Start with an Archangel

Chapter 800 Meeting Holy Brandon (Almost Excellent)

When the other party said the name of Holy Brandon, the Fool first thought of breaking out. A holy angel exposed his identity in the City of Sighs during this special period, and was simply waiting to be besieged by the Unsullied Holy See. When the Fool saw the badge clearly, he immediately put away his thoughts of attack.

Just when I was looking for you, you came to my door.

Yes, the badge that person showed represented that they were wizards from the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.

"Guys, please wait here for a moment. I'll come in and make an announcement."

The Fool notified all the Templar Knights in the Templar channel: The wizards of the City of Sighs branch have found us. I don’t know what the specific purpose of Holy Brandon is in finding the City of Sighs branch, but he definitely has bad intentions. Everyone prepared for a possible battle, with the protection of Saint Brandon as their top priority.

The scattered Templars immediately ordered their subordinates to assemble.

Soon the Fool brought instructions from Holy Brandon.

"That adult has decided to see you, but you can't all go in."

A wizard walked out from behind the female vampire, and he said to the Fool: "I am the elder of the City of Sighs branch, and this is the deputy elder Minia. The two of us can just meet Saint Brandon."

The Fool looked curiously at the elder of the City of Sighs branch. His whole body was hidden in a large blouse, and nothing could be seen.

"Okay, elders and deputy elders, come in with me."

Daliang took Miniya into the hiding spot in the temple, and the other wizards spread out to form a cordon.

This is a shop. There are many such shops in the foggy area. Some players rent these shops for business, while some players just want to have a private place to stay.

With the Fool leading the way, Da Liang met Holy Brandon in the secret room excavated beneath the shop.

At this time, Holy Brandon was dressed as an ordinary human knight hero, wearing a set of slightly worn armor. With his angel wings retracted, he doesn't look much different from an ordinary wandering hero.

After meeting Da Liang, Holy Brandon said: "I am very curious how the City of Sighs branch found me."

Daliang said in a dissatisfied tone: "If we can survive in this city, we will naturally have a way to find you. I am also curious, after Holy Lord Brandon came to the City of Sighs, why didn't he go to our branch contact point to inform you? His identity and purpose of coming. Instead of relying on a group of adventurers to hide his whereabouts? This is not like the behavior of an ally!"

Holy Brandon lets the Fool out, and the Fool leaves the chamber, although he is very interested in knowing what they are going to talk about next.

After Saint Brandon imposed multiple layers of barriers on the secret room, he said: "Now the entire Kingdom of Death is at war, but it is quiet here in the City of Sighs. You did not organize an army to attack the land of the Sad Lord, and the Sad Lord did not support Eternal Night. City. Hell has a garrison here, but it has not crossed the border. Although Satan appears in the dreamland, he comes from the City of Sighs.

The situation here is too weird. Lord Gabriel sent me here just to find out what the Sad Lord is doing? "

Daliang said: "Sir Brandon, the things you mentioned can be investigated by just sending a team of senior angels. As a holy angel that Lord Gabriel relies on, your real purpose in coming to the City of Sighs should be Misuka." .”

When Daliang revealed his true purpose, Holy Brandon did not deny it. He said: "Whether you understand it or not, I am indeed here for Michuka. There are some things that I don't need to say clearly. Leave Michuka to me. After we occupy the Kingdom of Death, the City of Sighs will be yours..."

"Okay, Michuka can give it to you."

Sighing, the mayor's answer surprised Holy Brandon a little. Isn't this a promise too soon? When he was in Ashes City, this guy even dared to contradict Gabriel in order not to hand over Misuka to Yunzhong City.

How can I just give it now? Saint Brandon did not say many threatening words.

Holy Brandon concealed his surprised expression with an awkward smile and said, "Did I hear you right...The elder really wants to hand over Michuka to me?"

"Yes." Daliang answered affirmatively again.

Holy Brandon always felt that things were not that simple. He must ask: "Why?"

Daliang said: "Because I will no longer be able to fulfill the promise I made in the Ashes City Alliance."

When they were in the Ashes City Guild, the City of Sighs branch did not accept any assistance and made a promise to all the elders and lords who participated in the Guild.

The army of Sigh City will not support the battlefield of Yongye City on a large scale.

Although most of the representatives participating in the alliance do not believe it, so far, Sigh City has indeed not provided support to Yongye City.

Everything that happened in the City of Sighs cast an even more mysterious veil over the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild.

But Holy Brandon did not expect that the elders of the City of Sighs branch would say at this time that they could no longer stop the Sad Lord from sending troops.

So how did they influence the Sorrowful Monarch in the past, blocking the Sighing City from supporting the Evernight City.

Holy Brandon feels that a big secret is about to unfold in front of him.

He asked: "What happened? What does this have to do with you handing Misuka to Yunzhong City?"

Daliang said: "I want to use Michuka in exchange for the help of Yunzhong City, and provide me with support after the General Assembly holds me accountable. And like what you just said, support me in owning the City of Sighs after the war.

If Yunzhong City is willing to promise me, I can explain the things here clearly to you. "

Supporting the elders of Sighing City to obtain this city was originally the promise just made by Holy Brandon. Anyway, Yunzhong City had no intention of sending angels to rule this main city of the undead. As long as it supported Yunzhong City, it would be the same for anyone. In addition, when the Wizards Guild holds the Sighing City branch accountable, it is not difficult to support the elders of Sighing City.

As long as they can get Misuka, these are not difficult problems for Yunzhong City.

Holy Brandon promised: "No problem, I can promise you these conditions on behalf of Lord Gabriel. Now the elder can tell me what happened in the City of Sighs and hand over Misuka to me."

Daliang said: "Mishuka is not in my hands now. He is being held in the shadow area church."

Michuka is imprisoned in the Shadow Zone Church!

That was the church of Bishop Yalgu, the Speaker of the Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. How could Michuka be locked up there? How could the branch of the City of Sighs safely put Michuka in a church that was not stained by the Holy See!

It's incredible. If Michuka is locked up in the Church of the Shadow Zone, there are too many things involved, and the answer is about to be revealed.

Holy Brandon did not speak, he was waiting for the elders of the City of Sighs branch to explain everything to him.

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