Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 990: The birth of the invisible giant

It's just that Jiang Hen himself didn't expect the sensation caused by Han Jiangxue's incident.

   When Han Jiangxue announced the relationship between the two people, the outside world was envied. Indeed, matters on the family side were also resolved smoothly, because under this relationship, no one dared to mess around.

   Although she is not a regular wife, she is the first one after all. Who knows how high her status is.

   Liu Yan and others also grabbed Han Jiangxue and asked, but I don't know why, Han Jiangxue did not explain as Jiang Hen thought. Then everyone has something to do before they really become two people.

  Similarly, this kind of thing has also led to the fact that recently many beautiful women of various types have joined the organization. The beauty resources within the organization began to expand continuously.

  If Jiang Hen knew that this would happen, he would probably not agree to Han Jiangxue's request.

   And the result of this incident is that Liu Yan and Mo Qianqian have somewhat different thoughts in their hearts.

   In fact, it was the same as Han Jiangxue said. Looking at Jiang Hen all day, it is difficult for them to become interested in other men. As long as you compare it with Jiang Hen, you won't be able to see it at all.

   At this moment, Jiang Hen didn't know what was happening outside, he was constructing his new skill.

   After guiding the earth's power last time, under that special state, Jiang Hen finally quickly considered many issues. You don’t need to experiment slowly, it is the correct answer.

   After several days of research, Jiang Hen took out the materials.

   "Unfortunately, there is no ninth-tier main material, otherwise there is no need to be so troublesome at all."

   Jiang Hen felt helpless, after all, Tier 9 materials were not so easy to find. The ninth-order gem in his hand was obtained from the dealer's materials.

   It's a pity that among the dealer's collections, there are not many that can reach the ninth rank, and only this piece is allocated to him.

   Then there are a large number of Tier 8 Invisible Sins. These materials were collected when they captured that world, and now they are just used. "Forget it, that's it for the time being, just waste a little bit, and the power of the skill will not be weakened."

   Jiang Hen took a deep breath and began to construct.

   Now this kind of skill composition is not composed out of thin air, but after opening the domain, the power in the domain begins to be continuously constructed. With the help of domains, it is much easier to construct skills than before.

   But this easy refers to easy control. In fact, when constructing skills, it is more difficult, even Jiang Hen must be careful. Because the composition is too complicated, it can't be compared with before.

   The whole composition is dazzling at a glance. Not to mention, the area itself is very large. The whole composition covers most of the area, and outsiders can only see all kinds of patterns.

  The final line connects the lines, and they are listed together, and you can't see what it looks like inside.

   is so complicated because of Jiang Hen's own reasons. Originally, to construct this kind of thing, as long as the arcane power was added into it. But now, Jiang Hen didn't want to do this.

   Because Jiang Hen has incorporated all three laws into it. The law of arcane, the law of elements, and the law of space.

   In this way, the greatest floating power of the Godhead can be brought into play. The blessing of the three laws can increase the power of his spells by ten times. This is Jiang Hen's true goal.

   In this way, even if his spell power is only the initial stage of the ninth stage. But with his own strength, coupled with this kind of surge, I am afraid that my own summoned thing alone can suppress the mid-stage ninth-tier fight.

   It's even possible that he can hold back those who are in the late stage of the ninth stage, and suddenly their strength rises.

  The complicated composition is gradually completed, even if Jiang Hen's head starts to sweat.

   "The ability is still not enough, the amount of knowledge is lacking, it seems that we still need to add more knowledge." Jiang Hen's understanding is enough, but the amount of knowledge is not enough, the two aspects are not exactly the same.

   Fortunately, when the composition was completed, the materials on the ground quickly melted away, and finally permeated the composition of my skills bit by bit. A large number of world crystal coins also burned crazily under Jiang Hen's thoughts.

   The composition is gradually optimized and changed little by little.

   This time is different from before. In the past, the construction skills were completed very quickly. And this time the skill, it took a full day to gradually compress it into a tiny rune state.

   But this rune is completely different from before, because the rune exudes a strong law of power.

   At this level, the rune can no longer be regarded as a normal skill rune, it can be called a magical technique. It's not without reason that many people worship the ninth level as gods.

   Even after completing the regularization transformation, his life span is endless.

   That's right, no matter what the situation was before, as long as you enter the ninth level, there will be no end to life.

   The reason why there are so many Tier 9 powerhouses on the earth is because of longevity, otherwise they would have died a long time ago.

   "Very good, finally finished, test the power. UU Reading" Jiang Hen absorbed the rune, and his strength was improved. However, the star level was not improved, but the peak of 1 star was reached.

   If you construct another skill, you can upgrade to a 2-star level.

   As Jiang Hen released his skills, a special object in the void began to be constructed. The whole is in a semi-transparent state, with a little blue-violet brilliance, but very dim.

   looks very mysterious, like some kind of artwork. It took Jiang Hen an hour to construct it.

   "The ninth-tier summons have a longer construction time, but this strength is also passable." After all, there are too many laws of integration, so it is inevitable that the construction time will become longer.

   "It looks translucent, so it's called an invisible giant. Although the overall appearance is similar to the arcane law, in fact, the three laws are in it, and this look is very good."

   Jiang Hen is very satisfied. This invisible giant is no longer the kind of invisible evil that can only fight through the body, but can condense this kind of translucent armed, which is very similar to the dark iron giant.

   With a sword in hand, it can cut through the space and emit the blade of space. This is not composed of the power of a single space, because the three laws are entangled. Although only one aspect is shown, the power is the sum of the laws as a whole.

   After testing it, Jiang Hen felt the power of this thing. In the absence of other ninth-order spells, he is not an opponent at all. In terms of combat effectiveness, they have surpassed their own Fire Phoenix.

   This is not because the fire phoenix is ​​weak, it is that the bonus of the godhead to the invisible giant is too great.

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