After the abdominal ultrasound, while waiting for the results, Zhou Yuan pushed Yang Wei to prepare for a gastroscopy.

Yang Wei was already in pain, and now he was trembling with fear:"Doctor, won't it hurt like hell if that tube is inserted into my throat?"

"Don't worry, it's a painless gastroscopy. I'll give you anesthesia later."

After a while, He Jianyi came over.

"Teacher." Zhou Yuan shouted.

He Jianyi was invited by Zhou Yuan.

Although gastroscopy is not a high-level technology, the patient's condition is relatively complicated, with gastric ulcers and possible bleeding. If it is not handled well, there is a risk of perforation. It is more appropriate to leave this matter to the experienced He Jianyi.

He Jianyi was a little surprised:"Why, you can do major operations, but this small inspection is alarming me?"

Zhou Yuan laughed.

Although he has several master-level major operations, Zhou Yuan is not omnipotent, and other aspects still need to be improved slowly.

"Drink it." Zhou Yuan handed the anesthetic to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei was stunned:"Isn't it an injection?"

But Yang Wei quickly drank it,"Hey, my stomach doesn't seem to hurt so much anymore!"

"Put on this mouthguard and lie on your left side."Zhou Yuan said.

Yang Wei lay down neatly and opened his mouth obediently.

"Don't be nervous, or your throat will lock if you are nervous, and the needle won't go in." He Jianyi fiddled with the gastroscope and reminded.

Yang Wei's mood improved after his stomach pain was relieved:"I understand! But this is my first time, you have to be gentle!"

He Jianyi's hand trembled and he said,"You'd better stop talking."

He Jianyi slowly passed the gastroscope through the middle of the dental pad and probed into Yang Wei's esophagus. The latter opened his mouth wide, too scared to breathe.

"The gastroscope goes into the esophagus and will not affect the trachea. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth."Zhou Yuan reminded him.

Ten minutes later, the gastroscopy was completed.

He Jianyi and Zhou Yuan went outside the ward alone.

"What's your guess?"He Jianyi said

"Gastric cancer."

He Jian nodded:"It is most likely gastric cancer, and it may be advanced gastric cancer."

Zhou Yuan was stunned and took a look inside the ward:"How is it possible! The patient is only 37 years old!"

"Let's take a look at the results of the abdominal ultrasound."He Jianyi sighed.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Ling brought the abdominal ultrasound results.

He Jianyi handed them to Zhou Yuan:"You tell me."

Zhou Yuan nodded, looked at them for a few times, and analyzed:"First, there is a protruding tumor in the stomach cavity. The tumor protrudes into the cavity and appears uneven. The tumor has infiltrated the mucosal layer, submucosal layer and muscular layer, and a small area of invasion has occurred in the serosal layer."

"Ulcers also appear in the stomach, and the ulcers can be seen protruding into the cavity, forming a crater-like distribution. Diffuse hypoechoic areas appear at the base, with unclear boundaries from the surrounding normal tissues."

"What about the stomach wall?" He Jian asked with a serious expression.

"The stomach wall is diffusely and irregularly thickened, the sense of layers disappears, and only two layers of the five-layer structure can be distinguished. The stomach cavity is narrow and cannot be filled!"

The pathological basis of gastric cancer starts from the mucosa, gradually invades the submucosal layer, muscle layer and serosa layer, causing the stomach wall to thicken to varying degrees and the corresponding disappearance of each layer of structure.

Now the five-layer structure has become two layers, which can basically be confirmed as gastric cancer, and it is mid-to-late stage gastric cancer.

"What about the interface between the tumor and adjacent organs?"He Jianyi can only pray that it is not advanced gastric cancer.

"The sound and image of the organs and the interface are very fuzzy, the boundary is unclear, and there is partial adhesion between the two adjacent interfaces!"

Zhou Yuan raised his head with a serious expression:"Teacher, the adjacent organs are invaded. The only good news is that most of the gastric cancer is distributed in the stomach body and has not metastasized to the adjacent organs on a large scale. This is a near-late stage gastric cancer."

He Jianyi sighed:"Who will go in and announce it?"

"Teacher, let's go together." Zhou Yuan said.

Thirty-seven years old, the best age of life, suddenly knowing that he had advanced gastric cancer was a heavy blow to him and his family.

Moreover, it hit three families.

Pushing the door open, Yang Wei was chatting with his wife

"Wife, listen to me, I don’t have time to eat either! I recently wrote a new novel, and I must make sure to update it!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned and said,"Writer?"

Yang Wei smiled modestly:"Haha, yes, yes!"

"Does it still hurt?"Zhou Yuan asked.

"It still hurts, it hurts a lot! But it's okay, I get this way all the time. Doctor, please give me some painkillers! I'll go back after I take them!"

Zhou Yuan was silent for a few seconds and waved to Yang Wei's wife.

He Jianyi, Zhou Yuan and the other two walked out of the ward again, leaving Yang Wei alone.

""Doctor, what's wrong?"

Yang Wei's wife was very nervous.

Generally speaking, doctors will tell patients about minor illnesses in front of them.

In this case, doctors deliberately avoid patients, which may mean that the situation is not optimistic.

"Your husband has stomach cancer, and it will soon develop into advanced stage."He Jianyi announced with an apologetic look on his face.

Yang Wei's wife was stunned and turned to look inside the ward.

After his wife left, Yang Wei in the ward no longer pretended to be relaxed. He grimaced in pain and was almost out of breath.

But when he found his wife looking at him, Yang Wei immediately laughed and whistled as if it didn't matter.

"Doctor, please save my husband! He is only 37 years old, and we have a pair of children to raise. I can’t live without him! Yang Wei’s wife broke down and burst into tears on the spot.


The fourth update is here, and the fifth update is about to begin! Please give me a monthly ticket, and there are still 20 monthly tickets to break 1,000!

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