Start with an Archangel

Chapter 943 Metatron

Of course Daliang knew how big a stir he would make on the player level of the game world. He didn't even dare to read the flashing message, and at the same time told Shu Xiao not to respond to anyone's inquiries.

Let’s wait until the enthusiasm cools down first.

After shutting down all external communications, Da Liang followed Metatron through the portal to Cloud City.

In a quiet garden, Metatron sprinkled the holy light on a flower bed and said to himself: "The energy of light represents eternity, and the flowers watered by the holy light can never wither. In the clouds The city has always been so stable and harmonious that we have ignored the things behind the light.

The desire for power created Lucifer, the yearning for freedom created Bella, and the fear of the future made the supreme angels discover that the beauty of the past was so easily broken.

These things make us do a lot of things we shouldn't be doing.

On behalf of myself, I apologize to the Five Color Flag Alliance. It was Yunzhong City that disturbed your peace. "

Daliang saluted respectfully to Metatron: "Lord Metatron, you are a true wise man."

Metatron sighed: "No, I'm just being pedantic. In fact... Michael and the others did the right thing, tearing apart the hypocrisy of our previous self-righteousness, all for the future of the angel race, Do your best and do whatever it takes to win.

Goodness does not exist in war.

And I am just an escaper. It is meaningless to continue to miss the past. "

Daliang said: "No... Lord Metatron, I just think that you play a very important role in Cloud City now. Any radical strategy is very prone to mistakes and loopholes, and may even make the situation uncontrollable." Out of control. At this time, a small number of conservative and sober people are needed to hold the reins.

You are of vital significance to the current Cloud City. You can prevent some mistakes from happening by looking at things from the perspective of a bystander. "

Metatron smiled and said: "Whether your opinion is right or wrong, it makes me feel much better. Now Stark and the others should be at your place... What situation are they in now?"

Daliang replied: "Their situation is very bad. Resisting the invasion of evil energy consumes all their energy. I have found a way to eliminate the evil energy in their bodies, but...

This requires Julian's advancement to Holy Angel.

Julian is already qualified to complete the 15th level advancement. I came to see you also for her advancement.

Their time is running out and the evil energy within them must be expelled immediately. "

Metatron said: "Advanced into a Holy Angel... Cloud City has never had a precedent for an archangel who has been recruited to leave Cloud City to advance into a Holy Angel. If you want to advance Julian, you must Terminate the employment contract with Julian.”

Daliang decisively refused: "No...I will never terminate the contract with Julian."

"Then there is no other way." Metatron said that there was no room for negotiation on this matter: "This rule cannot be changed."

Da Liang did not expect Metatron to be so determined on this matter. He said: "But... are you just watching them being swallowed by evil? Don't you want to save them? Give me a task, you can Let Yunzhong City make an exception for Julian's advanced mission..."

"There is no such task... I don't want to see them swallowed by evil, so I have done what I can't do. Now it's your turn... Can you do something for Julian that you are not willing to do?"

Julian has a bright future in Cloud City.

Give up on her, cure her... You get four very capable archangels, and Cloud City can also provide convenience for your territory in the world of heroes. "

Daliang is very conflicted now. Of course he doesn’t want anything to happen to Julian. Isn’t he trying so hard to obtain the angel equipment from Will just to keep Julian alive...

But if Julian wants to be able to fight against the 15th level Hell's Angel, he must advance to the 15th level Holy Angel, but Yunzhong City does not allow Julian to advance...

It is undoubtedly the most perfect solution to terminate the contract with Julian, wait for Julian to advance to a holy angel, and then sign a contract with Julian.

But will Julian be willing to accept his own employment again?

Any fool can see that Metatron attaches great importance to Julian. Julian will definitely be trained intensively if she stays in Cloud City. In the future, she may become a new 16th-level supreme angel.

And what can Daliang give her? Wandering among multiple forces is itself a sign of lack of strength. Moreover, Daliang also knew that when he signed the contract with Julian, he used dishonorable means and took advantage of others' danger.

Daliang didn't know if she would follow him after he terminated Julian's contract.

But... I can no longer hesitate any more.

"Okay..." Daliang felt that he had never been so depressed since playing the game: "I will terminate the contract with Julian, and I hope Lord Metatron can advance for her as soon as possible."

"As long as Julian returns to Cloud City, we certainly hope that she will be as powerful as possible."

Daliang left Yunzhong City and returned to Shangjiang with a heavy heart.

Shangjiang is still in the midst of a city-wide celebration, with 20% off all purchases in the city. The celebrations continue into the night, and there is still no intention of stopping.

Joyce announced that the queen had officially settled in the Shangjiang Palace, and gathered the five main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance to discuss offensive and defensive coordination in the face of future dangers.

The main responsibilities of the five main alliances were also clearly clarified for the first time.

Shangjiang: The treasury of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, responsible for the expenditure and income of the Five-Color Flag Alliance's funds.

Daliang: The think tank of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, responsible for providing the Five-Color Flag Alliance with intelligence on major forces, and responsible for the coordination and planning of major events.

Purple Dragon: One of the thugs of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Currently, the Purple Dragon is the strongest main alliance of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. It has a strategic-level magic legion and is responsible for providing tactical and strategic-level magic support to the Five-Color Flag Alliance. It is responsible for attacking the gods. Research.

Crystal Dragon: The second thug of the Five Color Flag Alliance. Crystal Dragon was severely damaged in the war in Yunzhong City and its strength was greatly damaged. However, it is still the second most powerful main alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance. Reuse the strategic-level defense corps to be responsible for providing tactical and strategic-level defense forces for the Five Color Flags Alliance.

Poison Dragon: The third thug of the Five Color Flag Alliance. Poison Dragon was exterminated in the war between the fallen angels. The new Poison Dragon clan is still very weak and depends on the Purple Dragon for survival. However, the Poison Dragon Clan is recovering relatively quickly and will definitely be a very important supporting force in the Five Color Flag Alliance in the future. Compared with Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon, Poison Dragon does not have too obvious characteristics, but this also makes Poison Dragon have very high applicability. They will perform very well regardless of large group combat or small group cooperation.

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