Start with Batman

Chapter 190: Flying sniper

Such a non-mainstream metal helmet with a weird face covering, only a single red scope, and a man with a high-tech look suddenly fell from the sky as if he had been refreshed out of thin air. Faced with this unnatural and weird phenomenon, the security guards on the roof were stunned for a moment, and no one reacted immediately.

"Hey buddy." Dead Archer landed in a half-squat, stood up straight, and even arrogantly waved to the sheriffs who were standing guard, "It's hard work, isn't it?"

At this time, someone woke up like a dream, and immediately drew his gun: "Don't move!"

Of course, people had already started running when they shouted. The security guards came back to their senses one after another, and then quickly shot him. However, ordinary security guards are not dead-shot gunners after all. Anyone who can reach the edge of a moving target of ten meters is considered an elite, let alone a target that moves at high speed in complex terrain.

Deadshot moves smoothly and avoids attacks with the help of roof bunkers, as chic as a parkour athlete. Bullets kept bouncing around him, a stray bullet blew a hole in the water tank on the roof, and a bunch of water arrows flew out, covering the faces of the pursuers.

After a series of futile and classic human body strokes by the security guards, the dead shooter successfully ran to the edge of the roof, turned his back and fell down with a leap of faith, and even compared to the security guards before falling. a friendly gesture.

A security officer hurried up to the side of the building to look down, but saw that the weird man fell halfway and shot a zip line from his wrist, and his claws grabbed the protrusion on the side of the building. He tugged on the rope, and his whole body weight fell on that rope, like a pendulum clanging, smashing the glass and swinging into the building below.

Only then did a group of security officers turn around in a hurry, took the stairs in a circle and ran to the corresponding room downstairs, but the man had long since disappeared without a trace.

The news was also quickly sent back to the Public Security Department, which is in chaos right now.

Obviously, Director Li Shou was attacked.

Combining the previous encounter, on-site survey and ballistic restoration, experts and the on-site survey department quickly deduced what happened.

The man in red just now sniped at the director's office from the roof of the opposite building, through countless walls and layers of obstacles.

The first thing that is astonishing is the bullet he used. Although it was impossible to find where the bullet flew, the bullet showed monster-like penetration. This kind of power is the capital for snipers to dare to lock the wall.

Then there is aiming. Even infrared imaging at this distance is not easy to use. With so many barriers and so many people in the building, it is simply whimsical to want to lock the director in the room at the other end of the building.

Based on the analysis of the situation at the scene, the experts took it for granted that the strange man in red that the security guards encountered was the gunman of Black Sun, the legendary scarlet **** of death.

According to the analysis results of on-site ballistic restoration, combined with the claw device used by the opponent to escape, the experts quickly restored another conclusion that made them all feel even more incredible.

The shooter—probably because the sniper spot was guarded by people and unable to mount a gun, chose a sniper method that was almost mythical.

He fired the claw from a lower position and grabbed the edge of the roof of the building opposite. The rope of the claw retracted rapidly, and finally fired his whole body into the air like an electromagnetic gun ejected along the track. (Refer to Batman's claws in the Arkham Knight game)

The shooter ejected into the air and was in mid-air. During the short period of lingering in the air when the kinetic energy of the ejection was exhausted and the body fell under the shackles of gravity again, he opened the mirror to aim in the air, and corrected the errors of gravity and wind speed. The walls of the entire building were locked, and shots were fired at the director's office.

So after the gunshots sounded, he fell in front of the security guards on the roof like he fell from the sky.

A shot pierces the wall and flies into the sky.

When the result came out, the experts in the room fell silent.

Is this **** a technique that carbon-based creatures can imagine?

If this shot can hit, it can't be called marksmanship at all, it should be called magic, and it's just abstract.

"Fortunately, he missed." An expert wiped his sweat.

Indeed, the result is extremely thrilling. The bullet almost missed Li Shou's cheek, pierced through the window behind him and disappeared. As long as the shooter is accurate by one centimeter, Li Shou's head may already be blooming by now.

Of course, even if the shot misses, the marksmanship shown by this shooter is already unprecedented, and it can even have a huge impact on the concept of sniping in the history of this planet.

Even if it missed, this shot is definitely enough to leave a name in history.

Use the claws to shoot into the air and snipe in the air, and lock the target partition wall in the outer room across the entire building. These two items alone are enough to become a legend. lifetime. And that monster was only a hair's breadth away from hitting under these dual conditions at the same time.

It can only be said that this wave is really the fate of Director Li. But if this bullet is even a little bit more accurate, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Li Shou looked at the punctured glass in his office, but he didn't say anything for a while, but frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Is that true?" He suddenly said to himself.

Some experts were stunned for a moment: "What do you think?"

"No. It's just...intuition, and I can't tell." Li Shou frowned, "I always feel that it's not that simple."

It's really just good luck. Is it so simple that the opponent misses the shot?

Then it didn't take long for new news to be sent back to the Public Security Department.

According to reports from ordinary people, a male body was found a certain distance below the train track directly opposite the Public Security Department.

Soon a team from the Public Security Bureau went to block the scene and collect evidence. Although he was basically broken when he fell from such a height and at such a speed, his identity was quickly identified through fingerprint comparison.

This person is the strongest sniper **** who makes everyone in their entire building nervous, the scarlet **** of death in the black sun.

The moment the news came back, everyone was stunned.

So the one who died on the ground was the Scarlet Reaper... Then who was the acrobatic freak who was also a partition lock and a flying sniper just now?

Not long after, the results of the preliminary autopsy came out. Although the scarlet **** of death seemed to have fallen from the train and was smashed into pieces, he was actually dead before that. The real fatal injury was a headshot shot by some kind of extremely powerful bullet, and the head exploded like a watermelon on the spot.

Scarlet Reaper?

Fall off a train?

The cause of death was a shot to the head?

Although it is true that the Huicheng Public Security Department has been a bit of money all year round, it still has basic logic skills. The experts in the room looked at the wall shot through by the director's office, at the cracked glass behind Li Shou, and then followed the glass to look at the railroad track behind the city...

No one speaks but everyone knows what's on everyone's mind at this moment.

And the people who had that possibility in their minds all seemed to be possessed, as if some kind of plague had spread silently in the room, and everyone who was infected by the plague was startled like an electric shock, their expressions stiffened. He stopped, and then involuntarily opened his mouth, but no one made a sound.

It's as if the reasoning is so outrageous that no one has the courage to say it.

Until Director Li Shou sat in the chair, spoke calmly, and uttered the conclusion that everyone was thinking but no one dared to bring up.

"This shot wasn't aimed at me, and I didn't have that intention at first." He said softly, "The gunman aimed at the train that happened to pass by at that time... an attempt was made on the roof of the train. Snipe the scarlet **** of death in this room."

Even if they had already guessed a little bit, even if they were mentally prepared, the moment this sentence was said, everyone's heart jumped wildly, and even the heartbeat seemed to miss a beat.

Fuck! ?

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