"This little brother seems to have released thunder and lightning, could it be that he has something to do with that old Dao of Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

"It's hard to say, but the current released by Little Brother Zhang seems to be a little different from that old way!"

"No internal strength, able to perform light skills, able to release electricity, the power is extremely powerful, it seems that the flesh body is not simple, it is really a strange ah!"

After someone checked Wang Lei's situation, he found that the other party just fainted, which was relieved.

And Qiu Huoli, who ranked second in the dragon list, slowly released his tightly held hand.

The heart that originally wanted to compete with Zhang Tianqi also scattered.

Because his and Wang Lei's realm cultivation is exactly the same, and the two have their own skills, and even in a sense, Wang Lei's physical body is much stronger than him.

Even so, Wang Lei was unable to carry it, and he instantly lost his confidence.

But at this time, Duan Wuying, the number one on the dragon list, slowly walked out and hugged his fist at Zhang Tianqi: "

The first stage of the dragon list has no shadow, please advise."

Duan Wuying's appearance made a small climax on the scene, especially many female martial practitioners, who directly committed idiocy.

Faced with Duan Wuying's challenge, Zhang Tianqi had to hug his fists and said,


When the words fell, I saw Duan Wuying's hands linked, his fingers constantly ejecting, and small qi shot out one after another, extremely fast.

"Groove, what is this? Does Yiyang refer to?

While Zhang Tianqi was surprised, the whole person jumped up, and his figure stood in the void.

Duan Wuying's reaction was also extremely fast, and with a little foot, the whole person rushed towards Zhang Tianqi, and his fingers did not stay.

The sword-like aura formed by countless internal energies enveloped Zhang Tianqi's upper and lower left and right.

At this moment, Zhang Tianqi knew why this shadowless figure could become the number one in the dragon list.

First of all, not to mention that Duan Wuying's cultivation is a congenital realm consummation, it is the strength of this mobile phone to turn off the gun, and not everyone can deal with it!

At this moment, Zhang Tianqi also came out with both hands, and countless arcs shot out, constantly colliding with Duan Wuying's internal strength.

"Bang bang bang... Bang......! After

a fierce exchange, Zhang Tianqi used the special and agile ability of flying in the air, constantly moving, and with a few breaths, Duan Wuying fell stiffly under the action of an arc!

I saw Duan Wuying and Wang Lei looking like each other, their hair standing on end, foaming at the mouth, but because Zhang Tianqi left his hand, his life was not in danger.

If Wang Lei had lost before because he was not prepared and was not familiar with Zhang Tianqi's special playing style.

Then Duan Wuying's defeat this time is evidence that proves Zhang Tianqi's strong strength, after all, Duan Wuying's strength, except for the older generation of powerhouses, no one can defeat him!

"Duan Wuying also lost?"

"It seems that this person named Zhang Tianqi is the first person of our young generation of Huaxia martial arts!"

"I don't think so, after all, there is one on the phoenix list who hasn't made a move yet!"

"Yes, how to forget her, her special technique may be able to defeat this Zhang Tianqi."

People talked about Zhang Tianqi, a huge dark horse that suddenly appeared.

And at this moment, the three people in the phoenix list glanced at each other, and a woman walked out, her figure was like a leaf, flying gently, her clothes fluttering, and fell in front of Zhang Tianqi.

Seeing the woman who appeared, with red lips and white teeth, black hair, skin that could be broken by blowing, and a beautiful body, even Zhang Tianqi couldn't help but look a little intoxicated for a while.

The woman bent down slightly, and said to Zhang Tianqi:

"Little woman Qiu Shui Yi, the first Qiu Shui Yi of the Phoenix List, please teach Gongzi."

Hearing Qiu Shuiyi's words, Zhang Tianqi reacted and hurriedly spoke:

"Hey, wait a minute, isn't it the male challenge dragon list and the female challenge the phoenix list?" What are you challenging me to do?

Zhang Tianqi really didn't want an arc to electrify such a beautiful girl, so he asked.

Qiu Shuiyi said gently:

"Gongzi doesn't know something, as long as he is on the dragon and phoenix list, they can challenge each other, Gongzi defeated Duan Wuying just now, and the little woman also wants to see Gongzi's skills."

Qiu Shui Yi's look at the weak face and soft voice made Zhang Tianqi stunned for a while.

"Oh, that's the case, my skills are great, absolutely full... No, absolutely comfortable... It is absolutely satisfying to you.

At this time, Qiu Shui Yi waved his hand lightly, revealing a touching smile and continued:

"The little girl that Gongzi has learned has never seen, I wonder if Gongzi can tell me?"

With Qiu Shuiyi's words, sound waves rushed towards Zhang Tianqi's mind, making Zhang Tianqi's originally shining eyes instantly become cloudy!

"I have a secret, and this secret is...!"

Just when Zhang Tianqi was about to open his mouth to tell the secret, suddenly the system in his mind fluctuated, and then Zhang Tianqi instantly sobered up.

At this moment, Zhang Tianqi's back was already wet with sweat, and he was afraid in his heart for a while, if he told his secret, then he might become the target of countless people!

The attraction of the system will definitely make Zhang Tianqi have no place in the world!

It was also at this moment that Qiu Shuiyi was no longer a beautiful girl in Zhang Tianqi's eyes, but a poisonous snake that would attack him at any time!

Femme Fatale...!

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