After Fan Hu stared at Zhang Tianqi closely for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Take half a million up."

Throwing the phone on the table, Fan Hu sat quietly with his eyes closed, and Zhang Tianqi was fearless, waiting for the money to be delivered.


"Come in!"

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit walked in, and when he saw the three people who fainted, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Fan Hu.

"Brother Tiger...!"

"Put the money here, let's go out first!"

The middle-aged man took a deep look at Zhang Tianqi, turned and walked out.

Fan Hu directly took the box, opened it and pushed it in front of Zhang Tianqi and said:

"Five hundred thousand, a lot of points, click it."

Zhang Tianqi clicked, closed the box, and said with a smile:

"No need."

When the words fell, Zhang Tianqi got up with the box and rushed directly out of the window.

Fan Hu suddenly got up, came to the window, looked down, the black hole was empty, and Zhang Tianqi's figure had long disappeared.

At this time, the door opened, and the middle-aged man before rushed in with more than a dozen big men.

"Brother Tiger, what about people?"

Fan Hu's eyes flashed with a strong killing intent:

"No one has ever dared to blackmail me Fan Hu, inform my brothers, find people for me, dead or alive!"

After Zhang Tianqi left the Dark Night Bar, he went directly back to his rental house.

This is the room rented by Zhang Tianqi, except for Chen Hongli, no one knows, Zhang Tianqi believes that even if Brother Hu is powerful, it is impossible to find himself in a short time.

Looking at the 500,000 in the box, it is false to say that Zhang Tianqi is not excited.

He was fortunate to work hard as a stevedore for three years, and he only saved more than 90,000 yuan, which was already a huge amount of money he had never seen!

At this moment, Zhang Tianqi decided to use these 500,000 to open a store first, he can't really go down that road like that tiger brother!

Zhang Tianqi stuffed the box under the bed, lying on the bed and couldn't sleep, just thinking about what he was doing, and how to face that Fan Hu's retaliation next!

Unconsciously, Zhang Tianqi fell asleep, and it was not until nine o'clock the next morning that Zhang Tianqi woke up.

Washing his face and brushing his teeth, Zhang Tianqi simply cleaned up, left the rental house, and walked towards the wholesale market.

Just as Zhang Tianqi entered the wholesale market, a young man's eyes lit up in the distance and hurriedly turned to leave.

Zhang Tianqi naturally did not find all this, but turned around in the wholesale market.

Zhang Tianqi looked over one by one, and finally Zhang Tianqi came to a conclusion, that is, this huge wholesale market has supermarkets, tobacco hotels, specialty shops, and various wholesale markets for all kinds of objects.

But there are very few restaurants, only three, and people in the wholesale market usually have to queue up.

After Zhang Tianqi discovered this situation, he decided to hire a few cooks and open a small restaurant, and it was similar to fast food, and for people in the wholesale market, it was not a delay in eating.

Moreover, although Zhang Tianqi has a system in his body now, he also needs to keep a low profile to hide his difference.

With this decision, Zhang Tianqi quickly found a suitable location, where there is a shop of almost fifty square meters for rent.

Just as Zhang Tianqi was about to make the above call to inquire about the rent, suddenly more than ten strong men surrounded Zhang Tianqi from both sides.

Zhang Tianqi's sensitive perception instantly noticed that something was wrong.

Looking at the more than ten strong men in front and behind, Zhang Tianqi frowned, his whole body muscles tensed, ready to face the other party's beating.

"Zhang Tianqi, yes, we have something to discuss with you, come with us."

"Say something here, my time is precious, and I don't have the effort to go anywhere else with you."

"Boy, it's quite rushing to talk, I really can't help you today, take it away for me."

As the leading man's words fell, the two people standing near Zhang Tianqi instantly grabbed Zhang Tianqi's arm.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Tianqi didn't say a word, punched at a speed beyond ordinary people, and directly put the two who started the hand on the ground.

Looking at the two who fainted, the rest of the people were all stunned, and then reacted and roared:

"Hit him!"

Zhang Tianqi had already been guarded, and at the moment when the rest of the people moved, Zhang Tianqi moved, and the extremely fast speed and extraordinary reaction ability made Zhang Tianqi fight like a fish in water.

"Crackle... Bang bang bang...! A

sound of fists and flesh touching sounded, and in a few breaths, more than a dozen strong men all lay on the ground and fainted.

Just then, a round of applause came:

"Snap... The young man is good, old man, I have seen many masters, but I have not seen someone like you, who knocks people unconscious one by one.

Zhang Tianqi heard the voice, turned his head and looked, and saw an old man in his sixties standing at the corner more than ten meters away, followed by a young man with dark skin and a straight waist.

"You are?"

"Hahahahaha, young man, old man I call Tong Wenming, you can call me Tong Lao."

"Tong Lao, I still have business, go first."

As Zhang Tianqi spoke, he turned around and was about to leave, when Tong Wenming spoke up: "

Young man wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you."

Zhang Tianqi turned his head suspiciously and said

, "It seems that we met for the first time, and there was no intersection before, right?"

"Hahahaha, young man, not intersecting before does not mean that there is no intersection in the future, I want to ask you for a favor, can I?"

Zhang Tianqi looked at Tong Wenming, then at the young man beside him, and said defensively:

"What do you want me to help?"

Seeing Zhang Tianqi's defensive expression, Tong Wenming laughed and said:

"Don't be nervous young man, with your skills, I can't treat you like a young man, let's find a place to talk!"

Thinking of his current strength and reaction ability, Zhang Tianqi suddenly lost his previous defense, and nodded: "


In a luxury car, Zhang Tianqi sat opposite Tong Wenming and came all the way to a famous five-star hotel in Sanxing City.

The moment he entered the hotel, a middle-aged man in a straight suit ran over and bent down and saluted:

"Hello Tong, I'll take you to the room."

Saying that, the middle-aged man respectfully led the way in front.

This scene made Zhang Tianqi a little puzzled, the previous luxury car Zhang Tianqi knew that this Tong Lao was a rich man, and now at a glance, Zhang Tianqi felt that what he thought was still too simple.

Soon, Zhang Tianqi followed to a super large private room, and the luxury of the decoration made Zhang Tianqi smack.

"Little brother, I still don't know what your name is?"

"My name is Zhang Tianqi."

"Zhang Tianqi, Zhang Mad is more strange than the sky, good name, old man, I will raise it, call you Tianqi."

"Elder Tong, if you have anything to say, let's say it bluntly, I have no money and no power, if I say color, I don't want to follow it, don't think about it!"


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