"Teacher, Director Wu, please take care of the two proximal limbs."

On the operating table, time is life. Even if Zhou Yuan has master-level limb replantation technology, he can't waste time.

""Okay!" Wu Guohui and He Jianyi did not recommend being directed by Zhou Yuan, and immediately began to clean the wound.

Zhou Yuan looked at the two severed limbs at the far end.

Although Haiyang was good at surgery, he certainly did not have enough experience in limb replantation, a level 4 surgery that only deputy chief physicians were qualified to perform, so he could only help the instrument nurses.

The personnel for this limb replantation surgery were:

Chief surgeon: Zhou Yuan.

First assistant: He Jianyi.

Second assistant: Wu Guohui.

Third assistant: Haiyang.

After all, Zhou Yuan was also He Jianyi's student, so it was not a problem for him to be a first assistant under his own student. Although Wu Guohui also wanted to appreciate Zhou Yuan's limb replantation technology, he did not dare to compete with He Jianyi.

"Watch carefully." He Jianyi wanted Haiyang to learn more, so he reminded him.

Haiyang said"oh" twice, and quickly ran to He Jianyi's side to observe carefully. He was almost scolded to death by He Jianyi.

"I asked you to watch Zhou Yuan's operation! Get out of here."

Haiyang:"Oh oh."

Zhou Yuan was fully immersed in the debridement and had no time to care about Haiyang behind him.

Debridement is the most basic skill in surgery. The key point is to completely remove inactive or contaminated tissue. There are two principles for specific operations: from the outside to the inside, from shallow to deep. This is to prevent omissions during the debridement process or to aggravate the contamination when repairing deep tissues.

Zhou Yuan carefully cleaned the broken limbs, marking the blood vessels with black ribbons from time to time. For some places that were inconvenient to suture, Zhou Yuan directly cut the skin and the inner fascia along the longitudinal axis of the limb to expose the blood vessels.

This is to create opportunities for the subsequent anastomosis.

After more than ten minutes, Zhou Yuan exposed the last blood vessel and stretched out his hand and said,"Flat-head needle."

Ocean came back to his senses from the dazzling debridement operation and immediately handed over the instrument.

Zhou Yuan sucked a tube of heparin solution, then inserted a flat-head needle into the arterial lumen and flushed it with pressure to remove the residual blood clots and other impurities in the severed limb. Zhou Yuan stopped flushing until the heparin solution became colorless and transparent.

""Okay, the blood clot problem has been solved perfectly."

Zhou Yuan immediately began to clean the second severed limb.

Haiyang had already looked at it once, and when Zhou Yuan started to clean the second distal limb, Haiyang went directly to the severed limb that Zhou Yuan had treated, picked up the microscope and carefully observed it.

"It's really God's gift.……"After a long time, Haiyang, who was viewing the scene with the mentality of appreciating a work of art, finally came to his senses and burst into tears.

Damn it, why can some people do debridement better than the textbook!

This most basic skill is known by everyone, but it is the most difficult to do well.

At this time, Zhou Yuan's second distal limb and Wu Guohui and He Jianyi's first proximal limbs completed the debridement at the same time.

Zhou Yuan ignored the shock on the faces of Wu Guohui and He Jianyi, and said solemnly:"The main arteries in the patient's hand, such as the ulnar nerve, ulnar artery, radial artery, etc., are all ruptured, and the brachial plexus and blood vessels are damaged to varying degrees. The situation is very bad."

Wu Guohui was silent for a second, and was about to say that if it really didn't work, he could only consider amputation. Zhou Yuan did not give him a chance to answer, and continued:"This operation will take a long time and the task will be arduous. We... must succeed!"

Wu Guohui was stunned. He couldn't believe that this was what an intern said.

""Continue, the next step is bone treatment." Zhou Yuan immediately began to work.

Bone treatment is a necessary part of limb replantation. Only by rebuilding bone continuity can the effect of limb replantation be guaranteed.

Due to the removal and retraction of soft tissue, the bone will grow accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the exposed bone ends in the limbs. This can not only adapt to the shortening of soft tissue, but also reduce the chance of infection and prevent osteomyelitis.

Even for master-level limb replantation technology, when faced with such a complex limb, appropriate removal and selection must be made. Although it cannot be guaranteed to be restored to the original level, normal life and work will not be a big problem.

Zhou Yuan carefully cut the harmful exposed bones.

The scope of resection is based on the contact between the soft tissues of the two ends. It is sufficient as long as the blood vessels and nerves can be anastomosed without tension.

A few hours later

"After the bones are processed, the next step is to deal with the blood vessels."

After the bone continuity is established, the next round is the anastomosis and suturing of the blood vessels, which is what Zhou Yuan is good at.

After Zhou Yuan anastomosed all the arterial blood vessels, he directly restored the blood circulation of the severed limbs.

This is for the sake of the patient. Only by restoring the blood circulation of the severed limbs as soon as possible can its vitality be guaranteed. At the same time, the necrotic cells and toxic substances in the severed limbs due to lack of oxygen and other reasons can be discharged from the body, reducing the systemic adverse reactions after the operation.

Wu Guohui was stunned by the side.

"He Jianyi, I think……"Wu Guohui was attracted by the talent.

In the hospital, the surgical department was much more popular than the emergency department, and the treatment was much better.

Before Wu Guohui could finish his words, He Jianyi interrupted him:"Whoever competes with me, I will be angry with him!"


It's a new week, and I'm asking for all kinds of data support! The flowers and votes in everyone's hands have also been refreshed. You must vote for me and help me get on the list. When I get up tomorrow morning, I will continue to update ten times. I'm counting on you all!

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