was just about to scold Daliang for taking away his witness, but when he heard Daliang's words, his body suddenly tightened.

There is no place in the entire City of Sighs that requires twelve parishes to join forces to attack.

There is no other place than the cathedral where the sad monarch lives.

Now all the church knights are blocked in their respective churches. Faced with the accusation of rebellion, it is difficult for Speaker Yalgu to explain clearly.

"Pope Eviscerate, do you know what you are talking about? Are you slandering me and preparing to betray the monarch?"

Daliang said: "Sir Speaker, I didn't slander you. But your behavior today is really weird. There must be a reason for you to do all this.

I'll make a guess.

The Speaker just said that I am a spy from Cloud City, spreading the ultimate faith in the City of Sighs in order to overthrow the rule of the Sad Lord.

What if all these accusations were reversed.

If the Speaker is from Yunzhong City, attacking the Mist Zone can cut off Sigh City's important financial resources. In the future war with Yunzhong City, they will lose many angels.

And the ultimate belief?

What I have always wondered is why ultimate belief spreads so fast. Why are large numbers of heretics found in the other twelve dioceses except the Mist District and the Cathedral? What makes me even more confused is that these twelve churches are all under the orders of the Speaker. With an order from the Speaker, they can assemble their own church knights.

The influence of the Speaker is really great. If it is the Speaker who spreads the ultimate belief, it is understandable why there are so many heretical priests. "

"You, you, you..." Speaker Yalgu was so angry that he could not speak when faced with Daliang's accusation. However, every word Daliang said was heart-breaking and conclusive, making it difficult to explain. "You don't have any evidence to slander a bishop who is loyal to a sad monarch."

Daliang said: "Evidence? I think the evidence is in the shadow area church. Do you dare to let us search it, Mr. Speaker?"

Will admired Daliang greatly.

His and Daliang's plan was to first protect the priests who believed in the ultimate faith in the name of searching for heretical priests, and then randomly arrest some priests, creating the illusion that the ultimate faith was very marketable, and causing more priests to start paying attention to the ultimate faith. Ultimate Faith is essentially a sublimation of the old Unsullied Faith, with a stronger ability to confuse, so heretical priests will only catch more and more.

In order to build momentum for the Ultimate Faith, Will came to hunt heretics with great force this time. He directly used the Holy See Knights to surround all twelve Immaculate Churches. As a result, all the Church Knights who were preparing to attack the Mist Zone were blocked in the church.

Now Daliang is planning to capture Yalgu...

If it can really be proven that Argu spreads the ultimate belief, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the old religion.

Will then said: "Speaker Yalgu, we are old friends. I believe in your sincerity to the monarch, but some things must be clarified. If the Pope in the Mist Zone guesses wrong, I think you don't mind our search. Shadow District Church, after all, we are here to search for heretical priests.”

For Yalgu, letting the Holy See Knights enter the shadow area church to search would only make him completely passive. Just as he was preparing to do to the Church in the Mist Zone, when he lost control of the Church in the Shadow Zone, it was too easy to frame him.

Yalgu said: "You want to search the shadow area church? But you must invite the monarch, otherwise..."

At this time, Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was expelled by Daliang, ran back. He said: "I can prove that Speaker Yargu is the spreader of the ultimate faith. He originally wanted me to frame the Pope of the Mist Zone, but my conscience gave way. I cannot do this. The Pseudo-Immaculate Doctrine was given to me by Chancellor Argu and asked me to print it and then use catapults to drop it on the churches."

Tokugawa Nobunaga has already thought about it. After rejecting Yargu's testimony about the foggy area, the parliament's plot will no longer work. What is urgently needed now is to make up for the relationship between the Rising Sun Guild and the Church in the Mist District. It just so happens that the Pope in the Mist District is now accusing Speaker Yalgu, so if we don't seize the opportunity to stand in line at this time, we will have no chance.

Tokugawa Nobunaga actually came out to testify, causing the scene to become silent, and everyone looked at Will.

He may or may not listen to what a humble adventurer says.

After Will paused for a moment, he said to Speaker Yalgu: "I'm sorry, Yalgu. In order to ensure that the evidence can be found as soon as possible, I can't wait for the monarch to come. Please control your church knights, and also ask you Don't move places and don't let me judge that you are really ready to rebel."

Will took a step forward to look at Speaker Yalgu, and then ordered the Knights of the Holy See: "Immediately take over the shadow area church. If there is resistance, kill them.

After the church is safe, the Pope in the Mist Area is responsible for directing the search for heretics. "

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