Start with an Archangel

Chapter 949 God’s Plane Crystal Wall

After Xiaoxiao received Black Pearl's adoring expression, Daliang unfolded his fallen angel wings and flew towards the depths of the passage. Black Pearl also flew up, following Daliang closely amid the continuous attack of holy energy.

The passage is not too long. After flying about one thousand meters, the space in front of us suddenly opens up.

The boundless, viscous sacred energy is like water, making people feel as if they are floating in chaos. There was a vast expanse of white above and below, and for a moment Da Liang didn't know where to fly.

"Black Pearl, in here...can your compass still work?"

Black Pearl was also at a loss what she saw. Faced with Da Liang's inquiry, she checked her alchemy device and replied: "Captain, the compass is still working normally. Although the magnetic field here is different from that outside, I can recreate the coordinates here."

If you can make a coordinate chart, you won't be afraid of getting lost in it.

Da Liang told Black Pearl: "You should keep an eye on the compass and pay attention to the consumption of rare resources. Let's first slowly find where the crystal wall of the God Plane is. You keep an eye on your own rare resource reserves. If it reduces to a certain level, we will Go back and add more.

Also... we don't know if there are any other dangers here, so we should draw a higher warning line for the reserve of rare resources. "

"Yes, Captain!"

Da Liang holds the Angel Alliance in his hand and can use all the angel clan's exclusive combat skills. After hearing Black Pearl's promise, he turned into the flame leader state, summoned a light shield and held it in his hand, then randomly chose a direction and flew over.

Searching around the entrance...nothing was found.

However, Daliang discovered a rather strange phenomenon.

After Black Pearl entered the channel, she continued to be attacked by sacred energy, and the frequency of attacks on her was different in different places. In some places, the frequency of attacks was sparse, while in other places, the frequency of attacks was slightly denser.

Does the intensive attack frequency mean that the sacred energy is more intense, and it also means that the distance to the crystal wall of the divine plane is closer?

In order to prove his guess, Daliang once again confirmed that Black Pearl had sufficient reserves of rare resources, and then let Black Pearl take him to fly in the direction of intensive attacks.

The damage the Black Pearl received continued to increase, and the outer defensive shield began to be squeezed and deformed... When the energy output of the advanced magic-forbidden device was equal to the damage suffered, the defensive shield was on the verge of breaking at any time.

At this time, Da Liang vaguely saw that there seemed to be a very huge thing hidden in the white light in front of him.

"Black Pearl, wait for me here." Daliang stopped Black Pearl from moving forward, and then he held the Angel Alliance and flew towards the large object.

As the distance got closer, the object gradually became clearer, and then its full picture appeared in front of Da Liang.

Da Liang only took one look and knew that this must be the crystal wall of the God Plane.

Because its shape is a super enlarged version of an obelisk.

It is larger than the obelisk tower that Da Liang saw in the magic forest, a full thousand meters long, floating in the sacred energy like a sharp mountain peak.

After Daliang flew close to the crystal wall of the God's Plane, he stroked the texture of the stone tower with his hand, and he became more certain about the relationship between the obelisk stone tower and the crystal wall of the God's Plane.

It should be said that all creatures in the game are generated by energy transmitted from the plane of God and then spread through the obelisk tower.

The obelisk itself is part of the crystal wall of the God Plane.

The power that can destroy the obelisk tower can destroy the crystal wall of the divine plane, and the divine plane will naturally be opened.

This is why Cloud City and Hell want to snatch obelisks from other planes, because conducting experiments near the crystal wall of the plane of God will cause continuous energy damage. Not only is it a serious consumption of materials, but the researchers have to constantly travel back and forth to recover their physical strength, which will make the entire experiment very inefficient.

By snatching the obelisk towers from other planes, you can find a way to destroy them outside the crystal wall of the god plane, and then use this power on the crystal wall of the god plane at once.

In other words, the fundamental purpose of Yunzhong City and Hell to snatch the obelisk tower is to destroy...

It seems that the Sulfur Cave needs to be snatched back as soon as possible, as well as the obelisk tower in the Kingdom of Death.

Angels and fallen angels have reached the final step of becoming gods.

And this step can be taken at any time.

Da Liang recorded the location of the crystal wall of the God Plane through Black Pearl's compass, and then immediately returned to Nicole's alchemy laboratory with Black Pearl.

After coming out of the passage, Daliang summoned all the alchemists involved in the research, told them his findings, and then said: "Although we also have two obelisks, they cannot be used for destructive research. Therefore, we can only find a way to directly destroy the crystal wall of the God Plane we found.

The black pearl can withstand a certain amount of damage in the passage, but cannot get close to the crystal wall of the god plane.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is to increase the strength of Black Pearl's defensive shield so that her battleship form can approach the crystal wall of the God Plane. In this way, you can study the crystal wall of the God Plane under the protection of the black pearl, without the need for frequent trips to restore physical strength and magic power.

In addition... the storage capacity of Black Pearl must also be improved, and I will do my best to supply your consumption of rare resources..."


He had just boasted in front of Black Pearl, but after Daliang calculated the consumption of rare resources by Black Pearl in the channel, he realized that this bragging was a bit big.

The Five Color Flag Alliance does not have an obelisk that can be destroyed, so it can only try its best to supply black pearls to burn resources.

It seems that we need to search for rare resources.

However, one of the specialties of the Crystal Dragon is that it produces one unit of crystal every day. We need to tell the Crystal Dragons: Don’t poop everywhere in the future, collect the poop and feed it...

This description is a bit unfair to Black Pearl, but that’s the meaning.

"By the way, there is the most important thing. This divine plane crystal wall emits sacred energy, and I think we should be able to find extremely good energy in it.

Yunzhong City has promised to promote Julian to the Holy Angel, and we have another artifact.

Now you take the Black Pearl and enter the channel to find the extremely good energy. I will go to Songjiang to find the prophet now. Let's solve Julian's situation first.

Then he will devote all his efforts to researching the destruction of the crystal wall of the God Plane. "

At this time, Nicole could not wait to enter the passage, and the purple dragons also wanted to see what the crystal wall on the divine plane looked like.

Therefore, after Daliang issued various instructions, Nicole's team of alchemists immediately took action and followed Black Pearl into the passage. Although the black pearl's defensive shield could not support them from approaching the crystal wall of the God's Plane, they still had to take a look at the situation inside despite the damage.

Only the wizard Minia still had some discipline and waited outside to prevent emergencies from happening.

After walking out of Nicole's alchemy laboratory, Da Liang asked the frost dragons to strengthen their defenses. He also called in the magic mage Vincent and the red copper cavalry to strengthen the defenses of the Boneyard before he went to Songjiang with confidence. .

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