Start with an Archangel

Chapter 81 Quietly watching you show off

Daliang's words caused a silence.

An American player named "Sun Waiter" said angrily: "Second-level territory? Newcomers, don't talk nonsense. This is where the lords gather. It will not do you any good to wantonly promote yourself. Boss Fei is the number one lord in the world. He is a very powerful player, and his territory has just been upgraded to the second level territory, and none of us has completed the basic construction of the first level territory, including me. I am the third lord in the world, and it took only a short time to obtain the territory. Three hours later than Boss Fei, it will take two more days for my territory to be upgraded under Boss Fei's guidance. And you... I just saw a delusional patient."

Others also expressed their disbelief that Daliang's territory was about to be upgraded to level two. They believed that as a new lord, he should humbly ask for advice here instead of falsely boasting and putting himself on the opposite side of all the lords.

After all kinds of accusations faded away, Daliang said: "Have I mentioned my new lord? As the lord who obtained the territory one after another with Fei Shazunshi, his Dragon Star Territory has been upgraded to the second level, and my territory is in the process of being upgraded to the second level. Is there anything unusual about upgrading a second-level leader?"

There was a long silence in the chat room. "The players who gained territory one after another with Feishaozushi," weren't they the mysterious lords who caused countless topics?

"The Second Lord of the World"! No one knew who he was. Before the "Sun Waiter" announced that he was the third lord of the world through the world channel, no one knew that the second lord of the world already existed. Even though lords appeared one after another later, no one knew who the second lord of the world was.

He is like air, as if he does not exist, but he plays an important role in the world of Game Lord.

Now, a person suddenly appeared and claimed to be the "Second Lord of the World". The Lords were a little reluctant to accept it, and some did not believe it.

"Are you the second lord of the world? Are you lying again?"

Daliang replied: "Hahaha, whatever you say, no one among the world's number one lords doubts his authenticity, and I don't care about rankings such as first or second."

At this time, Shi Fei had already heard the sarcasm hidden in Daliang's words, and also understood that this was the real number one lord in the world, but he was robbed by him because he did not issue a time announcement to announce his existence when he obtained the territory. First take away the name that belongs to him.

But why is he willing to watch himself take away the honor that belongs to him?

After Shi Fei announced that he was the world's first lord, he was ready for a battle for "the world's first lord". Anyway, he knows the official style of the game. "World of Heroes" attaches great importance to the protection of player privacy. They will not issue any announcements involving players' personal information, and they will never retrieve player data from the background of the game running. So, Without this direct evidence, his preemptive release of the world channel has preconceptions in the minds of players, and he has already taken the initiative in the process of competing for the title of "World's No. 1 Lord".

However, what Shi Fei was waiting for was the silence of the real "world's number one lord", as if he didn't care about the false name of number one, or even the title of number two.

The "Second Lord of the World" has never explained his existence on any occasion, and Shi Fei, who has always regarded himself as the "First Lord of the World", has also spared no effort to find his whereabouts, but has found nothing.

Now, what is the purpose of his appearance in this lord-only section?

If he came to openly compete for the title of "World's No. 1 Lord" now, Shi Fei would be happy to do so. Because Shi Fei's "No. 1 in the world" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the naming rights of 200 million and large-scale sponsorship have connected Shi Fei's Longxing Leader with many large merchants and enterprises.

These companies will never allow any mistakes in the title of "the world's number one territory". Therefore, as long as the other party has any intention to compete for the "world's number one territory", regardless of whether it is true or false, he will immediately be besieged by these capital predators.

Therefore, anyone who wants to make a fuss about the name of "the world's number one territory" is seeking death. Shi Fei's current position is very stable and no one can shake it.

But after this person entered the lord section, it seemed that he really had no intention of grabbing this "fake name".

This made Shi Fei even more worried.

He is a very powerful master who can upgrade his territory to the second level without any external capital injection.

But who is he? Why was there never such a person in the previous life? What did you do to cause him to appear?

It’s hard to say it’s Wang Daliang!

Shi Fei shook his head. Most of the soldiers in Wang Daliang's hands were from the human race, and the territory of this mysterious lord was the cemetery of the undead... There was a huge difference.

Looking at the name "Quietly watching you show off", Shi Fei felt it was dazzling.

A biting dog doesn't bark...

"Okay, I think the activities to welcome the newcomers will end here for the time being. As lords, we are all very pressed for time, so we will start today's lecture immediately. What I want to tell you today is the strategy for obtaining the architectural drawings of the territory."

Shi Fei stopped himself from thinking about the mysterious lord. He was a reborn person with experience and vision beyond this era. He was confident that no matter what purpose this lord had here, he could handle it.

At this stage, most of the lords have reached the threshold of upgrading the second-level territory, and the architectural drawings required for the construction of the second-level territory are probably the most concerned thing in the minds of all lords, so Shi Fei took advantage of it and prepared to use this part. Strategies to continue to enhance one's prestige in the eyes of many lords.

After hearing that Shi Fei was talking about how to obtain the architectural drawings of the second-level territory, Daliang immediately focused on the information in the dialogue column, and other lords did not dare to say a word.

"Territory building drawings can be obtained by completing tasks in NPC cities of the same race in the territory. For example, my Dragon Star Territory is the territory of the elves, and I can obtain territory building drawings tasks in any NPC city of the elves. About the task The poster is different in each city. You can go to the administrative center of each city to show your identity as a lord, and after asking a few NPCs, you can be led to find the poster of the territory map task.

Now let me talk about the buildings that I think should be built first after the territory reaches the second level. The first priority is to build a first-level biological recruitment building. This first-level building can be built without drawings. The second-level territory can have two first-level biological recruitment buildings. At the same time, the production of first-level organisms will be increased by 50%. The two first-level recruiting buildings will greatly alleviate the labor pressure required for territorial construction. Therefore, I suggest building a first-level biological recruitment building, and then depending on your funds, choose whether to upgrade it to a second-level biological recruitment building. The second priority to build should be the tavern, but I just got the blueprint and haven’t built it yet. Heroes can be recruited in the tavern. With the army in everyone’s hands now, no matter the quality of the heroes recruited, it will be a great addition to our military strength. kind of enhancement..."

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