Start with Batman

Chapter 165: Xiao Chong rushed to the hot search

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!


The ground was smashed through one end, and the train, like a beast breaking through its cage, crashed to the ground amidst the dust and flying gravel.

The front train carriage that had been emptied long ago was deformed and fell apart, the entire train body was tilted, and the empty carriage was smashed and deformed on the construction road, and after a long series of sparks brushed against the ground, the train finally managed to stop.


Once upon a time, Chu Cheng would complain to others that he was digging everywhere when crossing the river, and every three or two steps he took had to be cut off by a construction site. To this day, he feels that he has never been so grateful that the city's construction sites are blooming everywhere.

Otherwise, it's really not that easy to find such a no-man's land as a buffer zone to park.

At this time, the first car of the subway that was out of control pierced the ground like a sword and rushed out to the surface, while most of the rest of the body was still buried in the ground. The road was punctured with a hole, the sky was full of dust, and the scene of the subway lying halfway outside looked particularly shocking.

This is the limit of what Chu Cheng can do with Spider-Man under limited conditions. After all, the buffer distance is limited and it is impossible to force the brakes by brute force like before, so this is a control measure to minimize losses and casualties. It is inevitable for someone to be injured by violent braking in this way, but after-the-fact statistics show that most people were only slightly injured, and a few people were seriously injured but not life-threatening, and no one died.

For such a tragic situation where the original psychological expectation might be "no survivors", such a result can be said to be a miracle.

It took a while for the passengers to recover after the car stopped. They got up and looked around in a daze. It took quite a while for many of them to realize that the train didn't rush into the underworld or another world.

It took them a few more seconds to realize what had happened as they could see the dust-cracked pavement and blocked streets outside.

The tight-fitting man who fell from the sky seemed to be pulling the rails with his bare hands... dragging the train to the ground...


Fuck brothers, there is a god!

Shouts of surprise erupted from the survivors. These few minutes can definitely be regarded as ups and downs for each of their lives. Not long ago, they all felt that they were bound to die. This feeling was like being caught by someone when they were half buried .

The incident was already being watched by the whole city, and many media rushed to follow up and report it. Soon a media helicopter flew over, and the camera focused on the half of the unearthed train, and the picture was transmitted to the screens of TVs and mobile phones in every household.

Everyone's first reaction when they saw this scene was bewildered.

Wait a minute, how did the subway get up there?

Can this thing still fly?

But tossing around like this is a bit embarrassing even for Spider-Man. He coughed and struggled to crawl out from under the bricks. Chu Cheng also showed that the hero seemed to have suffered some injuries.

Of course, it's not a big problem. For ordinary people and even many other heroes in the pool, a series of tossing like this tunnel collapse and ground cracking may not die or peel off their skin, but it is not a big problem for Spider-Man. After all, in the movie, Xiao Chong is a head-on collision with a train that is full of gas, and it is nothing to be beaten. He seems to be an agile hero, but he has a lot of health. This level is just a drizzle to him, and he looks disheartened and embarrassed, but in fact, he probably just wiped off a layer of blood.

But in any case, although there was an element of luck, the plan was successful, and another wave of new experience and hero points came in.

As we all know, each of these heroes is a different vehicle killer specialization. For example, airplanes are prone to fear of heights when they meet Superman, ships are always afraid of water when they meet Aquaman, and trains like to stretch their hips when they meet Spider-Man. Then it may be because of paying tribute Because of the classic scene of restoring the hero’s name, although it is a street mission this time, the points given this time are not bad.

At this time, there were passengers in relatively good condition in the car who boldly came up.

"What the **** are you...?"

This question was obviously on point, as if the bug-style auto-response switch had been triggered.

Spider-Man stood firm and shook his head, moved his big eyes, and said with a smile, "Of course it's your friendly neighbor Spider-Man."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to shoot the spider silk, flew into the air, and swung away under the gaze of countless astonished eyes.

The reporters on the helicopter were also stunned, and turned to the photographer after a while.

"Tell me you took a picture."


After a while, reporters and rescue teams arrived one after another. After some inquiries, they quickly understood the situation.

"it is true!"

Survivors interviewed beamed into microphones in front of the camera.

"I swear on my grandma's grave that what you've heard is true! The guy who just flew away - he seems to call himself Spider-Man - is the one who stopped the train anyway!

He shot something like a web and ripped the entire rail off the ground with his bare hands. Then he yanked the net and sent the train down the tracks and onto the ground..."

reporter:? ? ?

audience:? ? ?

They seem to understand every word this person said, but it feels like they don't understand what it means.

Even the reporter who asked the question was embarrassed for a while, smiled embarrassingly and didn't know how to answer the question for a while, the expression on his face seemed to say, "Brother, do you hear what I'm talking about?"

But all the survivors have the same caliber, and they all show that a baby in pajamas with a spider web head jumped up and stopped the subway with his bare hands. The results of the on-site inspection are also completely consistent with their testimony. Although the spider web used by Spider-Man has dissolved and disappeared, the subway tracks are indeed pulled up by extremely tyrannical force.

That's pretty weird.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and this disaster, which the whole city paid attention to, caused an uproar in Jiangdu on that day. The word "Spider-Man" has become the top search in the same city, and the second most searched teacher XX's new album has become the absolute focus of eight roads.

Immediately afterwards, someone jumped out on the forum.

"I'm stupid, I recognize him! He was the one who carried my cat card down from the tree before! Guigui, I don't even know what kind of **** I met back then..."

"I know it even if I'm stupid! He helped me catch the car thief! (Bicycle


I was also shocked by the underground organization in Jiangdu, which was almost half buried, especially the Jiangdu F4 and other gangsters who participated in the siege and were killed by Spider-Man without injury.

When they opened the headlines on their mobile phones and read, "Spider-Man stopped the subway with his bare hands to save the world", there was a picture behind it with the truth.

Then, when they saw the red and blue figure in the video swaying away with the silk thread, many people began to realize that something was wrong, and felt that the more they looked at the figure, the more familiar it was...

Then in the next second, he was so scared that his hands trembled, he screamed out, and even threw the phone out.

Damn, isn't this the talkative freak we were besieging and suppressing back then?

Stop a runaway train with your bare hands?

Were we still shooting at this thing! ?

Nima, were we so brave back then? How dare I! ?


Soon everyone discovered that is not too much, but in fact, some people in Jiangdu have encountered Spider-Man before, but it has not become a hot spot like it is now, and has never attracted the attention of the whole city.

As soon as this incident happened, the spider web head with the pair of cute big eyes quickly entered everyone's field of vision. Someone specifically compiled all the events that this "Spider-Man" has been haunted, and it quickly became apparent that he felt a little different from the previous heroes who were mainly active at night.

Not only because he is not only active at night, but also from the summary post, it can be seen that this Spider-Man is as big as a police shootout and as small as a cat climbing a tree.

No wonder it is called "Friendly Neighbor".

However, although this exposure has brought a lot of heat, Spider-Man himself is also very tired. After the task was over, Chu Cheng directly asked Xiao Chong to go offline to rest and enter the recovery state.

Then I didn't expect that the news from Lawyer Ma, who was hanging up in the next city, came soon.

"Sir," Friday reminded, "Daredevil has found something in Huicheng."

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