Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 999: Who puts pressure on whom?

United World Championships, student level. This is a joint proposal by various countries. As one of the alliances, China naturally has no way to refuse to agree, although they also know what the situation is.

   is actually very simple, isn't it just that countries are ready to put pressure on China?

   Why did you choose the student level? That's because the name is better.

  The most important thing is that their spirit-clearing spell is not confidential, so all countries can get it. Therefore, in terms of low-level students, there are also countries with the Qing Ling curse, anyway, the gap with China is relatively small.

   It’s just that what they didn’t expect is that the students in China today are completely different from before.

   Although in this competition, countries have united against China, but they were equally matched.

   In the screen, whether it is a danger, an enemy, or a target. The Chinese students always have a variety of reconnaissance methods here, and they can always find out in advance.

   Even if someone is attacked, he can find the problem at the first time, and then launch a variety of anti-sneak attacks.

   You need to know that, except for those southern countries, the Japanese are the best at sneak attacks.

   The result is that the previous unfavorable means directly hit the iron plate this time, breaking the halberd and sinking the sand. No matter who made a sneak attack in the past, few can succeed, and examples of being counter-killed abound.

   You should know this situation, it rarely happened before.

   "Your students, the performance is really good." A big golden beard said with a frown.

   "Your students are also good, and the safety of the earth will be entrusted to them in the future." The diplomatic spokesman said cheerfully, and on the surface there was no difference at all.

   Everyone's faces are gloomy, because the new generation of China's performance is too terrible. This kind of performance will become more and more terrifying with the growth of age and strength, and the gap between them will probably become larger and larger.

   The most important thing is that they are all elites this time, but their spirits are about to be destroyed.

   On the contrary, the self-confidence of those targeted by the opponent is constantly increasing.

   It's not good to go on like this, but they just can't help it.

   If China is doing well in the field competition, then their performance in the arena is even stronger. Because of the single one-on-one, there is no such thing as a sneak attack.

   Speaking of things like sneak attacks, no one is so comfortable with it.

   Even with reconnaissance methods, it is often easy for someone to find a chance to succeed in a sneak attack.

   But it's different if you face a confrontation. Hua Guo is very good at this. When they were students, they had a lot of experience of fighting against each other, and even many schools focused on this.

   With the skills Jiang Hen gave them, their performance was very exaggerated.

   Terrifying explosive power, quick-reaction defensive ability, and various other restrictions and kill skills.

   This kind of low-level skill, Jiang Hen didn't care at all, and directly gave out a lot. As long as it is a mainstream profession, as long as it is not too partial, each of them is now greatly enhanced.

   In the arena, the odds of winning for Chinese students have now reached more than half.

   Seeing this situation, the faces of delegations from various countries have become increasingly ugly.

   Originally brought so many people, just to put pressure on them, but I didn't expect that the pressure on myself would be even greater.

  Although they are all students and people with low abilities, they represent the future. This performance means that China will grow faster in the future and there will be more and more strong players.

   At that time, wouldn't they be even more unable to fight against them?

   You know, now they have united various countries and formed a kind of alliance to fight against them.

   At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at the representative of the Japanese nation are so fierce and hot.

   Because of this result, it is their Japanese country. The reason why that country behaves so terribly is not only caused by the secret method of mind demon dreaming, but also because of the large number of special skills.

   And these skills were originally used to restrain the people of the Japanese nation.

  The Japanese delegation has no expression on its face, as if wearing a mask and knowing nothing.

   But they didn't feel that way in their hearts. They were all flustered, and even a little overwhelmed. How did things develop into this, and how they should explain to them when they go back.

   You know, they haven't won a battle with China so far.

  , after all, are those skills Jiang Hen made for the Japanese country, and it is too targeted for the mainstream professions in our country. Is it possible to give up these mainstream professions in the future?

  These professions, they have invested a lot of resources, they have been developing for a long time, and they have perfected all aspects of inheritance.

   If you give up, although you will not be restrained so directly, but it is still incomparable to the other party. It may even cause the speed and quality to be far worse than before when opening up another world.

   But this can't go on, these people are almost out of spirits.

   Without this spirit, future development will be greatly restricted.

   was supposed to put pressure on the other party, but now UU Kanshu is the most pressured. From the beginning, the representatives of various countries talked and laughed, but now they have become cold-eyed and even started to develop in the direction of resentment.

  The big countries also said that many of those small countries have already cursed the Japanese country.

   How can we talk about the following things like this? The senior officials of the major countries watched the things here, and they all had a lot of headaches.

   "Now let’s talk about what we are going to do in this situation."

   "What else can I do, should I give up the negotiation."

   "But if you negotiate directly, the effect is very poor. Have you thought about it."

   Hearing this, one person said: "Put pressure from other aspects, it seems that the student level is not enough. But at the strong level, they have not changed so obviously for the time being."

   "Hehe, let's talk about it, you can convince the strong."

   They are different from China, and they don't have that much control over the strong. Those people either form an organization on their own or work in major organizations, and those organizations are the controllers behind their country.

   How can they be willing to persuade them to do such a thankless thing. It must be all sorts of wrangling at that time, and it will eventually come to nothing. But the problem is that they have no other way except this method.

   Everyone feels more headaches when looking at the screen, how can they offend an Arcane Constructor?

   "It's all the fault of the Japanese nation, they must be responsible for this matter." Suddenly, someone opened his mouth and said loudly.

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