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Chapter 986: Refining the invisible world

When no one was bothering, Jiang Hen naturally didn't care about that much. As Tier Nine, many things will change. After sealing his own strength, Jiang Hen felt a little uncomfortable.

   Even because of this seal, my own perception and research on the law have been affected to a certain extent.

   "So, we must find a suitable place as soon as possible."

   Jiang Hen has no choice but to prepare a place for himself first. In fact, even if you enter the world that you developed, because that world is very high-level, it is impossible for you to live there all the time.

   There are always some things that need to be dealt with by returning to the earth.

   And after a long time, I also need to go to the earth to relieve it. Although Tier Nine was able to resist this sense of time, it was actually impossible to completely eliminate it.

   The method Jiang Hen chooses is to refine the world.

   just right, there is an eighth-order world in his hands. As for the world of Tier Nine, it is really too few, even if you find it, you can't easily occupy it. And even if it is occupied, it is not easy to refining.

   At least for his current strength, that is impossible.

   The method of refining the world, Dean Li Yuanfeng has given him.

   Jiang Hen recalled that there were three methods. The first is the conventional method mentioned by Li Yuanfeng before, using one's own power to refine the world and guide the power of the earth to join it.

   Once completed, then this world will belong to the sub-world of the earth.

   Although the strength is still the original strength, the earth will add a layer of protection to it, and the strength will actually be higher.

   In a world like this, the Lord of the world can connect to the earth at any time, which means staying here is like staying on the earth. You can enjoy the same sentimental treatment without sealing your own power.

   This method is also a method commonly used by most ninth-order powerhouses.

   Actually, Li Yuanfeng has always lived in such a world.

   After all, for the mage, sealing its own power on the earth is not only as simple as uncomfortable, but also affects one's own improvement. Even if they can't be promoted, the wizard is usually unwilling to do this kind of thing.

   That's why, when Zhuang Xuan attacked last time, Li Yuanfeng was clearly on the side of the academy, but the speed of arrival was not as fast as Spike, because he was in the attached world and found it late.

   The second method is not to use the power of the earth, but to use its own power for refining.

   Such a refined world is actually not good for the earth itself. However, this kind of world can be completely controlled by oneself, and even the laws in it can be manipulated to a degree that cannot be achieved under some conventional conditions.

  This method is usually used to cultivate the resource world.

   If it does not become a subsidiary world of the earth, it can accelerate the time of the world.

   And because it is completely refined, then there will be a special situation. That is, the resources in the world can be brought to the earth for use at any time without having to pay expensive world coins.

  Why an organization with a ninth-tier strong is so far behind an organization without a ninth-tier? This is a big reason.

   From the perspective of resources, the two sides are completely incomparable. For example, in a world without refining, bringing things in and out is equivalent to having high tariffs, which can ruin a family.

   After the refining world, there will be no tariffs at all, and the gap is not a little bit.

   As for the third refining method, that is a very crude method of destruction.

   directly through the scarlet nail, destroy the entire world, during the period will suffer the world's most powerful backlash. The destroyed world is the essence of only one world left.

   This kind of essence can be used to quickly improve one's own strength, and it can also be used to strengthen other worlds that have been refined. It is even used to make some special artifacts, in short, it has many functions.

   But this approach is not promoted, because the destroyed world is not good for the earth and other people at all.

   The most important thing is that every time you destroy the world, you will actually be backlashed. This backlash may not be felt by itself, but the impact is not small. It is said that if this method is used too much, even the strength of Tier 9 will stagnate.

   Therefore, most of them are ninth-tier powerhouses who have been unable to improve, and they use this type of method frequently.

   For Jiang Hen, this method is a kind of poison and absolutely can't be used.

   The destruction of the world is not the same as this destructive refining world. Directly destroying the world, although it will also suffer backlash, but it will not damage its origin. These are two different concepts.

   After choosing, Jiang Hen put the eighth-order invisible world in the refining position.

   That's right, it was the world that produced the invisible evil, Jiang Hen named it the invisible world. Under the guidance of the spirit, his own power began to spread, and the world nails of the entire world exuded an invisible force.

  The people in the world itself didn't feel but the world itself began to be affected.

   Jiang Hen didn't care, anyway, the world is now full of diehards who are loyal to him, even if he is not there, it will not affect him. "It's time to start."

   After illuminating the power of the world, Jiang Hen directly communicated with the power on the earth.

  Because the two sides are connected, it is very easy to communicate. This refining method is only a guide in itself, and the power of the earth is the most critical.

   Following Jiang Hen's guidance, the World Nail gradually began to melt away.

   In fact, at this point, the world's nails are no longer useful, after all, the world has become a personal property.

  The melted nail of the world began to penetrate into the world bit by bit with the enormous power of the earth, and it was tempered bit by bit. The origin was gradually eroded and completely branded with Jiang Mark.

   The will of the world has been swallowed by the earth before, so the resistance of the world is very weak now, Jiang Hen can't feel it at all. This backlash force has been completely cut off by the power of the earth.

  The method of refining is very simple, as long as you guide yourself. The most troublesome is actually the hard conditions. Without the strength of Tier Nine, one's own laws cannot guide, and one's own body cannot withstand this kind of pressure.

   After meeting the requirements, it only takes time to complete. It took more than a month for Jiang Hen to refine and refine an eighth-tier world using the power of the earth.

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