"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully copying human abilities, reward points fifty points, copy failure once, get three points, total points two hundred and thirty-five points."

Looking at his system points, Zhang Tianqi wanted to cry without tears, this ability to copy is to make himself *chrysanthemum* flower not guaranteed!

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Tianqi roared directly: "

Cancel this ability!"

"Ding, does the host spend a hundred points to eliminate the human bed* ability?"


In an instant, Zhang Tianqi's points were only one hundred and thirty-five points left, and at the same time, Zhang Tianqi's strange feeling disappeared.

Even if you want to eat cucumbers, the idea of going deep into your throat disappears.

"Phew, grandma drops, the loss is big, this woman is a curse, and there will be too much, the monkey lies on the pole, Hao does not drag mud and water, it is enough to see that it took countless poles to practice this skill!"

The woman saw Zhang Tianqi stunned, and said with a smile:

"Handsome guy, we've been waiting for a long time, this table needs five million cash to play, handsome guy won't be unable to take it, right?"

While speaking, the woman's slender legs deliberately swung towards Zhang Tianqi's side, and Zhang Tianqi saw a touch of *black* color * bud * silk extremely clearly!

Zhang Tianqi hurriedly got up and said

, "I feel that this place has bad feng shui, the yin wind is gusting, and the wind is coming from nowhere, which is not good for me, leave."

Watching Zhang Tianqi leave, the woman rolled her eyes and muttered:

"I thought there was a Kaizi, but I didn't expect it to be a poor man, it's really unappetizing!"

Zhang Tianqi, who was leaving, frowned slightly when he heard the woman's voice, and the woman was stealing cards with a quick hand at this time.

Zhang Tianqi smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and a vigor flew out, and the woman did not find that the cards he had played had been disrupted by Zhang Tianqi.

It is this one, the woman directly lost millions, this is the so-called scourge from the mouth.


The cruise ship floated on the sea for three days, and although Zhang Tianqi was also fun in these three days, he was depressed that Zhang Tianqi copied it later, and it was not successful once.

Now at the railing of the cruise ship, Zhang Tianqi opened the system in his mind.

Looking at the points displayed, Zhang Tianqi muttered:

"Three hundred and nine points, the third-level ability is not enough, you can upgrade a second-level genetic ability, forget it, or wait."

At this moment, the killer king witch Beibei appeared beside Zhang Tianqi.

What surprised Zhang Tianqi was that Beibei, who was originally wearing a skirt, was wearing a black tights at the moment, which showed Beibei's perfect body in front of Zhang Tianqi.

Zhang Tianqi looked up and down, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva:

"That... Suck up... Why are you dressed like this?

Bei Bei stared at Zhang Tianqi tightly,

"What were you looking at just now?" Are you thinking about something bad?

"Oh, I seem to see two mountains and a valley, what a beautiful scenery!"

"Is it? Then do you want to see it more clearly!

"Good, good...!"

Just as Zhang Tianqi's words fell, he felt a chill spread throughout his body.

I saw Bei Bei's eyes staring at Zhang Tianqi tightly, and his body exuded a powerful aura, as if saying that you dare to say another word would castrate your posture.

Zhang Tianqi touched his nose and said embarrassedly:

"That... Men, it's normal to have some thoughts, and I'm still single, so there's no problem, isn't it, Babe, don't worry!

Babe turned his head and said lightly:

"Three minutes ahead, the closest place to the island, we are leaving the cruise ship."

Zhang Tianqi nodded, and his originally casual posture also became serious, Zhang Tianqi didn't think that there would be no danger in the place that even the killer king Beibei had to fear!

Night shrouded the sea, and there was silence all around, but above the sea, two figures flashed by at great speed.

The two are Bei Bei and Zhang Tianqi who came down from the cruise ship.

I saw that Bebe's figure was like a butterfly, flying in the wind, very agile.

And Zhang Tianqi was even more casual, carrying his hands behind his back, flying beside Bei Bei at will, and from beginning to end, he did not move except for his clothes.

Faced with such a scene, Bei Bei was naturally frightened, and at the same time, he admired Zhang Tianqi incomparably, because Bei Bei had already exerted his full strength, and Zhang Tianqi looked extremely casual.

From a distance, Zhang Tianqi saw a little light above the sea.

But Zhang Tianqi knew that he could see it because of his special eyesight, but the distance was probably quite far away.

On the island, is the base of a special energy bureau of the mold country, which can also be regarded as a branch, where not only is a special combat team of two hundred people fully armed, but there are also dozens of moldy country powers.

And the surrounding surveillance, infrared, automatic artillery and other defensive measures are even more tight, it can be said that this is a strong bunker!

Zhang Tianqi and Bei Bei flew for a long time before they came to a distance of thousands of meters from the island, and the two stood on the sea, looking at the island from afar.

"If we get closer, we will be sensed by the old mold sensor and thermal imaging in the water, are we ready to kill it directly?"

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