Start with an Archangel

Chapter 938 The Situation of the Archangel

The fact that Xinyue is not dead means that her transformation in the evil prison has been successful.

The disappearance from the Black Fire Leader sequence should be due to the encounter with the nightmare unicorn Hayate, and he became a free hero.

Daliang didn't understand very much. It was Xinyue himself who wanted to break into the evil prison, but he wasn't forced by his brother, so why did he rebel? This probably has something to do with Xinyue's loyalty. How could the once-all-powerful Pirate King succumb to others?

But... you can rebel if you rebel. Now I have many high-level heroes under my command. There are two new level 15 heroes, who are as good as yours at level 15. However, what kind of trouble did you make when you stabbed our little loli casually?

Is Master Nicole someone you can hug and kiss whenever you want?

This matter must be discussed clearly with Xinyue!

"Let's go see the new moon."

The returning bullseye of the floating shuttle arrow gave Xinyue the ability to return to the Black Pearl regardless of space, so Nicole detained Crescent Moon and the floating shuttle arrow separately. This also meant that Nicole had been separated from the floating shuttle arrow. They are no longer a symbiote.

The floating shuttle arrow was put into a space bottle by Nicole. Only relying on her own flying ability, the floating shuttle arrow inside could never escape from the bottle.

Xinyue was locked up in a special prison. Xinyue could only move in a small area in the prison. Any movement near the prison fence would be immediately attacked by lightning.

Xinyue regained her own body in the evil prison, but her race was no longer an elf. She just still had the appearance of an elf, her hair turned fiery red, a pair of backward-curved horns grew above her pointed ears, and she exuded an evil aura.

Since Xinyue is no longer Daliang's subordinate, Daliang cannot see Xinyue's current status through the data panel.

But it is certain that Pirate King Xinyue is originally a person on the chaotic evil side. After being transformed by the evil prison, some of her behaviors will definitely be closer to the devil.

Must be dealt with carefully.

Daliang is already lucky that Nicole imprisoned Xinyue in time. She has been following him and knows too many of his secrets.

Xinyue immediately moved forward after seeing the bright light, but was afraid of the punishment in prison and stopped in a safe area. She said: "Lord, this is completely a misunderstanding. After I got the body, I was really happy. And I have no resistance to Master Nicole's mature beauty. So I did something to offend Master Nicole. things.

I really didn't get to know the master personally, and the master has already punished me.

Can you please let me go? I have been away from my fleet for too long. I don’t know if anyone has taken my place. "

Daliang used magic to make a chair for himself. After sitting in it, he pointed to the two closed alchemy equipment on the left and right of the prison and said: "You should know that this person next to you is Beelzebub, the deceitful devil. He was captured by us together." to; and the other one is Misuka, the Demon King of Greed.

If we changed places and I was locked in, would you let me go? "

Xinyue looked around and said, "No, you know so many of our secrets, I won't let you go casually.

The strange thing is that the situation was dangerous at that time. I had to use the return bullseye to escape the underwater volcanic eruption, and then I didn't leave in time but provoked Master Nicole.

Lord Daliang, what do you plan to do with me?

Even if I agree to become your subordinate again, I can't make you feel at ease. "

Xinyue used to be a very special one among Daliang's many subordinates. She felt a bit forced to join the Black Fire Leader. At that time, she was just an arrow, with obvious advantages and obvious weaknesses, so she had to rely on Daliang's protection. But now that Xinyue has regained her body, even if she is forced to join the Black Fire Territory again, how much trust can she give her?

Daliang thought for a while and said to Xinyue: "You have completely lost my trust in you. I need to ask Master Nicole if there is any way to restrict you. Otherwise... I can only say I'm sorry to you."

"Okay, wait for Master Nicole." Xinyue sat down on the spot, and then looked up and down Miniya and Daliang's guard captain Sophia.

After waiting for a while, Master Nicole finished inspecting the archangels and walked in.

She ignored the crescent moon when her eyes began to shine, but said to Daliang: "The situation is very obvious... The four archangels you brought this time were only eroded by evil energy, but Julian's However, there is extremely evil energy in his body, which already belongs to the category of divine power, so it has a far greater impact on Julian than evil energy.

It must be Ergos that Julian has in custody.

If the low-level Abyss Python does not have extremely evil energy, it is absolutely impossible for him to grow into the Lord of Hell. Even if he has such high-end energy, Ergos will still be ranked behind Satan and Beelzebub. His rank is The position is really too low.

It's a pity that the extremely evil energy can be controlled by Ergus, but Juliet, as a 15th-level Hell's Angel, inherited the extremely evil energy after being tamed by Ergus, and her future growth...

Count Daliang, if you can't control Juliet, I advise you to take advantage of this separation to eliminate her. "

Why does Ergus value Julian or Juliet so much? It is because of the influence of extremely evil energy that the purgatory creatures are boss-level monsters without the ability to control themselves. Ergus is definitely an extremely rare exception, he can control the evil energy instead of being controlled by the evil energy.

However, what limited Ergus's growth was his biological rank. Therefore, he had mastered a certain degree of divine power, but had to succumb to the third place as the third hell lord king.

Now that Juliet has successfully inherited his extremely evil energy, and she is a 15th-level Hells Angel, what will she grow into in the end?

This should be the reason why Ergus has always wanted to kidnap Juliet, if it weren't for the fact that Daliang had a help letter in his hand that Ergus was afraid of, and Julian had the initiative in the body.

Ergos must have robbed it already.

But is Juliet really going to disappear?

Daliang said to Nicole: "Julian is fighting Juliet at the Prophet. I believe Julian can win. No matter what Juliet becomes in the future, Julian will be the one to subdue her. Now let's talk about Stark and the others. Condition……

When you say they are simply infected with evil energy, does that mean it's much easier to deal with their situation? "

Nicole did not interfere with Daliang's decision-making due to Juliet's matter. When faced with Daliang's inquiry, she replied: "It's easy to say and difficult to say. The evil energy in their bodies can be eliminated with only extremely good energy. However, and extremely evil Energy is the same. After receiving extremely good energy, they will also become soulless puppets of divine power.

However, Juliet's extremely evil energy can allow Julian to obtain stable extremely good energy. If Julian successfully separates from Juliet, it will be a very simple matter to help Stark and the others remove the evil energy. "

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