Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 911: More confusing

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"Tell me, what happened." Seeing the resurrection of several of his subordinates, Golden Dragon Kaoxis was not happy at first, but wanted to ask what was going on.

Someone dared to attack the people they brought, it is simply a heinous crime, the dragon's anger is not so easy to calm down.

On the contrary, there was a trace of regret in the eyes of Miria next to her.

It would be great if these people just died like this. The Origin Empire must give them an explanation. Not only will the humans become chaotic within and create a gap between them, they will also get more benefits.

After all, are they all negotiations? As long as they don’t want to use force to go to war, then such negotiations and compromises are the mainstream.

But it's okay now, after all, these three people were assassinated. Even if it is resurrected, there will definitely be problems within human beings.

But who knows, after the three dragon men opened their eyes and got up, they looked at each other in confusion. "Why are we in this place?" The three of them were obviously still confused.

Then a dragon man said: "Enjoy the master, we drank here before, and then got drunk, and don't know what happened." That's right, the three hapless guys didn't even know that they had died once.

Seeing so many people around me, it was also a while of unknown.

"You were killed by someone before. Recall carefully what was wrong."

A dragon came over and pointed to the place where the three people lay on the ground before, as well as the location of the wounds on their bodies. Although he was resurrected, the blood on the wound was not wiped off.

The three of them finally figured out what was going on, and then their faces were shocked.

He actually died once before he knew it, which meant that without Jiang Hen resurrecting himself, he was dead.

It's really terrible, how can anyone dare to attack a member of an envoy like himself.

The three dragon men began to recall, but gradually discovered something wrong: "I remembered that we had drunk this kind of wine before, but we didn't get drunk so easily. This time it seemed to get drunk very fast."

"Yes, that's right, I could drink two bottles before, but this time I can't stand half a bottle."

Quite a few people around were speechless, but it was a high spirit, and it was able to kill two bottles. Even the local people who are accustomed to drinking can only drink one or two glasses at a time, and they will never drink too much.

Most locals like low-alcohol wines rather than high-alcohol ones.

But this dragon's body constitution is extraordinary, and it is so resistant.

Jiang Hen winked, Sakura nodded and disappeared in this place. Then Jiang Hen continued to look at them and asked, understanding all the suspicious things that happened.

After all, it was an assassination that took place on one's own territory. This was not only to deny these races face, but also to deny themselves. This is obvious, I definitely want to drag myself in.

No matter who did it, such people must be caught.

It didn't take long for Sakura to return to this place. At the same time, some people came to this place carrying several stretchers.

"Your Majesty, I have found them. These are the people in the tavern. This is the boss, and these are the employees."

"What's the matter? Why are you all dead? You did it?" Jiang Hen didn't expect to bring a group of dead people.

Sakura shook her head: "No, they were dead when we arrived, and they committed suicide."

Miria also walked over, and then shook her head: "They are all ordinary people, their strength is too weak, and their souls have completely dissipated, can you still be resurrected?" People who are too weak will have their souls after they die for a while.

Anyway, what is left now is only a little soul aura.

With this remnant, Jiang Hen really has no way to resurrect him. Although there may be information records in their brains, how can they be extracted? This Jiang Hen can't do it.

Jiang Hen shook his head: "No way, in this situation, I can't resurrect them." Then Jiang Hen looked at Sakura, because there is a big problem here, that is, these are ordinary people.

Obviously ordinary people can resist the control of the nails of the world, which is very strange.

Sakura naturally knew what Jiang Hen was wondering about, so she immediately answered.

"These people have just arrived in the last few days. They are dead men trained by other forces. The people who bought taverns and opened channels before are not the same as them. We are investigating."

While talking, a demons suddenly ran over and said: "Those people have already been brought in. After our investigation, they are the organization responsible for receiving entrustment, and they specialize in helping other people to do this kind of troublesome thing."

Because in Origin Empire, various store procedures are very troublesome, and many places need to be traveled.

So there is a kind of people who specialize in accepting this type of commission. They accept other people's commissions, and then take care of all these troublesome things, which can save others a lot of time and energy.

Unexpectedly, these people would be fine, Jiang Hen was a little speechless.

There is absolutely no way to investigate this matter.

After all, they are all dead men, trained since childhood, and they themselves have a strong resistance to the control of the World Nail. Even ordinary people need a long time to transform them subtly.

But these people obviously just arrived when they were performing the task, so the time was not long, and the World Nail didn't play a sufficient role. Therefore, whether they were orcs or suicide, they did not hesitate.

"But they are all ordinary but the one who can kill them so simply and neatly is definitely not ordinary people, at least Tier 7 exists. And I don't know if this person is still in the territory."

Jiang Hen said to Lisa, "You cooperate with Sakura to investigate the existence of all seventh-orders in the territory, and find out the people for me."

Lisa nodded immediately. Although she might not find it at all, she had to give other races an attitude after all.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hen continued: “Check all the stores thoroughly. From now on, all shop owners must have lived in the territory for more than three years, and the employees hired must have lived in the territory for more than one year. people."

Although this still cannot eliminate all problems, most of them can be eliminated.

Jiang Hen waved his hand: "Stay all of them, investigate thoroughly, and let them go if there are no problems."

Hearing this, several people paled for a while. If there is no problem, they will be released, but they all have problems. Even if they are absolutely loyal to the territory, certain minor problems will definitely not be rare. I am afraid they will be out of luck now.

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