Start with an Archangel

Chapter 913 Nicole’s Troubles

The underground part of the Boneyard will be built into a complete underground world, and corresponding living areas will be built according to the living habits of various races.

Only when construction begins can one understand the enormity of the entire project. Daliang was making a lot of money from many industries in the game, but once he invested in the construction of the big tomb, he found that even millions of gold coins couldn't make a splash. Fortunately, the Black Fire Fleet and the Dragon Robbery Team will form the White Fang Pirate Group. As long as the pirate business can continue, the construction of the Boneyard Tomb will have a fixed flow of funds.

Sigh... Why did you think of building this thing when your forehead was so hot?

Well, it was all deceived by Prophet, Geese and Nicole.

After Daliang once again expressed his emotions in front of the big tomb project, he followed the laid out passage and entered the interior of the big tomb.

First, we went to Nicole's alchemy laboratory.

As the technology research and development center, energy center and Gate of the Dead passage of the Great Tomb, it is also the lair of the frost dragons.

After Da Liang came in, the frost dragons who were enjoying the sulfur bath immediately stood up, saluted their master, and moved to both sides of the road. After Da Liang walked over, he buried himself in the pile of sulfur again.

Daliang walked into the alchemy laboratory, while Nicole was making the final preparations for her thunder body.

In a spherical alchemical instrument surrounded by four ring-shaped arms, electrical energy is continuously released. The crackling electric snake jumped inside, but could not break out of the sphere. The electric sparks shot out and formed a bright sphere wall.

In this ball filled with changes in air elements, thunder and lightning, there is a female body suspended. From the slightly blurry outline, it can be seen that she has a very similar appearance to Nicole. This body is all an entity condensed by thunder and lightning. There is a red gem embedded in the forehead of this body between the eyebrows.

Daliang recognized this gem as the spiritual stone that Nicole obtained in the Poseidon Treasure.

The spiritual stone is the best elemental change fusion prop. It can transform other elements into new elements according to the user's wishes, making it tame and obedient without worrying about the collapse of the magic surface caused by the imbalance of elemental power. In addition, what maintains the soul is spiritual power. Spirit is also a type of element, so the spiritual stone can also be a container for the soul.

Nicole has used the spiritual stone to transform enough thunder power. In this alchemical instrument, there is only the thunder and lightning change of the air element, and all other elements do not exist.

This situation is almost impossible to occur in the outside world, because water, air, earth, and fire are the four basic elements that make up the magic world. When using magic of a certain element, it only makes such elements active, not Make other elements disappear. Any imbalance in the four elements will cause the magic surface to collapse and cause turbulent flow of magic energy until the unbalanced elements are replenished.

But within the activation range of the spiritual stone, a single elemental environment was built.

The full thunder and lightning energy was shaped into a solid body in the alchemical equipment built by Nicole, and then shaped into her own shape.

The energy is stable and it's time to transform the body.

Although she was very sure of success, Nicole was still a little nervous. She nervously walked around the equipment, checking it over and over again, for fear that she had missed something?

After seeing Daliang come in, Nicole seemed to have met her savior.

"You have to help me. I don't dare to jump in there myself. I need you to help me push."

Daliang asked: "How to push?"

Nicole pointed to the top of the alchemy equipment. There was a suspended platform there, facing the completed thunder body below: "I don't dare to jump down, I need you to push me from behind."

Seeing the lightning energy filling the ball, Da Liang was also worried that Nicole would fail to transform into a body. He was such a master alchemist, and if he was gone, who would he cry to? What's more, he has experienced so much with the three masters, and he doesn't want anything to happen to Nicole.

"Is there any danger? How about asking a prophet to help you divine."

Nicole waved her hands repeatedly and said: "If the prophet says there is danger, wouldn't I dare not jump? Just do as I say, as long as you jump at the Thunder Body, there will be no problem. I have confidence in my work! That's... …I just don’t dare to take this step.”

Since Nicole insisted on doing this, Daliang said nothing more. After all, Nicole even gave up the favorable research conditions of North Star City in order to find the Poseidon Treasure, just so she could obtain the body of thunder. She was just about to take this step now, how could she not leave?

And looking at Nicole's current state, if she is left to dance by herself, she might as well help her from behind.

"Okay, Master Nicole, I listen to you. What do you think I should do?"

Nicole flashes to the platform above Thunderbody, and Da Liang also uses "Nico's Jump" to reach the platform.

Nicole pointed to the Thunder Body below and said: "If I jump down from here, my body will be irreversibly converted into thunder and lightning energy after entering the activation range of the spiritual stone. Then these thunder and lightning energy will enter the Thunder Body, allowing me to Integrate with the thunder body. At the same time, my soul will be transferred into the spiritual stone and take over the control of the thunder body.

Because I couldn't control my body during the entire transformation process, I needed to rely on the falling position to complete the fusion from above.

I have calculated everything, all you have to do is give me a gentle push and leave this platform. "

Da Liang looked down and saw that he was about two meters away from the Thunder Body. As long as he didn't use too much force, the error could be ignored.

"Okay, when do we start."

After Daliang agreed, Nicole took a deep breath and slowly walked to the edge of the platform and raised her toes to step on the outermost side as much as possible. Then she used magic power to wash away all the clothes on her body, and she stood naked, keeping her body upright, and then said to Da Liang behind her: "I'll jump up, just push me, don't use too much force. "

What's happening here!

Although at this time Daliang could also understand that Nicole did this in order to prevent foreign objects such as clothes from affecting the entire transformation process. But it’s too direct to show off your shirt without even saying hello, isn’t it?

Nicole's current body has long been elementalized, and her skin is blue. She usually wears work clothes with various tools hanging on them, and she is slovenly, so it is difficult for people to pay attention to what she looks like.

But now when Nicole removed all the foreign objects on her body, the curve immediately made Da Liang's heart beat violently.

"I know." Daliang was really nervous, but he didn't dare to shift his attention to other places in this situation. He had no choice but to calm down and take a step forward, then put his hands on Nicole's lower back. This is the center of gravity of a person's body. From here, force can be used to move the person horizontally without causing tilt.

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