Start with an Archangel

Chapter 805 Death of Holy Angel

All those involved in the siege of Holy Brandon and the Temple, whether active or passive, acted layer by layer to surround the entire fighting area.

The bone dragon in the sky is a space tactician within the Holy See Knights. He not only affects the space energy within the battlefield and prevents the formation of any space skills, but also uses the Eye of Death to reveal all non-undead creatures within the range. Under his gaze, Holy Brandon was invisible.

Da Liang flew to the outer edge of the central battlefield.

Will did not bring too many high-ranking knights of the Holy See, and the opponent's Holy Brandon would only tie himself up with too many people, giving Holy Brandon a chance to escape.

In addition to a terrifying knight hero with very strong melee capabilities, the other seven senior Holy See knights are scattered in the outer airspace. They used their best skills and used alchemical materials to create a temporary magic amplification circle in front of them.

The magic is released, and after passing through the temporary magic amplification circle, the power is greatly increased, and thickened magic rays are directed towards the center of the battle.

Daliang wanted to step forward to help, but found that he was completely unable to help, so he had to watch the battle from the outside and learn how these high-level heroes fought.

Holy Brandon is evenly matched with Will in terms of strength. They are both heroes who have lived for countless years. They have experienced previous plane wars and have extremely rich combat experience.

During the confrontation, both sides were extremely powerful, and their strength refused to give in to each other. Every collision of weapons caused loud explosions, strong winds echoed, and if you were not careful, you would be pushed out by the air current.

Magic shuttles in the middle, filling the sky with brilliance every time it explodes.

Da Liang turned on the video and recorded this high-level battle for later viewing. At this time, from a higher airspace, the Sad Lord ignored the chaotic spatial turbulence and walked out of a portal.

The Death Lord has arrived, and its coercion envelopes the entire foggy area.

"Will, your strength seems to have declined..."

The sad monarch's voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in Will's ears. Yes, with the absolute advantage, he has not yet solved Holy Brandon. No wonder it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the Sad Monarch.

The peace has lasted too long, a new war is coming, and I... neither my body nor my mind are ready yet.

The monarch came in person, and Will knew that this was the sad monarch's encouragement and love for him. He immediately withdrew from the ring, resisted a blow from Holy Brandon, and saluted the Melancholy Lord.

"Now, it's time to end."

Will recovered towards his peak state, turned around and charged towards Holy Brandon.

Other senior Holy See knights immediately cooperated and released magic and skills together.

A roar echoed through the sky, causing the earth to shake.

Holy Brandon's control of the battle has slipped to the bottom. When Will assumes a full attack posture, he needs to concentrate on resisting Will, and he is completely unable to resist attacks from other directions. What's more, the Sad Lord has arrived, and the Templar Knights who asked for help are also in a difficult battle.

At a dead end, there is no way to turn around.

In a short period of time, Holy Brandon suffered heavy injuries one after another. When Will thrust the Prophet's Sword into his chest, the last of his health was taken away.

A holy angel fell, and Holy Brandon became the highest-ranking hero to die in this war so far.

The central battlefield ended, and the church forces on the ground were quickly annihilated under the siege of the apostles, the Wind Demon Squad, the Rising Sun Guild, and the Knights of the Church in the Mist Area.

The entire foggy area was quiet at this moment, and everyone was looking up at the sky.

The burning body of Destruction stood together with Will and the senior Holy See knights. In the higher airspace, the Sad Lord stood on the back of the bone dragon and looked down at everything.

"The war has begun..."

The Sad Lord left a few words, walked through the portal and left here.

Yes, after killing Holy Brandon, how could Gabriel continue to watch the City of Sighs and stay aloof? When Yongye City is captured by the cyan coalition, Yunzhong City will definitely point its finger at Sighing City.

The City of Sighs must complete all war preparations before then.

It seems that the Council of All Members of the City of Sighs will be brought forward earlier than expected. Fortunately, the biggest obstacle to Protestantism has been locked in the dungeon of the cathedral.

Another plan…

When Da Liang saw Will pick up the purifying sawtooth in Holy Brandon's hand, he knew that the most critical step in stealing the treasure was completed.

Will and the Holy See Knights took the body of Saint Brandon and left the foggy area. The Knights of the Church in the Mist District maintain order in the entire city. A battle that is just a storm for ordinary players has passed, and the Mist District has returned to its original appearance.

The apostles also dispersed, the last words of the Sad Lord giving them a sense of tension. Although Death's Shadow ranks first among player versus team players, it is an indisputable fact that they gave up on Evernight City.

Now they have changed their base to the City of Sighs... and can no longer retreat.

This camp mission allowed Daliang to increase his camp contribution points by 300.

No wonder No. 2 said that the rewards for camp missions are far worse than the rewards for camp confrontations. It is indeed far different.

Currently, Daliang's camp contribution points are 13,600. If all bone dragons are recruited, 13 can be exchanged. After briefly browsing through the items that could be exchanged for camp contribution points, and finding that there was nothing he needed urgently, Daliang kept 3,600 camp contribution points as backup and replaced the rest with ten bone dragons.

However, when Daliang was preparing to return to the Black Fire Territory with the newly recruited Bone Dragon for transformation, Feng Moying's communication request came over.

Damn it, I forgot the reward I promised to pay the Wind Demon Team.

Da Liang quickly connected to Feng Moying's communication and said: "Thank you very much this time. If the Feng Mo team had not arrived in time, those players might have rescued the Holy Angel. In terms of remuneration, I will never treat my friends badly. . All the players who come to help will receive 100 gold each, and I will add 150 gold for each death, and I will give you a big red envelope separately. You give me the numbers of your friends who participated in the war, and I will transfer the gold coins to you."

Being able to earn so much money by helping fight made Feng Moying, who was a junior high school student with little pocket money, very happy. She thanked her repeatedly: "That's a lot of money! Thank you, Mie Shisang. I'll go and count the participants right away... almost Forget, Mie Shisang, President Tokugawa wants to see you, he said there is something very, very important."

Da Liang considered Tokugawa Nobunaga's request.

Now that Daliang has the command of Death Shadow, and Death Shadow has its base in the City of Sighs, he will definitely have to deal with Tokugawa Nobunaga frequently in the future.

It would be nice to meet. Speak clearly and try to establish a good cooperation mechanism with Xuyang Guild.

"Okay, I have time now, where can we meet?"

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