Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 773: Increasing conflict

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As the negotiation policy changes, various things have begun to change.

No way, it's a seller's market now, and only Miracle Land can provide those special resources. In other words, only Jiang Hen behind can make it, and there is no way to replace it with someone else.

Jiang Hen is not only a special identity, he is also a seventh-order powerhouse, absolutely the top one.

In their area, no one can control Jiang Hen silently. These few years have not been enough for them to cultivate new rank 8 powerhouses.

Therefore, how to negotiate the Miracle Land, they can only fall to the ground.

As a result, everyone knew what Miracle Land wanted to do, but they could only be led by the nose.

As Jiang Hen delivered the items purchased by the Kiora Kingdom, they finally began to worry.

"Damn it, they not only betrayed our interests, but also sent the mage and various professionals who were originally blocked. What exactly these guys want to do, don't you know the consequences of doing so?"

A group of people yelled at Gucci, but Gucci didn't care about them anymore.

"We have agreed that prices must be suppressed, and they cannot be allowed to continue like this."

Everyone nodded to express certainty, but the next day, they offered higher prices one by one.

As the next day, a country got a spot and got an order. The news was announced as soon as possible, and the representatives of the remaining countries also expressed their indignation.

Of course, at this time, everyone has become acquainted with each other. Next, with the continuous transactions of each country, the alliance finally collapsed completely. Although it still exists in name, it just exists in name only.

And they are more anxious one by one, because the farther they go, the more often they will pay. On the contrary, the benefits they can get are getting less and less, but in order not to be distanced by other countries, they can only pinch their noses to recognize it.

In the agreement, the Demon Realm in that direction outside the Miracle Territory, any of their countries cannot come to occupy it, and must give up to the Miracle Territory. Otherwise, Miracle Land will break their trade.

Similarly, other countries have also sent support for the various talents lacking in the territory.

According to the contract, these people need to serve in the realm of miracles for many years.

As for whether they can take these people back in the future, it depends on how much they can pay.

After all, life in Miracle Land is much better than other places. When life is stable all the year round, I am afraid that most people will not be willing to leave this place.

Then, as everyone's transactions were completed one after another, the period of great development came again.

Kiora started to develop from several places at the same time, and wanted to completely take back his country in the shortest time.

The same goes for other countries, because everyone no longer trusts each other, so each country can only use its own forces. Precisely because of this, where some high-level demons get together, they have no way to defeat them.

Finally, the helpless major countries still compromised one after another, and once again used some methods to unite.

Of course, if countries want to unite, they have to pay a great price.

However, there is one of the most unlucky ones, and that is the Kingdom of Kiora. The Kingdom of Kiora was jointly rejected by other countries. Although the resources were obtained, the speed of recovery of the homeland became very fast.

But the outside world wants to open up, but it is the slowest.

As a result, at the end, Kiora began to slowly fall behind.

However, in order to set a target, Sakura took the initiative to contact Kiora and offered to help. In addition to Jiang Hen himself, there are also three seventh-order powerhouses who can take action.

With the help of these people, Kiora finally speeded up once again in opening up the territory.

And this speed is much faster than others. Because Miracle Land was their only partner, the relationship between Kiora Kingdom and Miracle Land suddenly changed.

During this time, the number of royal family members who came to visit Namira began to increase.

Even the second princess Celie, who had always looked down upon this country place, came here in person.

Of course, what made Serier depressed was that she did not see Jiang Hen's shadow.

However, Namira's mentality was completely different at this time, she was treated as a **** by them, and she did whatever she wanted. After such a long time, Namira gradually became bored with this relationship.

Between countries, it has always been like this, and Namila now has a deep experience.

As a result, Namira became more mature and looked more like a politician. A high-level figure who belongs to the territory, although the royal family has some headaches and some emotions, it can only be recognized in the end.

In other words, any person released by the royal family will eventually become like this, sooner or later.

If the person who was released is still focused on the royal family, the result will not be good, or it will not reach the desired height at all.

Then, the conflicts in major countries began to intensify.

Kiora developed rapidly, but Wonderland didn't know why, and it didn't develop outside.

They have been staying in their own territory, seeming to want to develop a good foundation first. In this way, in their opinion, it is a missed opportunity.

Of course, some people think that this is what the Kiora Kingdom used, after all, their relationship is recent.

In order to prevent the Realm of Miracles from being wooed by Kiora, the major countries and regions began to suppress the Kingdom of Kiora in a tacit Although everyone was unable to unite, this suppression still made Kiora very uncomfortable. .

It was impossible for Kiora to do nothing, so he began to target other countries in all aspects.

This kind of conflict has gradually developed and grown, and armed conflicts have begun to appear on the borders of the country.

If it continues to develop, I am afraid it will really start to fight. You know, even before the outbreak of the evil disaster, their border conflicts were not so intense. Because there are demons next door, they are their biggest threat.

In this situation, everyone seems to be gradually ignoring the threat of the devil. After all, before the appearance of high-level demons, those demons were like lambs to be slaughtered, always moving in their own area.

"Jiang Hen, it's fighting, and they finally fighting." On this day, He Zi said with some excitement.

During this time, for the development of the territory, it really made them feel aggrieved.

No way, this world is too powerful, Jiang Hen's strength is still unable to run rampant. So in many things, one's own approach must also be weaker.

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