Tong Yanan was also taken aback by Zhang Tianqi's seriousness.

"I know, I won't tell anyone, Brother Tianqi, can you teach me these magical skills?"

Hearing Tong Yanan's words, Zhang Tianqi's brain burst out.

"You better dismiss this idea, because you don't have talent, these things want to learn, you can't do it without more than twenty years."

Although he said this, Zhang Tianqi secretly thought in his heart:

"If I want to teach, I must have something to teach, and I can only use this function myself!"

But fortunately, after hearing Zhang Tianqi's words, Tong Yanan immediately pouted, more than twenty years, such a time is a good medicine for a young girl like a flower.

Who is willing to exchange their twenty years of youth for an ethereal dream that may not necessarily succeed!

Early the next morning, Zhang Tianqi's room door was knocked.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Tianqi was also used to it, because as long as Tong Yanan was here, it was like setting an alarm clock.

Zhang Tianqi drove the car, took Tong Yanan and Zhou Tong, and came to the school with a cigarette.

"Brother Tianqi, you have to cheer up in a while, beat that person down, and export evil qi for our Huaxia Martial Arts Club."

"Yes, let's go tell him in a moment, agree on a place."

The two women, you say a word, I said one by one, Zhang Tianqi on the side directly waved his hand:

"I don't have that time, let's go directly to the taekwondo club to find them, what time are they usually there?"

Hearing Zhang Tianqi's words, Zhou Tong said with some worry:

"Brother Tianqi, they are usually in the venue from eight to nine o'clock in the morning, but it's a little dangerous for us to go directly like this, after all, there are many of them, in case ...!"

Zhou Tong didn't know, but Tong Yanan knew that Zhang Tianqi had many magical skills, and naturally had a lot of confidence in it.

"Brother Tianqi, I'll take you, I want to see Brother Tianqi and you beat them all over!"

In the school venue, since the last time President Park Bucheng was beaten by Zhang Tianqi, it has been a bit sluggish.

In addition, the re-establishment of the Huaxia Martial Arts Club was extremely popular, so the Taekwondo Club was even more sluggish, and it vaguely began to disband.

But until the arrival of one person, the reputation of the taekwondo club soared again, and the enthusiasm of the hot Huaxia martial arts club was suppressed.

This person is a transfer student, from the side of Xiao Stick, and according to legend, he is the most powerful person among the young generation in Xiao Stick*.

It is such a person who overwhelms a group of students in the university of Huaxia, and it is a little ridiculous and sad to say it.

Zhang Tianqi walked in the middle, Tong Yanan on the left, Zhou Tong on the right, and one arm tightly hugged, so that the two famous beauties in the school, actually looked like this at the same time, naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

"Hey, look, isn't that Tong Yanan School Flower?"

"That's right, it seems to be Zhou Tong's school flower on the side."

"Lying groove, you really say that, who is that man? How did you seduce the two major school flowers?

"Big news, these two schools spend a total of *servants* and husbands, and it is estimated that the men of the whole school will be angry."

The scene of Zhang Tianqi and Tong Yanan Zhou Tong in the school together was filmed and posted to the school's forum, and in an instant, the whole school was fried!

The fastest school flower protection team in history was born, and countless men threatened to find Zhang Tianqi to die.

Some people quickly recognized Zhang Tianqi and knew that Zhang Tianqi had defeated Park Bucheng, the president of the taekwondo club, with one move, so this part of the people suppressed their inner impulses.

Ji Kun, who once wanted to worship Zhang Tianqi as a teacher, is no longer a member of the Taekwondo Club, but the president of the Huaxia Martial Arts Club.

When Ji Kun saw the post on the forum, he immediately jumped up excitedly, and then thought of something, and rushed out of the dormitory with his clothes.

Soon, Zhang Tianqi and the three came to a venue, and the three walked in.

At the same time, people gathered towards the venue one after another.

Some of them came to duel Zhang Tianqi, some people came after the two beauties of Tong Yanan and Zhou Tong, and some people simply followed the flow of people to see the liveliness.

In the venue, dozens of people were training against each other, and suddenly saw Zhang Tianqi and the three people come in, and everyone stopped.

"Oh, Tong University Colonel Flower, Zhou Da Colonel Flower, we really have an eye, and we saw the two major school flowers early in the morning."

"Didn't the two school flowers join the Huaxia Martial Arts Club? Why, do you think that we are still stronger in the taekwondo club, so you want to join us?

In the face of everyone's round bombardment, Tong Yanan looked at the dozens of people who gathered around with disdain and said:

"Don't be proud, today we are here to defeat your arrogance, let that one named Han Cheng become a big pig's head, and by the way, let him know that our Huaxia martial arts are really powerful!"

Tong Yanan's voice fell, and only then did someone notice Zhang Tianqi, and in an instant, many people recognized Zhang Tianqi at first glance.

In an instant, dozens of people's faces changed drastically, and Qi Brush took several steps back, looking at Zhang Tianqi vigilantly.

Zhang Tianqi looked at dozens of people, including Pu Bucheng, who had been defeated in his own hands.

"I heard that there is a person from the country of sticks, arrogantly saying that our Huaxia martial arts are not in the flow, let him come out, I want to see what a person with such a big tone looks like!"

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