Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 902: Counterattack on the Demon Realm

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The talent training plan is in full swing. These people will be promoted to Tier 4 in the school, lay a good foundation, and then improve their abilities in all aspects before they will be sent out.

Although they won't have any practical experience in the academy, they will come out to make up for it in the future.

Through various fights and fights outside, on the one hand to make up for, on the other hand to carry out more training. Until it is promoted to the sixth-order peak, it will enter the chaotic city for the next step of promotion.

After reaching Tier 7, a new talent test will be conducted. If the talents continue to improve, they will get more high-level resources, and the talents of the seven tiers will be firmly secured, and the eight tiers will be attacked in the future.

If you don't have talent, you will be sent back or stay in the empire for various tasks.

There are also a group of noble members, who may not be very talented, and will be treated accordingly.

But most of them can't break through to the seventh rank, so after training to the sixth rank peak, they will be sent back to the family. Maybe some people can't even reach the sixth-order peak, so they will be sent back.

After all, Jiang Hen has not yet studied the method of forcibly raising their strength to Tier 6.

And after the Empire, a new selection will be held every three years.

This selection is spread across the entire alliance, not just one's own empire. Although the number of people sent from other kingdoms reached 2,000, the number of people selected by the Origin Empire itself was actually far above this.

And this is only the first selection of talents, and there will be a second selection during subsequent studies.

If the talent shown is not enough, or the person is too lazy, the speed of improvement is not fast enough, the foundation is not solid enough, and so on. People who encounter these problems will be sent back if they cannot remedy them.

Therefore, if these two thousand people can reach the peak of Tier 6, Jiang Hen calculated by himself, maybe even eight hundred are not necessary.

Of course, there is no need for Jiang Hen to consider these. The current situation is that you need to attack the demon area.

The major countries have regained the original land, and even the outer regions they occupied have been returned to them. Even Jiang Hen was very generous this time, giving them a lot of purifying hearts and all things breeding scrolls.

Relying on these things, it is still possible to get a firm foothold in the demon zone.

As for defense issues, Origin Empire will provide a large number of strong people for protection.

Although their own strength will not improve for a while, these countries are really continuing to develop and recover. If this continues, their country will indeed continue to improve.

The royal families of these kingdoms have also increasingly recognized Jiang Hen.

Similarly, many people do not understand the actions of Origin Empire even more, and do not know what they mean by doing so. Without anyone knowing, the Spike of the World is playing its role.

The next attack on the demon area and the distribution of land requires everyone to start a meeting to discuss.

Namila didn't know what Jiang Hen wanted to do, but still obeyed the order and had a meeting with everyone to discuss.

On the map, the demon area is close to their side and is divided into areas. These areas will be allocated to major countries. In terms of area, these areas add up to make their countries comparable to empires.

Even some smaller empires are not as big as theirs.

It can be said that as long as these places can be held, and then developed, coupled with the presence of the eighth-order strong, then the new empire will rise slowly, and there will be a lot of them at once.

The reason why those large empires didn't do it now was because they didn't believe that Jiang Hen would help them develop.

In this case, the war against the demon area began.

The armies of the Origin Empire attacked frantically, occupying a piece of land. After that, the layout will be carried out here, and various infrastructures will be established.

Because of the special circumstances here, only the demons were able to survive and station at the beginning.

But they had the eighth-order purification heart provided by Jiang Hen in their hands, which exaggerated the purification speed and scope of the land. It didn't take long for these places to become an environment for normal people to live in.

At the same time, the nail of the world here has been nailed long ago, and then the land is handed over.

In name, it is left to the major countries to make use of it for development. In fact, everyone here would only be grateful and obey Jiang Hen's orders, and they would soon become diehards.

With the construction of pieces of land, all major countries are developing rapidly, at least on the surface.

Internally, due to the liberalization of trade and the abolition of tariffs, various materials flow very quickly. A large number of big businessmen have spawned from various countries, and the accumulation of wealth has been faster and faster.

At the same time, the financial situation of various countries is getting better and better. With money, all kinds of construction will speed up.

They who have experienced the destruction of the country twice, of course know the importance of the army in their hands and their own strength. These people have also given up a lot of enjoyment, so the overall attitude is positive.

At the same time, Jiang Hen also walked out of the laboratory and came to the Central Demon Crack.

"A large area here cannot be occupied, at least for now. It's a shame. It must be sealed up here, otherwise the demons will rush out a lot, and the previous efforts will be in vain."

Jiang Hen is going to make some arrangements here. Without informing anyone, a huge formation was quietly arranged in this This formation can easily establish a corridor of different dimensions while maintaining it for a long time.

This is to ensure that when you are not in this world, you can be safe here for a period of time.

Then there is a series of warning devices, as long as there is an abnormal movement in the Devil's Crack, it will remind you.

This is not just a reminder of yourself, but also a reminder of others. After all, besides oneself, it is not easy for other people to reach this place.

Therefore, Jiang Hen can guarantee that no people above the seventh level deliberately come to this place to investigate, they will not know what is going on here. In any case, this demon crack is a very dangerous big bomb.

After spending a while, after setting up everything here, Jiang Hen returned to the laboratory.

All the development of the territory is on the right track. After that, there is no need to intervene in anything, so I can finally free up a lot of time to improve my abilities.

In any case, the existence and development of the current empire is maintained on its own strength.

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