Start with an Archangel

Chapter 846 Lobbying

Macaulay did not expect that Daliang would come up and ask about this matter that was not even close to the Kingdom of Death, but since Daliang asked, Macaulay replied: "Yes, the army of hell captured the Sulfur Cave. "


Macaulay said: "The Poisonous Dragon Clan belongs to the evil camp and has always provided sulfur to hell. They will also send soldiers to participate in plane wars. But after we fallen angels occupied Hell, the Poisonous Dragon Clan cut off contact with us and no longer provides us with sulfur. Sulfur. Originally, we didn't miss their sulfur, but Satan escaped and got the Doomsday Blade.

In order to prevent the Poison Dragon Clan from joining Satan, we can only occupy the Sulfur Cave first.

As for the poisonous dragon seems that except for their leader who mastered the power of law and escaped, all other poisonous dragons were killed.

Does the Lord Bishop know the whereabouts of the Poison Dragon Clan Leader? "

It seems reasonable for the fallen angels to attack the poisonous dragon clan.

But seeing that Ergus and Angela were still staying in Shangjiang City, we knew that the Hell Lord King's gathering of his old troops was not going well. After all, they had been gone for ten thousand years, and Beelzebub and Misuka were missing, so the five hell lord kings became three. There was no scene where Satan raised his arms in Hell, thousands of troops gathered, and Hell suddenly changed color.

Therefore, the hell lord kings are still working steadily, secretly contacting their old subordinates.

The Poison Dragon Clan did not take a clear stand on the side of the Hell Lord King, which meant that they were still waiting and watching. They were unwilling to recognize the fallen angels, nor were they willing to be enemies with them.

At this time, it would be very unwise for the Fallen Angels to destroy the Poison Dragon Clan. They did not capture the 16th-level Poison Dragon Clan leader, so they just pushed such a strong man into the arms of the enemy, and at the same time, they had to use their insufficient troops to sulfur Cave.

Da Liang estimated that a fallen angel of Macaulay's level was not enough to know the real reason. He said: "I hope you can arrange for me to meet with a fallen angel king."

Macaulay explained: "Now Satan, Ergos and Angela are frequently active in hell. At the same time, we have to guard against Beelzebub who is hiding and Misuka who seems to have been caught by the Wizards Guild. Every king has a responsibility It's very hard to see them if there's nothing really important."

Daliang said: "You just need to send me a message, just say...if you don't see me, the obelisk tower in the Magic Forest will return to Yunzhong City."


Macaulay knows what this is, a super artifact whose symbolic meaning is greater than its actual significance after being obtained. No matter who is in the hands of it, its energy will still be shared by the entire plane.

Yunzhong City obtained the obelisk tower of the Magic Forest. What's the use if it can't be taken away?

But since Daliang said so solemnly, Macaulay said: "Okay, I will take the bishop's words to the furnace of hell..."

At present, Daliang's judgment on Yunzhong City, Hell's capture of crystal veins and sulfur caves is still only speculation. If he guessed wrong, angels and fallen angels are for resources, then the fallen angel king will not react too positively to his request to meet, and if the obelisk tower really plays a very important role to them, then the fallen angels We will never sit back and watch the obelisk tower of the Magic Forest fall into the hands of Yunzhong City.

Daliang is waiting for Hell's response in the foggy area...

One day has passed, two days have passed...

The third day.

When Daliang thought he had guessed in the wrong direction, Macaulay brought news of the Hell Furnace.

"King Beria agreed to your request..."

Through the location transmission given by Hell, Daliang followed Macaulay to Hell's Furnace City, and then met the Fallen Angel King Beria in a palace.

The last time Daliang met Beria, they went to the birth pool of Yunzhong City together. He didn't expect to meet again so soon.

This palace belongs to Belial. The dark red of hell is the main color here, and in a prominent position is the black that represents the fallen angels. Beria sat high on his throne, his black wings forming a screen behind the throne. He looked down at Da Liang who walked into the palace, and then said: "I am very curious that as a human race, you have so many contacts. You have traces of you in Cloud City, the Kingdom of Death, Hell and Satan, both good and evil. Your experience makes me I'm surprised, but I didn't expect that we would meet you during our robbery of the Magic Forest with Cloud City.

Tell us what you know and what can you do for us? "

Daliang first saluted Beria, and then said: "I don't know yet what effect the obelisk has on Cloud City and Hell, but what is certain is... you all want more obelisks.

Now the obelisk of the Crystal Mine is occupied by Cloud City, and the obelisk of the Sulfur Cave is occupied by you. In addition, I found out that the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death is in the Cathedral of Yongye City. Now the cyan coalition forces controlled by Yunzhong City are attacking Yongye City, and the obelisk tower is about to be obtained by Yunzhong City.

If the angels control the obelisks in the Magic Forest, there will be two more obelisks in the hands of Yunzhong City than in Hell, at least as far as I know, there are two more.

You probably don't want to see this happen. "

Beria did not deny it. He said: "Yes, you are right. Yunzhong City set up a trap for us in the Magic Forest. They drove the Crystal Dragon to the Purple Dragon's territory. When the Purple Dragon and the Crystal Dragon After the war, no matter whether we attack the Magic Forest or not, we can't stop the Angels from entering. In fact, we don't have the troops to fight the Angels and Purple Dragons in the Magic Forest at the same time.

The only way to prevent angels from entering the Magic Forest is to prevent the Purple Dragon from fighting with the Crystal Dragon. If the Purple Dragon's strength is not damaged, he will not allow any race to be stationed in the Magic Forest.

The way to prevent them from fighting is to let the crystal dragon leave the magic forest.

It is impossible for them to go back to the Crystal Cave, Yunzhong City will not let them out.

Obelisks from other planes don't have much effect on crystal dragons... want them to come to the Sulfur Cave?

Don't even think about it... We will not let the environment of the Sulfur Cave change in any way. "

Daliang said: "King Belia, I have no idea of ​​letting the crystal dragon move to the Sulfur Cave. In fact, I want the crystal dragon to return to the crystal veins, so that the number of obelisks controlled by Yunzhong City is equal to yours." It’s even.”

Beria did not expect that Da Liang would have such a bold idea to let the crystal dragon return to the crystal mine. This plan was absolutely tempting to the fallen angels.

If the Crystal Dragon does not fight the Purple Dragon, Cloud City will not get the obelisk tower in the Magic Forest, and it will lose the obelisk tower in the crystal veins.

Angels and fallen angels continue to be on the same level. to do it?

There is no way that Yunzhong City will obediently give up the crystal veins.

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