Start with an Archangel

Chapter 814 Maritime Disputes

On the west coast of the Pacific, Country Z Game Zone has developed very rapidly with its unparalleled human resources and financial squeeze on the Nanyang Game Zone. The Japan-Korea Game Zone Alliance, which originally dared to compete with the Game Zone of Country Z, gradually lowered its profile and conducted maritime exploration in a low-key manner.

At the same time, the East Asian Naval War also sounded a wake-up call to players in the country Z game area. Under the control of the North and South Lords Alliance, sailing players have become very restrained. After all, if there is another naval battle in East Asia, even if we win, we will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, and it is meaningless.

The stable maritime environment, promoted by many players' virtual financial institutions such as Yingshi Virtual Bank, has led many investors both inside and outside the game to use their idle funds to invest in the development of Ocean. The player's fleet has obtained sufficient funds through the virtual bank. They use the money to expand the fleet, recruit sailors, hire troops, and then sail to the ocean.

Minerals, materials, props, treasures, etc. discovered during exploration will be valued and returned to each investor in proportion.

Investors gain asset appreciation from the development of the ocean, and the player fleet completes its strength expansion ahead of schedule.

The win-win situation stimulates the continuous expansion of marine investment.

But no matter how big the ocean is, its area is limited.

When three-masted ships began to gradually appear behind the player's fleet, the player's fleet could drive farther, and the dispute gradually emerged.

Now in the process of exploring the ocean, there is an unwritten tacit rule among players, that is, whoever discovers it first will own it. After all, the ocean is so big and there are a lot of good things. Unless it is something very rare and valuable, other players generally won't snatch it.

There will definitely be losses in fighting, and if you have the time to wander around the sea more, you might be able to find better things.

However, this tacit understanding was broken by players in the American game area.

After Boss Jin introduced the current progress of ocean development to Daliang, he said: "A few days ago, the West Coast Lords Alliance of the American Game Zone and our northern and southern lords discussed how to share the dominance of the Pacific Ocean, and they proposed an equal share plan."

The Z country game area and the American game area are the two strongest game areas around the Pacific in the game world. The American game area has established its hegemony in the Americas early, and the entire east coast of the Pacific and the west coast of the Atlantic have been included in their free routes by American players.

By controlling the waterway and combining with financial warfare, they drove up or suppressed the local gold price, allowing a large amount of gold coins to be transferred to the American game area, and then converted it into strength to maintain their advantage over the North American game area.

Therefore, in terms of gold coin ownership and overall strength, the American Game Zone ranks first in the entire Hero World.

The external environment of the game area in country Z is very bad compared to the game area in the United States.

Especially at sea.

Neither the D-sea naval battle nor the N-sea naval battle achieved annihilating victory. The Z-country game area is still some distance away from its position as the hegemon of the Western Pacific.

However, the war potential possessed by country Z game area and the perfect control of the situation in the Western Pacific still allow it to occupy the second position in the comprehensive strength ranking of the game area.

The first and second are facing each other across the Pacific Ocean, so a collision is inevitable.

This time, the American Western Alliance took the initiative to talk to Country Z Game Zone to discuss the allocation of the Pacific Ocean, which was regarded as recognition of Country Z Game Zone’s dominant position in East Asia...

"This is a good thing..." Daliang said: "At this time, there is no real benefit in competing with American players. It will make other people take advantage of the loopholes. If it is evenly divided, we don't have to worry about the other party in the short term, and we can concentrate on eating our mouths." Save this piece of food, and then worry about others after you finish eating."

Boss Jin smiled and said: “We thought so too at first, but it was different when we talked about it.

Representatives of the U.S. Game Zone requested that the middle meridian between the westernmost actually controlled territory of the U.S. Game Zone and the easternmost actually controlled territory of Country Z’s Game Zone be the boundary. The east part belongs to the U.S. Game Zone, and the west part belongs to Country Z Game Zone. all. "

This is too bullying.

The westernmost actually controlled territory of the U.S. Game Zone is Guam. If divided in this way, the entire Pacific Ocean would be divided by the U.S. Game Zone.

This is not a negotiation, this is obviously a challenge!

Daliang asked: "How did we answer?"

Boss Jin: "Let's talk after we finish."

Straightforward enough!

It seems that this meeting was attended by both the North and South Alliances in the game zone of country Z. It should be about how to compete for territory with the game zone in the United States.

As all the people attending the meeting arrived, Xu Man, as the host, presided over the meeting.

Xu Man briefly talked about the situation at sea, and then compared the maritime strength of the American game area with the maritime strength of the Z game area. Although the country Z game area has certain disadvantages, it is not without the strength to compete tit-for-tat with the American game area.

“Of course, if there is a large-scale maritime conflict between our two game zones, the American game zone will definitely bring in the power of the entire west coast of the Americas, and at the same time, their east coast fleet will also be able to support it through the Panama Canal.

Therefore, we must gain dominance over the East Asia and Southeast Asia game areas as soon as possible.

Especially the attitude of Japan and South Korea. If the American game zone dares to share the Pacific Ocean with us, it must have reached some tacit understanding with Japan and South Korea.

We must prepare for a possible second East Asian naval war. Whether it is fighting or pulling, we must bring these two game areas into our camp. "

Half Moon Cat stood up and said: "Our Southern Lords Alliance will take action in Southeast Asia as soon as possible, and will obtain the participation of various game areas in Southeast Asia in the short term. If the Northern Lords Alliance needs support, we can also organize a fleet to go north to assist in the battle."

"Clash of the Furious" is currently in theaters, and the Northern and Southern Lords Alliance in the game zone of country Z has officially entered the cooperation period. The enthusiasm generated by this video will also make players actively participate in the confrontation at sea.

After all, the purpose of most players playing games is to experience the emotions that cannot be let go in reality and the passion brought by combat.

There is no lack of mobilization.

The general strategy was adopted, and the meeting turned to supplementing the details.

Fleet patrol and duty; fund raising and distribution; establishment and branching of the chain of command, and so on.

There are too many things involved in large-scale battles. In every battle, there is a tightly operating machine in the rear.

Daliang just listened quietly and did not speak at the meeting. Sitting here is the strength of the Northern Lords Alliance.

In private, Daliang and Boss Jin discussed the operation and profitability of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce through private chats.

The Sifang Chamber of Commerce is a maritime merchant fleet controlled by Daliang. It mainly follows the trade routes expanded by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and conducts maritime smuggling trade.

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