Start with an Archangel

Chapter 844 Fairy Garden

The Purple Dragon Sentinel immediately recognized this favorite accessory of Princess Purple Spirit.

Regarding the news about Princess Zi Ling who was kidnapped by the crystal dragon, the purple dragon did not dare to show any neglect and immediately led Daliang and Julian to fly towards the fairy garden.

Soon a sea of ​​flowers appeared in Da Liang's eyes.

On a vast grassland surrounded by the forest, countless flowers bloomed, as small as rice grains and as large as astrolabes, with various types and colors, decorating the earth colorfully.

This is the fairy garden.

The Fairy Garden is the birthplace of the Purple Dragon and the core of the entire magical forest. The Purple Dragons built a fairy tale-style castle in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers. The ceilings of the castle are mostly designed in spherical and hemispherical shapes, which shows that the purple dragon clan is a very easy-going race, different from the arrogant and arrogant character of other dragon clans.

But being easy-going doesn't mean you have no temper.

Approaching the castle, Daliang could feel the tense atmosphere before the war. There are countless purple dragons gathered here, and they are gathered in human form or dragon form.

Daliang, who was very familiar with war, could tell that the entire Purple Dragon clan had completed all pre-war arrangements. As soon as the attack order was issued, these Purple Dragons would divide into echelons and advance in sequence, and then attack the crystal mining area from the air. These echelons are divided into many teams with different responsibilities, presumably to focus on the use of a certain type or magic.

The Purple Dragon's attack can begin at any time.

After waiting outside the castle for a while, Daliang was summoned by Zishan, the leader of the Purple Dragon clan.

Entering the castle, Daliang found that the layout, decoration, and etiquette displayed by the purple dragons all had a strong human element, which made Daliang feel more intimate.

Moreover, the purple dragons in the castle are all in human form, and all items are in line with the usage habits of human body types.

After walking through the stone path between flowers, Daliang entered the main hall of the castle, and then met Zishan, the leader of Ziling.

Yew is an old man with gray hair and beard. He is wearing a blue and white magic robe. He has a tall and tall figure and does not show any signs of age. The filled magic power formed a colorful halo under his feet, showing his profound magical attainments.

After meeting Da Liang, Zishan asked with concern: "Master Da Liang, I welcome you to the Magic Forest. I heard that you met my child - Zi Ling?"

Da Liang presented the four-leaf clover and said, "Yes, this is my first time in the Magic Forest. Because I didn't know the location of the Fairy Garden, I accidentally broke into the Crystal Dragon's Cave, and then I met Princess Ziling inside. .

She gave me this four-leaf clover and asked me to tell you what she said. "

The leader of the Yishu tribe took the four-leaf clover with a somewhat excited expression. He asked, "What does Zi Ling want to tell me?"

Daliang replied: "Princess Zi Ling said that no matter what decision you make, she will support it."

The leader of the Yishu clan became even more uncontrollable. He shouted angrily at the other purple dragons: "How long has it been! The purple spirit has been kidnapped for so long, and you still can't come up with a way to rescue it. Are you really... Let me watch her die!"

All the magical wizards in the hall were dressed as purple dragons. Facing the patriarch's anger, the purple dragons were frightened and overwhelmed. One of the well-established purple dragons said to the leader of the Yew family: "Clan leader, we have always used long-range vision. Magic monitors the crystal dragon, but Princess Purple Spirit is imprisoned in the crystal mine. Red Baker never leaves the mine. We can't see the situation inside, and there is no way to position and transmit. Blindly passing into the crystal cave is where Let our children die.”

Zishan knew that Red Baker was a level 16 powerhouse like himself. In the small environment of the crystal mine, he might not be Red Baker's opponent in a one-on-one situation, let alone save Zi Ling.

The leader of the Yishu tribe calmed down his emotions, and said with a long sigh: "Yes, the despicable Hong Baker used Zi Ling as a bargaining chip to extort land from us. How could he relax the custody of Zi Ling. Poor child..."

Then the leader of the Yishuan clan said to Daliang: "Thank you for bringing me the news about Zi Ling, but the Magic Forest is facing a battlefield, and we are temporarily unable to provide you with further training in magic. You can temporarily leave the Magic Forest and wait for this After this war is over, you can come back here to continue your magic studies."

Daliang said at this time: "Why did the patriarch refuse to negotiate with the Crystal Dragon? Maybe you can discuss a solution that satisfies everyone, so that Princess Zi Ling can come back safely."

Chief Yew said: "If the crystal dragon wants to continue, it must have the power of the obelisk tower. However, the number of obelisk towers in this world is very small. The eight major racial planes... are considered elemental planes. They are all present in these nine major planes. An obelisk tower, but the crystal dragon has no chance of winning when attacking these nine planes. And because these nine planes are too large, the scattered power may not be able to give birth to a crystal dragon.

What is left are three small planes with their own obelisk towers, and these three small planes have given birth to 15th-level creatures.

The Crystal Dragon in the Crystal Mine, the Purple Dragon in the Magic Forest, and the Poison Dragon in the Sulfur Cave.

Now Yunzhong City has occupied the crystal veins in order to obtain crystals, and Hell has occupied the Sulfur Cave in order to obtain sulfur, and has also exterminated the poisonous dragons. Where else can the remaining crystal dragons go but to the Magic Forest?

They won't leave, and we won't let them stay.

There was nothing to talk about, only fighting. "

Daliang got another important piece of information... Poison Dragon.

Crystal Dragon, Purple Dragon, and Poison Dragon, three dragon clans born at level 15, all have an obelisk tower. Now the obelisk towers of Crystal Dragon and Poison Dragon have been occupied by Yunzhong City and Hell respectively.

The obelisk is definitely a very, very important thing.

The important thing is that in the past plane wars, neither Yunzhong City nor Hell paid attention to attacking the obelisk tower. Why are they eager to start now? Hell even wiped out the poisonous dragon clan.

How is this war different?

This is a competition to become a god. Is the obelisk related to becoming a god?

Daliang had too little information on becoming a god. The Death God System Research Institute had just been established. It would take a while just to study the information on the Sigh City branch of the original Wizards Guild, let alone any new results.

However, both Yunzhong City and Hell wanted something, and Da Liang wanted to find out why.

First of all... the obelisk tower in the Magic Forest must be preserved. There cannot be a fight between the purple dragon and the crystal dragon. Moreover, Da Liang can also guess a thing or two about Yunzhong City's plan.

Yunzhong City lets the Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon fight, with the purpose of luring Hell to take the opportunity to attack the Magic Forest. In this way, Angel can legitimately support the greatly weakened Purple Dragon.

Even if Hell sees through Cloud City's plan and is not the right one, Angel will create an atmosphere where Hell may invade the magical forest. The annihilation of the Poison Dragon clan is a lesson learned from the past. In order to prepare for the raid of Hell, the Purple Dragon, which suffered heavy losses, can only ask for help from Yunzhong City, which is also a kind camp.

As long as angels descend on the Magic Forest on a large scale, there will be a way to gain dominance over the obelisk tower here.

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