"Successfully integrated the master-level docking suturing technique and the perfect-level compression hemostasis method! Obtained! Master-level limb replantation technology!"

Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up.

Whether it is the master-level docking suturing technique or the perfect-level compression hemostasis method, they are all minor operations.

The former is nothing more than suturing small wounds or something, and the latter simply turned Zhou Yuan into a human hemostatic forceps.

On the contrary, the limb replantation technology can be regarded as a real major operation, which ordinary doctors cannot do!

And the master-level limb replantation technology is simply Hua Tuo in the world!

Zhou Yuan smiled and followed He Jianyi to the emergency department hall.

I saw a middle-aged man in simple clothes sitting on the bed with a hunched back. He covered his left hand with his right hand, and blood kept flowing out from between his fingers.

The young nurse Lin Wen next to him had been so anxious that she wanted to stamp her feet. Seeing He Jianyi coming, she hurried up and said,"Director He, this patient's hand is broken, please take a look!"

"Reporting patient conditions"

"Patient's name: Wang Tie. Age: 35 years old. Symptoms: Preliminary diagnosis is compression severed hand!"

Upon hearing about the severed hand, Zhou Yuan, who had just mastered the technique of replanting severed limbs, ran faster than He Jianyi and immediately went to the patient to observe.

After mastering the master-level technique of replanting severed limbs, Zhou Yuan not only gained practical knowledge, but also theoretical experience.

Depending on the cause of the injury, the injury of the severed limb will be different. The common types of severed limbs are cutting severed, crushing severed, compression severed and tearing severed.

After Zhou Yuan looked carefully, he had a rough idea in his mind.

It was indeed a compression severed hand caused by squeezing by large machines, stones or other heavy objects.

He Jianyi was quite surprised. He came over from behind and tested Zhou Yuan:"What did you see?"

Zhou Yuan said in a serious tone:"The severed finger's detachment plane is irregular, the tissue damage is serious, and there are a lot of iron filings, wood chips, etc. in the cross section and tissue gaps. There are combined injuries at the distal end of the crushed limb, and fractures and vascular ruptures occur at the same time.……"

He Jianyi had just asked casually, but he didn't expect Zhou Yuan to actually answer. He was stunned. Did you make the diagnosis by just taking a look? Did you read from a textbook in front of you?!

Zhou Yuan didn't notice He Jianyi's expression. He was still observing the patient's severed hand and continued,"Superficial venous contusion. Some of these veins have developed thrombosis, and venous blood return to the limbs is blocked. If surgery is not performed, the severed limb will completely necrotize and even affect the entire arm."

Lin Wen swallowed and looked at Zhou Yuan as if he was looking at a human microscope and a scanner.

He Jianyi smiled as if he had seen a ghost, but still walked in front of Wang Tie.

After all, the patient's main complaint is also very important.

He Jianyi took a sterilized tweezers from Lin Wen and tapped the patient's severed hand lightly.

"Does it hurt?"

Wang Tie immediately grimaced:"It hurts! Doctor, it hurts so much!"

He Jianyi squatted down, carefully observed it for a few times, and then pointed at the distal end of the broken limb several times.

There were three locations, two of which felt pain, and one felt no pain.

This basically matched Zhou Yuan's judgment.


He Jianyi turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yuan:"How did you make this? Is it chicken feet too?"

Zhou Yuan grinned:"Ask Haiyang and the others, sometimes the chicken feet they eat are flat, and the bones are broken."

He Jianyi was silent for a second and chose to ignore Zhou Yuan.

"This situation is more complicated and may require partial amputation."He Jianyi frowned and spoke in a heavy tone.

Venous return was blocked by blood clots, and some distal tissues had begun to necrotize.

Moreover, the severed limb was in a comminuted fracture. If the severed limb was to be replanted, blood vessels, nerves, and bones would need to be connected. This was too difficult and he was not sure he could do it.

Wang Tie, who had been sitting on the bed and enduring the pain, immediately widened his eyes when he heard that he was going to have an amputation.

"You can’t amputate my limb, doctor! I’m the only one in my family who works to earn money. I have parents to support and my children’s tuition to pay. If I lose my hand, the construction site will not want me!" Wang Tie’s voice became trembling.

If he fell, the whole family would collapse in an instant!

Zhou Yuan was about to whisper to He Jianyi that he might give it a try, but another person came between Zhou Yuan and He Jianyi.

""Who said this hand must be amputated?" the voice said.

Zhou Yuan looked up and was immediately happy.

This was Jiang Xiaoqi, a doctoral student who graduated from Harvard Medical School with a major in emergency medicine.

She could be considered a high-tech talent recruited from overseas.

However, Jiang Xiaoqi had just returned from abroad and had not officially taken up her post. He Jianyi, Lin Wen and others did not recognize her.

"Who are you?"

He Jianyi's face was not good.

He made this decision after careful consideration. Now it seems that someone who knows a little bit about business has come and wants to teach him a lesson?

"It doesn't matter who I am. I want to ask you, as a doctor, have you told the patient all the treatment options available? Is it a doctor's job to judge based on his own experience and subjective assumptions?" Jiang Xiaoqi pressed. He

Jianyi was amused and stepped aside:"Come and see, multiple comminuted fractures, amputation is not an option, the only option is replantation of the broken limbs. This kind of delicate surgery cannot be performed even by the director of hand surgery! Who can do it? Can you?!"

Jiang Xiaoqi was choked and rolled her eyes.

She was about to retort that no matter whether it would succeed or not, at least give the patient the right to choose.

At this moment, a weak but full-bodied voice rose up along with a hand:

"I...I can……"Zhou Yuan glanced at He Jianyi and Jiang Xiaoqi


Update sent, I have chronic urticaria, I don't know why I had severe stomach pain in the early morning yesterday, and then I went to the hospital for infusion.

I felt better this morning, went home and slept, and updated a picture when I got up.

I don't know why my stomach hurt again just now, I barely finished this chapter, I will try my best, I will write hard when my stomach doesn't hurt, and try to update about seven or eight times a day.

If I can't do it, I hope everyone will understand!

Thank you!

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