Start with an Archangel

Chapter 789: Take you to a meal

"No way..." Shu Xiao couldn't calm down anymore: "The supreme angel mentioned seems to be raised by your family. Why haven't I seen you doing tasks in Yunzhong City? Which supreme angel do you know?"

Daliang said: "Stop guessing and come with me."

After that, Daliang controlled the royal griffon to fall towards the Sunshine City Teleportation Formation.

Shu Xiao flapped her angel wings and followed closely: "Master, where are we going? Over there is Yunzhong City..."

"Shangjiang Palace, your master and I really raise a supreme angel."

Is there a supreme angel in Shangjiang Palace?

Shu Xiao was even more confused. The highest level of angels she knew existed in Shangjiang Palace was the Holy Angel Bella. It’s just that Holy Bella seems to have left Shangjiang, and all her right-wing guardian angels have returned to Yunzhong City. Now there are at most a few archangels in the Shangjiang Palace to maintain the majesty of this palace without a royal family.

With doubts, Shu Xiao followed Daliang through the teleportation array in Sunshine City to the Judgment Area, then flew to Shangjiang and landed at Shangjiang Palace.

Without the royal family members, the palace in Shangjiang became very depressed. Most of the attendants have been dismissed, and only a small number of servants keep the palace running.

However, the royal guards still closely guard the palace, making it still the most mysterious and dangerous place in Shangjiang, preventing players from exploring it.

Even Shu Xiao is not qualified to enter Shangjiang Palace.

Following Daliang this time, Shu Xiao fell into the palace unimpeded.

A steward came up to Daliang. He saluted first and then said: "Dear Earl Feichen, is there anything we can do for you?"

Daliang said: "Inform the adult who lives in the east corner tower for me, saying that I have something to see her. Also prepare food and red wine to send over."

"Yes, sir. I will inform you immediately, and the food and wine will be sent there soon."

After waiting for a while, Da Liang received the news that he had been summoned.

Following the attendants all the way to the east corner tower, Da Liang met Holy Bella in a spacious room on the top floor.

Holy Bella was not wearing her armor. She was sitting by the window reading a book, her long golden hair hanging loosely. The hem of her loose white shirt covered her buttocks, and below were her long, slender, snow-white legs, with a pair of crystal slippers on her feet. At this time, Holy Bella completely restrained her original flamboyant temperament, and she looked quiet and completely different from before.

Now it is impossible to tell that she is an angel, and even the palace servants who serve her cannot recognize that she is the Holy Bella. At that time, all the servants who saw Holy Bella did not even dare to raise their heads. Naturally, they associated this adult who liked to read alone in the east corner tower with the former Holy Bella.

At this time, Holy Bella was a distinguished guest arranged by Marquis Joyce to live in the palace.

Of course, Shu Xiao recognized Holy Bella. She obtained angel wings from Holy Bella, and also learned many unique combat skills of angels. She was half a master and disciple with Holy Bella. What she didn't expect was that Holy Bella was still on the river.

Is what Master said true? Is it really thought here that the supreme angel, Holy Bella, is his attendant?

After Da Liang came in, he walked directly to sit opposite Holy Bella. The palace servants placed some barbecued meat, grilled fish and meals on the table, opened a bottle of red wine, and then all left at Da Liang's signal.

Da Liang asked Shu Xiao, who looked puzzled, to sit down on the other side of the table, then picked up a knife and fork to cut off a piece of meat, and started eating and drinking while drinking red wine. While eating, he said: "I used to think that the food cooked by the chef of Shangjiang Palace was already delicious, but now that I eat it, compared with my three personal chefs, it still lacks something.

Now that I have settled the matter with the Hell Lord King, I will say hello to Ergus and Angela. You should not cause trouble in Shangjiang. The plane war can't start yet, so there's no need for you to stay in Shangjiang Palace all day. Walk around, such as to my Destiny Manor, and try the skills of my tauren personal chef.

Absolutely masterful cooking skills. "

Holy Bella just thought that Daliang was bragging again. She put down the book, picked up the red wine, took a sip and said: "Talk to Ergus and Angela, and they will promise you not to make trouble on the river. Your bragging skills are getting better and better." Big. I can feel that their strength is recovering quickly, and I guess it won’t be long before I can’t suppress them.”

Daliang drank a glass of red wine in one gulp, washed down the food in his mouth and said, "I saw Satan."

Satan's name made Holy Bella become nervous: "I'm curious why Satan is still alive after you saw him... What's his condition now? Hell has evacuated all the fallen angels in Shangjiang City. It seems to be related to Satan."

Daliang said: "It should be... Satan has obtained the Doomsday Blade. His strength will soon recover, and he has also received a very considerable amount of military expenditure. I am afraid that hell is about to start a war."

Holy Bella sighed: "Neither Cloud City nor Hell caught Satan after all...but this has nothing to do with your ability to convince Ergus and Angela."

Da Liang smiled and said: "Because half of Satan's military expenses are given to him by me, and he will make me Hellboy when he is happy. Maybe this title is of no use in hell now, but Ergus and Angela should give Satan some face. Bar……"

Holy Bella frowned and said, "You actually fund Satan. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know," Daliang briefly told Holy Bella about the search for the Poseidon Treasure, and then said: "What could I do about the situation at that time? This treasure is too important to Satan, how could he let me Take away the part that belongs to me. I can only exchange for the greatest benefits. Under the tide of plane war, I am just an insignificant little shrimp who can be beaten to death by a wave at any time."

Holy Bella knows that Daliang just made the best choice for herself. Now that she no longer belongs to Yunzhong City, she will not comment on Daliang's right or wrong. She just smiled and said: "Xiao Xiami? You underestimate yourself too much, Lord Earl. I believe that in this war, you will become someone who cannot be ignored in all planes..."

Shu Xiao on the side continued to be confused.

What were they two talking about? Destiny Manor, Satan, Hellboy, Poseidon Treasure, this guy Daliang has always been mysterious in the game. Now it seems like he did something extraordinary.

The key is, how did the relationship between Daliang and Divine Bella become so good? Moreover, Holy Bella also exposed her thighs in front of my master, and exposed so much. I have lived with my master for so long, and I have never dared to do so.

No, you must ask clearly.

Shu Xiao privately chatted with Daliang: "Master, what is your relationship with Holy Bella? How can such a high-level NPC dress so casually? And Holy Bella was not like this before. She used to look down on others."

Da Liang quickly saved the few photos he took, and then replied to Shu Xiao: "Sacred Bella and I are just ordinary friends. You don't have to think too much, maybe people like to dress like this? Angel's thinking is that we can Do you understand?"

"Yeah, that's right." Shu Xiao didn't find much on Holy Bella's expression, so he agreed with Daliang's explanation. After all, in terms of angels' values, they are two completely different species from humans. "Master, you said you would take me and the Supreme Angel to dinner. Where is the Supreme Angel? Are you out?"

Daliang replied: "Isn't this what you are eating?"

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