Start with an Archangel

Chapter 969 White Wolf Plan

Through his conversation with Daliang, Marquis Wilson suddenly felt that his previous values ​​and trade rules had been subverted.

What is direct bond trading?

What does it mean to directly issue bonds without gold coins?

What does it mean to use a bond with 100 gold coins as 115 gold coins to buy something when there are no gold coins?

Is it really okay to trade like this?

"As long as we control the proportion of gold coins we hold and the amount of bonds issued, there will be no problem at all." Daliang, who learned from Boss Jin and sold them now, said very confidently: "When the entire market is used to and recognizes our war bonds, and When bonds begin to circulate, no one will be eager to exchange the bonds into gold coins. So why should we prepare enough gold coins for bond exchange?

We only need to make the bond holder believe that the bond in his hand can be exchanged for an equivalent amount of gold coins, without actually preparing the gold coins. "

Wilson's economic mind can certainly understand what Daliang said, but this operation is really too subversive.

"This is simply..." Wilson didn't know how to describe this behavior: "This approach is simply more evil than the devil... The devil at least robs directly, but we have to use a piece of paper to make one person willingly steal everything Wealth to us!"

"They also want to be grateful to us..." Daliang added: "Marquis Wilson, the plane war launched by the good camp and the evil camp has given us an unprecedented opportunity, so that our war bonds have all the conditions for circulation. .

When the entire world trades on our bonds, we unify the world economically in a way that no war can achieve.

At that time, we will control the wealth of the entire world, and all those who hold our bonds must support us as long as they want the bonds in their hands to be valuable.

Shangjiang can rule the main world with a bond. The Five Color Flag Alliance, which owns the wealth and resources of the main world, will become an alliance that can compete with the good camp and the evil camp.

The main world will no longer be a cake that can be sliced ​​arbitrarily.

Marquis Wilson, this change will start from your hands. "

Rule the world!

When Wilson betrayed Shangjiang, he was only tempted by a city lord. Now Daliang told him that what he had to do would allow Shangjiang to rule the world in the future...

Well, it's the overworld.

But this also made Marquis Wilson extremely excited.

This financial invasion will be launched from his hands. This is an invasion without gunpowder and bloodshed. It is completely different from all previous war methods.

Facing the war bond operation method proposed by Duke Da Liang, the main world...the whole plane has no way to deal with it now. When they realize that their economy is completely controlled by war bonds, it is already too late.

The shackles were put on by themselves willingly, and the chains were handed over to Shangjiang by their own hands.

As long as the issuance of war bonds is done properly, the future belongs to Shangjiang, and as Shangjiang’s finance minister...

All kings, marquises, city lords, and lords will prostrate themselves at their feet.

Wilson had no way to refuse Da Liang's proposal.

"Duke Da Liang, your wisdom makes me feel like I am a speck of dust facing the bright moon. The war bond issuance plan we formulated is just like a child playing house.

The Shangjiang War Bond Issuance Department needs to deploy several times more manpower to establish a complete war bond issuance system and control system.

I also sincerely invite the Duke to participate in the formulation and guidance of the entire plan.

Let’s crown King Joyce the King of the World. "

Da Liang couldn't help but think of Joyce, and then smiled and said to Marquis Wilson: "Yes...since King Joyce has entrusted us with the issuance of war bonds. Don't tell her about this plan yet, give her a surprise... "

"It's... Your Majesty the Duke." Marquis Wilson also laughed.

At this time, Daliang said again: "The war bond issuance plan must be kept secret. I gave this plan a name, called the 'White Wolf Plan'."

"I know, I will definitely make a secret plan for the 'White Wolf Project'."

In the days that followed, Daliang basically spent time in the war bond issuance department under Shangjiang Finance. Marquis Wilson gathered all officials in Shangjiang who had expertise in financial management and economics to discuss how to issue Shangjiang war bonds and how to promote war bonds into circulation.

In order to ensure the smooth issuance of this war bond, Daliang specially went to Yingshi Virtual Bank, gathered the bank's financial experts, and then continued online and offline to perfect the war bond operation plan formulated by financial experts outside the game. Copy it into the game.

After perfecting the plan around the clock, when Boss Jin announced that all the funds for the purchase of war bonds were in place, Daliang signed and approved the first tranche of 10 billion war bonds to be officially issued, and then used his authority to increase the amount of 5 billion in face value. Jiang War Bonds, traded to the Yingshi Virtual Bank headquarters located on Angel Avenue in Upper Jiang.

Then Shangjiang City opened for business together with the Shangjiang War Bond Exchange Centers in the other six sub-cities.

At the same time, Shangjiang Finance issued a notice to all merchants that had trade dealings with Shangjiang, mandating the use of war bonds for large transactions. It is required that the payment for each transaction shall not be less than 50% of the total price, and must be paid with Shangjiang War Bonds. Merchants who accept transactions using war bonds will receive preferential policies from Shangjiang in proportion.

Real benefits such as free berthing of ships and tax deductions are among the real benefits.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce also enforced the use of Shangjiang War Bonds for settlement transactions in its own business circle. No less than 70% of the payment for each transaction must be paid with Shangjiang War Bonds. In addition, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce told all the nobles in the area covered by the chamber that the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can help them purchase Shangjiang's war bonds, and will assist Shangjiang in establishing war bond exchange centers in various cities as soon as possible.

For a time, the entire eastern Asia region knew about Shangjiang's issuance of war bonds.

On one side is the changing king's flag at the top of the city, and the wealth in the hands of the nobles is at risk. On one side is Shang Jiang, who is stable and powerful, has formed an alliance with three 15th-level dragon clans, and is protected by the 16th-level supreme angel, and is willing to help them keep their property.

Moreover, both Shangjiang and Shuntong Chamber of Commerce have said that war bonds are not dead money and can still be used to buy and sell things. The important thing is that war bonds are useless to both the good camp and the evil camp. They can't directly exchange war bonds for money if they take it to Jiang, so naturally they won't rob it.

Any fool knows what to do now.

Therefore, Shangjiang War Bonds were snapped up as soon as they were listed.

The Shangjiang War Bond Issuance Department took advantage of the situation and launched the second and third bonds.

Countless wealth is continuously flowing from the Yangtze River Basin and the East Asian coast to Shangjiang City along the trade routes of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

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