Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 956: The beginning of rapid expansion

Under Jiang Hen's personal action, this group of sealers quickly completed the transformation.

   It didn't take long for the Seal Masters who had recovered their spirits to start doing their own things with great energy. Those who have not reached the seventh rank, I am afraid that within a short period of time, they will become their diehards.

   If you have a good talent, you may soon be able to cultivate your own Tier 7 loyalty.

   Jiang Hen is not too stingy, and all the skills needed have been made into inheritance scrolls.

   After these sealers learned these skills, Jiang Hen invested in all walks of life and began to get busy. The result of this was that Jiang Hen had almost nothing to do with himself.

   But what made Jiang Hen a little depressed was that every time these sealers saw Jiang Hen, they directly used the manners of facing the master.

   Although they didn't say anything on the face, they obviously regarded themselves as teachers. Especially after Jiang Hen allowed them to share the things they inherited with other sealers.

   Jiang Hen's purpose is very simple. The special magic circle needed for this kind of transformation can only be arranged on his own side.

   Although those seal masters have good abilities, they are not a system after all, and they cannot be deployed at all. If you want to become a new sealer, you must come to yourself.

When    came here, Jiang Hen was sure to leave it behind.

   Those who can leave are only a few people, and they will not affect Jiang Hen much.

   With the development of these sealers, the territory once again began to expand wildly. Those 7th-tier powerhouses led their teams, occupying cities one by one, and then began to occupy the surrounding areas.

   Then the work of the sealers comes. They need to use shaping techniques to build city fortresses and even defense facilities around them. Next, a large number of stone puppets will be created for protection.

   As for the materials, there are soldiers, so don't worry about them.

   At the same time, they also use the breeding of all things to assist and improve the land conditions. Only in this way can the nearby mountain people and ordinary people relocate to this place and survive here.

   However, these sealers can't make all things breeding scrolls, this still needs Jiang Hen to make them.

   Of course, this thing can't do without seventh-order materials. When encountering a Tier 7 monster, Jiang Hen needed to do it at first, but later it didn't need to be. Because there are more and more Rank 7 powerhouses under him.

   These more and more seventh-order powerhouses, using three or five casually, can kill a seventh-order beast and bring back the materials.

   At this moment, there is only one thing Jiang Hen needs to do, and that is to preside over the creation of the nails of the world.

   Other than that, all Jiang Hen's affairs have become research spells.

   Because he has reached the eighth-order peak, Jiang Hen's current spell direction is the ninth-order spell. At the same time, there is also the structure of the domain, all of which can begin.

   If you can't complete these things, you can't reach the ninth level.

   The suppressing ability of this world prevented him from breaking through, but Jiang Hen didn't intend to break through here either. What he needs is to study everything clearly through his own research here.

   After returning to the earth, he can start to make breakthroughs.

  Furthermore, even if my own research is not completed, after the world is occupied, I can use the moment of occupying the world and use the will of the world to help myself improve.

   The will of the world and the level of the world itself can’t actually be equated with each other. After all, it is a world. Although it is only Tier 8, the background of the entire world is much stronger than that of Tier 9 powerhouses.

   Gradually, the surrounding cities were occupied, and Jiang Hen's subordinates controlled more and more.

   On this day, the new report was delivered to Jiang Hen. But Jiang Hen gradually felt that these people seemed to be a little unstable. Of course, this mentality is unstable, only the seventh-order fighters.

   The Sealed Master will not have this kind of problem, and he will not have the idea of ​​rebellion if he is affected by the nails of the world under the seventh rank.

   Only these seventh-order powerhouses who rely on themselves can have this kind of ambition breed. "Is it developing too fast, but it is also. There are already more than a hundred seven-tiers that surrendered with various purposes."

   Maybe it is because there are more than one hundred, this kind of number makes them feel that they are almost qualified to resist.

   The last time he wiped out thousands of rank 7 fighters in a wave, in the hearts of many of them, it was only with the help of plants. But there are no thorns and vines here, so they feel capable.

   "It seems that those talents need to be beaten."

   It's a pity that the seventh-order powerhouses have a certain resistance to the influence of the world's nails, otherwise this kind of problem will never occur. Fortunately, to occupy this world, you don't need an eighth rank subordinate.

   Otherwise, those guys will be more difficult to control.

   The next day, all the seventh steps returned to the interior of the city, because Jiang Hen used an excuse to have a meeting. UU Reading a large number of seventh-tier powerhouses gathered, and the reaction produced was not comparable to that before.

   Some powerful existence before, this time the ambition is even stronger.

   If all the people around can be convinced, then rebellion is not impossible. Moreover, some cities have already promised them many conditions, and these make them feel very excited.

   Finally, Jiang Hen appeared in this place, and then everyone here became quiet.

   Looking at Jiang Hen with all kinds of eyes, Jiang Hen could feel the unbridled look of some eyes.

   "Okay, all sit down, I am calling you here this time mainly to discuss a problem. Our territory has grown to this point, and we continue to rule with the composition of the territory. This structure is no longer appropriate."

   Jiang Hen continued, "So next, I am going to establish an empire. From now on, we will be the first empire in this world."

   Jiang Hen delivered the prepared documents, still using the same method he used in other worlds. Because the world must be completely controlled and time cannot be delayed for a long time, Jiang Hen didn't improve this rule too much.

   As long as it can run within a certain period of time, there is no problem.

   "Such rules are useful and useful, but they don't seem to be very good. If such rules are implemented a little bit, the country will be weighed on everyone, even those of us."

   This is to give advice to myself. These people have been aloof for a long time, so naturally they don't want anyone to suppress themselves.

   Even if Jiang Hen is strong, in fact, many people still think that they are equal to Jiang Hen.

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