Start with an Archangel

Chapter 823 Speaker Yalgu

All the people in power in the City of Sighs in the parliament hall did not expect that the Pope of the Mist District would take the initiative to let Speaker Yalgu attend the meeting and express his views on the ultimate faith.

in this venue.

Basically, all the clergy of the Immaculate Holy See believe that Speaker Yalgu was framed.

Before Speaker Yargu was captured, he was doing his best to suppress the heresy that was getting increasingly out of control, and personally executed a high priest in the Shadow Zone who was contaminated by heresy.

How could such a firm believer be the proposer and disseminator of the ultimate belief?

And the person who framed Yargu is undoubtedly the culprit who is really spreading the ultimate belief.

In this venue, the Eviscerating Pope in the Mist Zone should be the source of the heresy, but no one has any evidence. But everyone believed that since Yargu was planning to search the foggy area before arresting him, he must know something.

Now that the Pope of the Mist Zone has asked Argu to express his views on the ultimate faith in the Council, doesn't it mean that Argu's crime is being tried in front of the sad monarch?

If the Sorrowful Monarch knew that Argu was indeed framed, then the Pope's spread of heresy in the Mist Region would also be exposed.

Isn't he looking for death?

At this moment, all the heroes in the venue looked at the Sad Lord, hoping that the Sad Lord could clear Yargu's innocence as soon as possible.

The Sad Lord did not immediately agree to bring Argu to the meeting.

He knew that the Pope in the Mist Zone was trying to convert Yalgu into a believer in the ultimate faith, but based on Will's report just now, he was not sure whether Yalgu had converted to Protestantism.

The atmosphere of the entire meeting now is very unfavorable to ultimate belief. If Speaker Yargu comes up and criticizes Ultimate Faith again, the entire meeting will be one-sided and a resolution will be issued to comprehensively suppress Ultimate Faith.

Although the monarch was very powerful, he needed bishops and lords to help him rule the entire vast territory. When the Parliament passes a certain resolution, the monarch will usually pass it. Especially on issues related to faith, even the monarch cannot be an enemy of the Holy See.

The sad monarch looked at Da Liang...

At this time, a senior priest from the cathedral walked into the parliament and reported to the sad monarch: "President Yargu requested to attend the meeting of parliamentarians..."

Argu actually came here on his own. Wasn't he locked in a dungeon?

All the heroes were surprised.

Will whispered behind the Sad Lord: "Master Eviscerate went to the dungeon before attending the meeting. I gave him the power to deal with Yargu freely. It must be Master Eviscerate's intention that Yargu can leave the dungeon."

Dispose of Argu freely...

It's okay to kill him, but it will definitely cause a lot of trouble later on, and it's the last resort. Will gave Daliang this power with the tacit approval of the Sad Lord.

But since Eviscerate proposed to let Yargu review the ultimate belief and released him early, it is estimated that things may have turned around.

In this case, the sad monarch could not express any of his opinions and could only choose to believe in the pope whom he relied on.

"Argu? His crime seems to be spreading heresy. Before he is convicted, he is still the speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. It is only reasonable and legal for him to preside over this meeting. Let him come in, I also want to Hear what he has to say about ultimate faith.”

With the sad monarch's command, Argu was placed in the council chamber.

At this time, all the seals on Yargu were lifted. After recovering his strength, Yargu exuded the aura of a main city speaker, with a halo of magic flowing around him, and the soul fire in his eyes was full of wisdom and determination.

Argos walked into the parliament without looking at anyone. He came to the presiding platform, saluted the sad monarch and said: "I pray for the monarch's forgiveness for my reckless behavior. It is beyond my authority to summon twelve knights of the church without authorization, but I absolutely There is no thought of rebellion against the monarch.

No matter before, now or in the future, I will never betray you. "

The Sad Lord said: "I believe in your loyalty, which is why you are still standing here, otherwise your end will definitely not be locked in a dungeon for a few days.

Now we are discussing ultimate faith, an idea that suddenly arose in the City of Sighs.

You seemed to be actively suppressing heresy before your arrest, but you are now facing charges of spreading heresy. I don't know which one is your true side, but you must have your own understanding of ultimate belief.

I ask you……

What is the ultimate belief? "

Yalgu did not answer immediately and fell into silence.

At this time, the entire parliament hall was quiet, and all the heroes sat there motionless, waiting for Yargu's answer.

After a while, Argu turned to the meeting place.

"What is the ultimate belief? This is very difficult to answer."

Yargu’s words were beyond everyone’s expectations.

The believers of the old religion believe that Argu should denounce the ultimate faith as a heresy, then reveal the face of the Pope in the Mist Zone, and mobilize the power of the Parliament to drive this alien out of the City of Sighs.

But Argu's meaning does not seem to be against ultimate belief.

Daliang also felt that things did not develop as he expected. According to his judgment, after his own chicken soup indoctrination, Yalgu should have become a believer in Protestantism.

However, the development of things seems to indicate that Daliang was too optimistic, and Yargu is still confused and doubtful.

But Yargu didn't come up and curse the ultimate faith, which was already a major victory.

The monarch is rarely sad and is very satisfied with the current changes...

Yargu's words made all the Unsullied believers, especially the high-level heroes gathered here, face their ultimate faith for the first time, instead of blindly denying it or avoiding it.

Even the sad monarch believed that the current effect was far better than Archdu's direct admission of his conversion to Protestantism.

If a high-status speaker of the parliament who just suppressed the ultimate belief declares that he has converted to the ultimate belief after being imprisoned for a few days. Then it will only appear that this event is too abrupt, and the bewitching ability of the ultimate faith will cause the old religious priests to fear the new doctrine, and thus treat the ultimate faith with a resistance.

Then the spread of Protestantism will naturally not be so smooth.

Now Argu has moved the ultimate faith to a position where it can be discussed freely, instead of radically denouncing Protestantism as heresy or old religion as heresy, pushing the meeting into intensification and fighting.

This was definitely the best start for the formal spread of Protestantism.

At this time, the sad monarch looked at Daliang with admiration in his eyes.

He was able to control the progress and atmosphere of the entire parliamentary meeting so accurately. He was truly a capable minister who could be relied upon.

The Sad Monarch was very relaxed at this time. He believed that Daliang had taken control of the overall situation, and he only needed to announce at the end of the meeting that the Wugou Holy See in Sigh City would transition to Protestantism.

Now...please start your performance.

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