Start with an Archangel

Chapter 86 10,000 Walking Corpses

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Of course we do it together. The situation in Shangjiang City and Chongming City is tense now. A large amount of goods are stranded on the docks, and the merchants are going crazy. If the two cities fight, I don't know how many goods there will be. The merchants lost all their money. We must take advantage of this rare opportunity to build our goods distribution center. As long as we provide space, protection and labor, those merchants will be eager to leave the future battlefield center with their goods immediately.

As long as these merchants are willing to put their goods with us, our transportation team can also build a good reputation. The transportation network in the entire Shangjiang area can also be quickly established.

In this case, we have the goods and a procurement network, and the adventurer's supermarket can also be established.

This opportunity must be grasped. If we miss it... we may have to spend more resources and money to achieve what we imagined. "

Marquis Stanley moved his seat again and sat closely with Da Liang: "I will never spend two gold coins on something that can cost one gold coin. Baron Da Liang, you are my closest brother, yours Mind will save my city. Now we must implement your plan immediately and let those merchants and adventurers come to us. I decided to establish the Death Hand Merchant Group. As long as a large cargo distribution center and an adventurer supermarket are established, you Will obtain 20% of the shares of the Death Hand Merchant Group."

Daliang said: "The name Hand of Death is not nice. Although the undead think death is a very beautiful name, we must also take care of the feelings of living creatures. I think it is better to call it 'Shuntong' business group, Maritime Business Group." Like fair winds, land merchants like smooth flow.”

Marquis Stanley said: "I will listen to you, as long as it is about making money, I will listen to you."

"But..." Daliang went on to talk about the difficulties faced by the Shuntong merchant group at this time: "Jiading City is located in the interior, connected neither to the sea nor to the river. If we want to collect all the goods of the maritime merchants and Jiang merchants, To transport it here, we must cooperate with a seaport and a Yangtze River ferry. The best way is to control one, otherwise we will be in trouble when someone jealous of our wealth blocks our channel in the future."

"Yes, yes!" Marquis Stanley now regards Daliang as the God of Wealth. Although he doesn't understand some things, it is very possible that someone is jealous of his own wealth, because he himself is jealous of his future wealth. "Then what should we do?"

Daliang analyzed: "We will definitely not be able to seize the seaport of Shangjiang City, but I have a very good relationship with the Admiral of the Pudong Fleet. It was the Admiral who made it possible for me to become a vassal of the King of East China Sea. The Admiral is the future queen. If She supports us in setting up a cargo distribution center, so we don’t have to worry about the seaport. I am confident to convince her.

What I'm worried about is the Yangtze River Terminal. To the north of Jiading City and controlling the Yangtze River coast is Baoshan City, which is an academic city. If they see that we are making a lot of money here, block our access to the Yangtze River ferry, and build another cargo distribution center, then no one here will probably want to come. "

"Then beat them and destroy their city." If you dare to snatch gold coins from Marquis Stanley, you will be filled with hatred.

Daliang quickly said: "Lord Marquis, in fact, we don't need to go to full-scale war with Baoshan City. We only need to occupy a ferry. I think the location of Shidongkou Pier is very good..."

"Then grab the Shidongkou Pier." For money, Marquis Stanley would even go to war with Baoshan City, let alone just grab a pier. "Baron Daliang, I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of this attack on Shidongkou Pier. All 10,000 zombies will be assigned to you."

What's happening here? Da Liang was stunned for a moment, then he quickly said: "As the director of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, it is my duty to lead troops to attack the entrance of the stone cave. Of course, the more troops, the better. But how can we fight with just walking corpses? Gem City is an academic institution. To rule, their first-level soldiers, the spirit monster, the second-level soldier, the great spirit monster, the seventh-level soldier, the red-robed mage, and the eighth-level soldier, the archmage, are all long-range soldiers, and each of them can run faster than the walking zombies. 10,000 walking zombies went to attack the entrance of the stone cave. , aren’t you going to die?”

Marquis Stanley said: "Just let them die. I have had enough of them. If they die, I will die. If they all die, I can earn 30,000 gold coins every week. Baron Da Liang, if you use walking corpses to knock down the entrance of the stone cave, , you don’t need to send the rest back to me, I’ll give it all to you.”

Da Liang thought to himself: If you gave me all the skeleton soldiers, ghosts, vampires, and corpse witches in the city, wouldn't you make more every week?

However, Marquis Stanley really has no plans to add other troops to Daliang. He only promised that "when all the walking corpses are dead, I will personally lead the undead army from Jiading City to attack the entrance of the stone cave."

In the wasteland north of Jiading City, the zombies slowly moved out of the city with staggering steps. It would take half a day for 10,000 walking corpses to leave the city at this speed. It would probably take three days for the march to reach the entrance of the stone cave, right? No, the undead don't need to rest and can arrive in a day and a half. It seems that the walking zombies are not too slow either.

Daliang stood on the city gate and waited painfully for the zombies to gather. He couldn't believe what he had just experienced. I was obviously here to take over the territory construction task, but instead of attacking the entrance of the cave, I went to fight with 10,000 weird zombies. This plot twist is too big!

Brother, there is still a battle at sea. What if the battle here is lively and a troop transport ship from Hong Kong is discovered at sea? Fighting on two fronts is a taboo for military strategists.

Moreover, in order to consume all these walking corpses, Marquis Stanley did not even provide any other arms. He only relied on walking corpses to fight Baoshan City. It is estimated that nothing would be left.

No, since these 10,000 zombies belong to me, I can't let them suffer too much loss. We must find foreign help. Who are you looking for?

Who else to turn to but Joyce?

After the army of zombies is assembled, he marches towards the entrance of the stone cave. Daliang rides the royal griffon and flies directly to Pudong Military Port.

Daliang's identity at this time can easily meet Joyce.

When Joyce saw Da Liang, he immediately asked: "Jeju City, Jeju Island, sent someone to tell me today that one of their fleets was looted off the coast of Shangjiang last night, and all the crew members were killed. Does this have anything to do with you?" ?”

Daliang immediately denied: "Of course it has nothing to do with me. I am a pirate who abides by the rules. I didn't kill Sulawang's group. I will kill people from Jeju City?"

"But your ship has just docked at the dock with a full load of goods. Forget it..." Joyce, who was already so worried about Chongming City, was in no mood to care about foreign affairs. She sat behind the table and processed various newspapers. While reading the message, he asked Daliang: "Why did you come to me? Have you found the whereabouts of the troop transport fleet?"

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