Start with an Archangel

Chapter 851 Peace Agreement

Her dark body was sharp and sharp. When she raised the sword in her left hand, a door to another dimension appeared next to her. The magic was formed so quickly that even Zilong found it incredible.

Before Night appeared, no dragon knew she was there. Even Red Baker only knew that something seemed to exist, and could not grasp the specific location of Night.

Both Hong Baker and Zi Ling could feel the aura coming from the 15th-level creatures in the night. They had a new understanding of Daliang's strength and knew that he was not lying when he said he had a forced rescue plan. When Zilong attacks the crystal mining area, Red Baker will definitely have to fight against Yew, and then the supervision of Zi Ling will be relaxed. Since this level 15 hero has such powerful space skills, he can definitely take the opportunity to send Princess Zi Ling away.

"It seems that I made the most correct decision." Hong Baker was grateful for his choice.

Princess Zi Ling was also very grateful to Daliang: "You dragged the Zilong clan out of a huge crisis, and your name will be sung as the Zilong clan continues."

"There is also the Crystal Dragon. Of course, the premise is that we are not exterminated and retake the crystal veins. Now let us go to the Fairy Garden together. I am very much looking forward to this meeting. The Crystal Dragon and the Purple Dragon will join forces to let us face the future together."

In order to show that the Crystal Dragon is worthy of help and has the strength to form an alliance with the Purple Dragon Clan. Red Baker specially selected a guard composed of high-level crystal dragons to accompany Princess Ziling and Da Liang's negotiation team as they marched to the Fairy Garden.

Along the way, Daliang also saw part of the strength displayed by the Crystal Dragon.

There is no doubt that the body is strong. Crystal dragons also like to show off their bodies. They rarely show others in small forms. This is exactly the opposite of purple dragons who like to transform into magic mages. The strength of the body makes the Crystal Dragon a true heavy tank. They walk in a straight line in the forest, and the trees in their way will only be knocked down.

At the same time, the crystal dragon runs very fast, enough to catch up with some slower flying creatures. The explosive power is also very strong, and rivers dozens of meters wide can be jumped across. If combined with certain skills, it can attack air units with a height of less than 100 meters.

There is no creature on land that can compete with the crystal dragon. Even the ancient Beamon, which is known as the strongest melee among the eight major races, can only kneel down in a duel with the crystal dragon. If you face Archangel in a fortress environment...

Daliang became more confident in his plan.

Soon the negotiation team returned to the Fairy Garden. The leader of the Yew Tree, who had already known that Red Baker was escorting Princess Ziling, was about to arrive, and prepared a grand welcome ceremony. The sky above the entire fairy garden was filled with celebratory magic released by the purple dragons, and a long rainbow spanned over the entire fairy garden.

Every purple dragon celebrated the arrival of peace and used their own way to welcome Princess Zi Ling's safe return.

Red Baker also saw the power that the Purple Dragon Clan had when preparing for a full war, and was looking forward to the negotiation with the Purple Dragon Clan. After meeting the Fallen Angel King Belial, Red Baker's original concerns disappeared.

After the welcome ceremony, the Purple Dragon Clan Chief Yishu, the Crystal Dragon Clan Chief Red Baker, the Purple Dragon Clan Successor Zi Ling, Hell’s Fallen Angel King Beria and Da Liang conducted a meeting in a tightly protected room that could change the future. discuss.

Since the form of the Fairy Garden Castle was not large enough to accommodate the large size of the Crystal Dragon, Chief Red Baker was transformed into a smaller form, a smaller Tyrannosaurus rex.

Since Yew, Hong Baker and Beria had already reached a consensus during Daliang's prior communication and dealings, the entire negotiation process went very smoothly. They only discussed the details of the alliance and the completion of Daliang's home plan.

As long as Da Liang can activate the space beacon in the Cathedral of Yongye City, Zilong can help open the space portal and drop the crystal dragon directly into the cathedral. Da Liang will figure out the structure of the cathedral in advance so that the Crystal Dragon can quickly occupy an important defensive position and beat out the incoming angels.

The remaining thing is how Hong Baker negotiates with Yunzhong City.

Before the Crystal Dragon retakes the crystal veins, the Purple Dragon will not declare an alliance with the Crystal Dragon, and Hell will not provide the Crystal Dragon with space teleportation help.

From the moment the Crystal Dragon enters the Cathedral of Evernight City, everything will depend on them.

When the Crystal Dragons return to the Crystal Veins to prove their worth, all agreements take effect immediately. Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon work together to protect their homeland with the help of Hell.

And Daliang requested that in the entire family-changing plan, the three parties were not allowed to reveal their role in it.

Signing of multiple agreements.

When Yunzhong City occupied an obelisk and was about to eat and stare at another one, a plan to take something from Yunzhong City's mouth was quietly being implemented.

[Your reputation in the Magic Forest increases]

[You are qualified to learn magic in the Fairy Garden. The Fairy Garden Magic Tower is open to you, and you can learn magic inside. Princess Ziling is willing to be your mentor in magic practice. 】

[The Purple Dragon Clan is willing to provide magic training to the magic mages recommended by you. Highly qualified magic mages have a chance to be promoted to hero units]

[Your reputation in the Crystal Dragon Clan increases]

[Crystal Dragon is willing to provide you with ten units of crystals per day, and the production of all crystal mines you control will increase by 25%. 】

[You get the crystal dragon fetus]

The level of magic in the Magic Forest is very high. In terms of spell casting ability, only the elemental plane in the entire world can keep pace with the Purple Dragon. Compared with the neutral and chaotic elemental plane that relies on talent, the Purple Dragon, which is now a neutral order, has also established a complete magic system in addition to talent and developed dragon magic.

Any magic has magic energy gathering time and magic recovery time, which requires a certain amount of magic power. Learning the corresponding magic skills can reduce these times and consumption. For example, Daliang has mastered advanced earth magic and advanced fire magic. When he uses magic, he tends to use these two types of magic.

In addition to supporting the release of this special magic system, dragon magic can also further strengthen the other four series of magic.

Each hero can learn eight main skills. Now Daliang has learned seven. The reason why he has not learned the last skill is not because there is no corresponding skill book, but because Daliang feels that the current skills are useful and he has not mastered them. , leaving one to wait until the skills are better and more suitable for oneself.

This time, Daliang successfully rescued Princess Zi Ling, which not only gave him the opportunity to further study magic in the Fairy Garden, but was also grateful to Princess Zi Ling, who made Daliang his magic apprentice and taught him the unique dragon magic of the Zilong tribe.

Elementary dragon magic: All magic energy gathering time is shortened by 10%, recovery time is shortened by 10%, magic power is saved by 10%, and the magic power limit is increased by 10%. You can learn dragon magic below level 3.

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