Start with an Archangel

Chapter 923 Take you into the city

The church continued to call people.

Boss Jin and Xu Man are not idle either. We can lose anything in the Greater China Game Zone, but we must not lose the number of heads.

The two player groups continued to expand, and the regional channels were filled with curses in various languages. When it comes to swearing, players in the Chinese game area still have the upper hand. After all, the language is unified, neat and orderly, and the most important thing is that the content is rich and colorful. Like Chinese food, it is quite pleasing to the eye if you look carefully.

However, everyone was scolding them enthusiastically, but the unorganized player cluster was just a bunch of mobs. The more people there were, the less they dared to do anything casually. After all, everyone is here to cheer, but if you really fight, you will die and your level will drop.

It's so difficult to upgrade now, so if you can talk, try not to do it.

But for the Holy Church, how can they force Chang'e to withdraw from the competition without taking action? But do it... Looking at the players in the Chinese game area all over the place, the Fool couldn't figure out how one Da Liang could call out more people than so many Templar Knights.

And is it so amazing that there are so many people in your Chinese game area?

Forced coercion seems to be impossible. Fortunately, now that all the original Templar Knights are here, the chance of everyone working together to complete this task is definitely much higher than Chang'e's alone.

Therefore, the Fool personally presided over the scolding battle in Despair City and let the king lead the team to do the task quietly.

After a long flight, Daliang and Bartlett finally arrived in the Despair City area.

Then Da Liang was shocked by the flash on the regional channel.

Are the players holding any activities in Despair City? This large-scale scolding war is too fierce, right? Doesn’t everyone need to level up or complete tasks?

Daliang, who was confused, chatted privately with Shu Xiao: "What's going on? Why are there so many players in Despair City?"

Shu Xiao quickly answered: "I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but the people in the temple insisted on causing trouble, and I guess they couldn't hide it from you, so I'll tell you the truth.

Yunzhong City disbanded the Holy Church and prepared to form a camp confrontation team. I happened to receive this mission, and then ran the mission all the way until I got stuck in Despair City.

They couldn't enter the church either.

Originally it was a competition based on one's own abilities, but they insisted on using cunning tricks to scare away several other competitors, and then came to scare me.

Can they scare me? "

The rest of Daliang have already figured it out. According to Shu Xiao's temper, he will definitely not follow the tactics of the Holy Church. He will not give in to them when he fights for the disarmament army, he will just fight them directly.

The Holy Church has always been domineering.

Everyone shouted, which resulted in this situation.

However, seeing that neither party had any intention of taking action, Daliang did not participate openly, but said to Shu Xiao: "They scolded them, let's do the task first. I have already confirmed that the commander who occupied Despair City is an absolute acquaintance. , I brought all the key NPCs.

You leave quietly, don't alert others and let the guys in the temple notice. Find a safe place outside Despair City and wait for me. I'll be there soon. "

After receiving Shu Xiao's reply, Daliang and Bartlett lowered their flying altitude, bypassed the two groups of gathered players, and flew towards Despair City.

Soon Daliang met Shu Xiao.

Daliang introduced Bartlett: "This is Broken Moon. Holy Bella personally gave her angel wings and taught her angel combat skills."

Bartlett was originally a little repelled by Shu Xiao, after all, their status was too far apart. But after hearing about her relationship with Holy Bella, Bartlett's attitude softened a lot.

"Let's enter Despair City now."

After Shu Xiao saw Bartlett, he secretly chatted with Daliang: "Isn't this Bartlett, the angel commander of Shangjiang City? How did you bring him here? He, an angel, can lead us into a city of hell."

"He can't enter other hell cities, but this one...the troops inside will definitely come out to greet him." Daliang gave Shu Xiao a pass, and then asked Bartlett: "Despair City is heavily guarded. How do we let the person inside know that you are coming?"

Bartlett couldn't hide his excitement when he looked at the military power displayed by Despair City. As a commander-in-chief archangel, of course he also hopes to command a powerful army.

"Just leave it to me. Howard will know I'm here soon."

Bartlett reveals his archangel form and soars into the sky. The defenders of Despair City also discovered him immediately and quickly sent a team of big demons to rush towards Bartlett.

Bartlett in the air released his holy light to his heart's content. He raised his angel sword, and a holy light shot straight upward, then exploded in the air to form the pattern of the Shangjiang royal family's emblem.

At this moment, the big demons who rushed forward had raised their scythes, but they did not chop down Bartlett. The military order had been passed, and the big demons retreated one after another, and then divided into two lines in the air to form a welcoming formation.

In Despair City, more troops came out to greet them, horns sounded in the sky, magic flew up and exploded with colorful fireworks.

Howard knew Bartlett was coming, and he also knew what Bartlett's arrival meant.

This archangel, like himself, gave up his oath and honor, his status and power, just to follow himself. Howard could only express his joy in this way and greet the arrival of his friends with the most solemn ceremony.

The closed gate of Despair was opened, and the suspension bridge was lowered over the lava moat.

The well-disciplined hell army walked out in neat lines, and Howard's ability to manage the army can be seen in every detail. It was the first time for Da Liang to see the notoriously unorganized Hell Army arranged in the same square shape as the Undead Army.

Bartlett landed from the sky and returned to his human form, and the big demons also fell down and stood on both sides.

Shu Xiao was really shocked when he saw such a formation: "Hey, dear, what is the relationship between Bartlett and the commander of this hell army? The scale of this welcome is too high-standard! A few days ago, we went up to the river to welcome several strange-looking monsters. Dragon, this is the formation.”

Daliang said with a smile: "What do you mean by weird-looking dragons? Those are the top dragons in the entire game world, okay? I'll have the opportunity to introduce you to them another day. Come on, follow up, go to the city to meet the big boss here and complete your mission." "

Daliang pulled Shu Xiao and ran out of hiding. Bartlett stopped the demon's attack and asked Daliang and Shu Xiao to follow him.

Finally, we successfully entered the City of Despair.

Moreover, Shu Xiao never expected that he would enter the city in this way. Surrounded by the army of hell, he would walk through the lava moat and pass through the tall city gate and truly enter the interior of Despair City.

The way this task is accomplished is a bit strange.

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