Start with an Archangel

Chapter 999 News from the Cathedral

Wow ha ha ha ha……

Da Liang stood in the wilderness and laughed wildly. He had the magic that could resurrect the hero in his hand. How could he care about the reward of a mere copy... Can he be given an artifact? Can you give me a master level skill book? Can you give me a forbidden spell?

Since Yijian Guanghan has joined the Disarmament Corps, it doesn't matter whether he wants this kind of reward or not. Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot. Enhancing his strength is equivalent to increasing his own strength.

So Daliang didn't even bother to ask about any rewards, and just gave them all to Yi Jian Guanghan.

I feel so good!

Yijian Guanghan couldn't help but sigh again. The top players were indeed top players, and even the rewards for clearing a super copy were looked down upon. This is the gap, this is the realm!

Sure enough, it was right to join the Judgment Legion. There is still a lot to learn from Daliang in the future.

Yijian Guanghan looked at the "Letter of Introduction for Senior Wizard Promotion" in his hand. With this letter of introduction, he could directly serve as a senior wizard in the Wizards Guild, which was regarded as officially entering the inner middle level of the Wizards Guild and the Cyan Alliance.

The Cyan Alliance is an emerging force. Its main body is the Wizards Guild, and its background is Yunzhong City. It is powerful and has a very bright future.

Senior wizards have many privileges in the Cyan Alliance. If a player can become a senior wizard of the Wizards Guild, he will enjoy very generous conveniences in the Evernight area in the future.

The benefits of invisibility here cannot be compared with top-notch equipment and advanced skill books.

The "Letter of Introduction to Senior Wizard Promotion" is the best of the many rewards after clearing the "Capture Will" copy. To Daliang...Yijian Guanghan is really a bit reluctant to give up.

But since the dungeon harvest distribution rules have been agreed to, and the entire dungeon itself was cleared with Da Liang, the best reward should be given to him both emotionally and rationally.


I don’t want it!

Yi Jian Guanghan was amazed and overjoyed. Although he was from the human race and was not suitable for the task of attacking the kingdom of death, his friends were from the undead race. In the future, with a senior wizard guarding the Eternal Night City, the team will have more opportunities in the Kingdom of Death, and it will be very convenient to complete tasks.

After thanking Da Liang, Yi Jian Guanghan began to distribute the task rewards and said to the team members: "Mr. Liang is too generous to not want these dungeon rewards. Although we share them ourselves, we can't let Mr. Liang work in vain. Take away the things, they are worth it." How much money will we send to Mr. Liang? Even if Mr. Liang doesn’t like this little money, we can’t be too careless.”

Daliang is really in a clear mood now.

After playing the game for so long, Daliang has really seen what is most precious in the game...talent!

The reason why I can play such a high-end game is because I have a variety of powerful heroes. Juliet, Julian, Night, Kuka, Monica, which one alone would not be more powerful than Brother? It was with these high-level heroes as the backbone that Lei Lei established the current circle of power of the Black Fire Leader.

But heroes are mortal. It is really difficult to reach the 16th level to understand the law and obtain immortality.

The unexpected death of any of these heroes would be a heavy blow to the Black Fire Leader and a loss that Da Liang could not bear. But after learning the forbidden magic of "sacrifice", I bought an insurance policy for these heroes.

The low-level soldiers who sacrificed cannon fodder resurrected the high-level heroes who died unexpectedly. This is why this magic is classified as a forbidden spell, and entering a state of magic depletion after use is the restriction that prevents this magic from being abused.

Da Liang exhaled a long breath. The surprise of being the first to reach level 50 was a bit big.

Let’s turn to the main tasks released by the system...

Dungeon, Torch Tower, Dark Elf.

Although the main line of the entire mission is not clear yet, the mission is definitely closely related to the war initiated by the black elves in the endless maze. As for the underground city Songjiang that Daliang is currently planning to attack, his opponent is the black elf mistress Abigail.

It seems that we have to wait until the war in Songjiang City is over before doing this main mission.

Daliang, who had raised his level to level 50 as he wished, returned to Yongye City.

The large information board in the market was still standing there, and a team of skeleton soldiers stood behind the information board, making this stall particularly eye-catching. Therefore... although the number of players in the entire Eternal Night City is not too large, when most people come here, they will stop and look at what is written on the information board.

Da Liang, who returned to his stall, opened the information board and read the messages inside to see if there was any news about the Evernight Cathedral.

It’s such a mess, with messages in all kinds of languages.


"What are you doing with Eternal Night Cathedral? Is there a mission? What mission?"

"Do you want the newly made Black Bone Warhammer?"

"With such a large lineup buying information, the shop owner is really rich!"

"Let's play together... my little sister's ID: ******"

"I think I've seen Eternal Night Cathedral. How much do you plan to pay?"

"We also held a party in the Evernight Cathedral yesterday..."

Da Liang finally realized how difficult it is to do the work of the intelligence department personnel in the legion... Who the hell are these people? Do so many people who know the whereabouts of Yongye City really know, are they just teasing me, or are they trying to deceive? Some money?

It’s hard to tell the truth from the false…

If I ask them one by one to identify them, I don’t know when they will be asked.

So Da Liang responded to all the players who left messages and knew about the Eternal Night Cathedral.

"I am Da Liang. If you really have information about the Cathedral of Eternal Night, I am willing to buy it at a high price. Please send me the photo of the Cathedral of Eternal Night first. If you have not seen it, please do not cause trouble..."

All players who received the message were shocked.

Big bright...Which big bright!

Isn't it a fake? No, the uniqueness of the game ID cannot be counterfeited... It is really Daliang, the Daliang of the Chinese game area, the Duke of Shangjiang!

That's the bad thing about being a celebrity, being recognized everywhere.

For a moment... information in various languages ​​came back, making Daliang dizzy.

Moreover, they are all apologetic, worshipful, and conciliatory. There is not a single information about the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Just as Da Liang was replying perfunctorily one by one, a message he inadvertently opened caught his attention.

"I have really seen the Cathedral of Eternal Night. The photo is in the attachment. Because it was too far away at the time, the photo was not clear. How much are you... willing to pay?"

Looking at the prompts of the translation software, the other party is speaking Portuguese, and the use of some grammar shows that the other party is Brazilian.

Name is Ada

Chat privately: "Can you play football?"

Daliang asked wickedly, and then called up the attachment in the other party's message.

Just as Ada said, this photo is not very clear, mainly because the distance is too far and the lighting in the Kingdom of Death is poor. Only a large crack in the ground could be seen from a long distance, and inside the crack there was a section of iconic decoration similar to the top of the Immaculate Church exposed.

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