Although Zhang Tianqi lamented the erudition of the Yin and Yang Walker Zhang Jiling, Zhang Tianqi also understood that a person like Zhang Jiling, I don't know how many years he had lived, was definitely at the level of an old monster.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Zhang Tianqi opened the system screen in his mind, looking at the five hundred and thirty points, Zhang Tianqi muttered with a smile:

"You can upgrade another third-level genetic ability!"

Zhang Tianqi listed all the secondary gene abilities.

"Agility, stealth, defense, bounce, repair, storage!"

And the strength and thunder body are already third-level genetic abilities, Zhang Tianqi did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly chose defense.

Because last time in Dongying, if Zhang Tianqi hadn't been afraid of the little devil releasing missiles, the little devil's Emperor Inoue would have been pinched to death by Zhang Tianqi a long time ago!

"Ding, does the host spend five hundred gene points to upgrade the gene ability defense to level three?"


At the moment Zhang Tianqi was sure, the five hundred points disappeared instantly, leaving only thirty points.

At the same time, Zhang Tianqi also felt that his body was undergoing tremendous changes.

From skin to muscles, to bones, to internal organs, Zhang Tianqi felt that his body was constantly strengthening!

At the same time, the severe pain on the body also continued to strike, from the beginning of gritting teeth to the back of the sweat, the body was constantly trembling, and was already on the verge of collapse!

The severe pain lasted for a long time, and Zhang Tianqi felt that strong feeling fade like a tide.

"Whew, why does this upgrade feel so violent, what is the reason?"

When all this passed, Zhang Tianqi wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at his hands and muttered,

"The third-level defense ability has actually been raised to such a terrifying level? This is more than ten times higher than Level 2!

When Zhang Tianqi figured out the extent of his current defense capability, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, because he knew that these three-level defense capabilities would not cause the slightest damage even if he stood still and bombarded with rocket artillery and small missiles.

For one night, Zhang Tianqi did not sleep, but thought while observing the movements around him.

After all, in this deep mountain and old forest, if they fall asleep, a beast or something, these seven people have no way to fight back.

Besides, Zhang Tianqi kept thinking about the content of chatting with Yin Yang Walker Zhang Jiling, and he couldn't sleep at all.

Mornings in the mountains are incomparably fresh and comfortable.

The fresh air that makes people feel comfortable, a coolness makes people feel refreshed, and there are constantly birds chirping in the mountains and forests, just like a paradise.

"Wow, it's beautiful!"

"Yes, I really want to live here all the time!"

Zhang Tianqi looked at the mist and the five-colored glow formed by the sunlight between the mountains in the distance, and also sighed:

"There is never a lack of beauty, but the eyes to discover beauty!"

Everyone's breakfast is very simple, is the food they brought with them, Zhang Tianqi saw several people holding the food and eating little by little, shaking their heads and lighting the fire, and getting a cup of hot milk for everyone, which is very enjoyable in the cold morning!

After eating and drinking, everyone brought a little simple supplies and began to march deep into the mountains.

Zhang Tianqi turned his head to look at another mountain, where the fire had long been extinguished, and the mysterious Yin Yang Walker Zhang Jiling had long since disappeared.

"Maybe there is that formation somewhere in this mountain!"

Together with Zhang Tianqi's eight people, the walking speed is not very fast, because the deeper it goes, the more difficult it is to walk, and there are even steep hills in some places.

As soon as I came to a relatively gentle wood, a girl said a little shyly:

"I want to go to the bathroom, did you come with me?"

At this moment, the other three women also responded and walked towards the depths of the woods together.

"Don't peek or you'll have your eyes cut out."

Before leaving, Tong Yanan did not forget to turn around and warn Zhang Tianqi to the four men.

Zhang Tianqi turned around directly and lit a cigarette, because his eyesight was too terrifying, and if he accidentally glanced at it, he could see it clearly.

And just before Zhang Tianqi finished smoking a cigarette, a scream with fear came from the woods not far away.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Tianqi was startled, hurriedly turned around, and quickly rushed towards the woods.

The reaction and speed of the other three men were naturally incomparable to Zhang Tianqi.

Strong eyesight allowed Zhang Tianqi, who was flashing quickly, to see the wonderful scenery of the four people.

The small mouth of the pink * toot * toot * made Zhang Tianqi dizzy for a while, and on the side, Zhou Tong screamed and cried at the same time.

Several people hurriedly dressed, comforting Zhou Tong while shouting for help.

I saw that on the fallen leaves not far from Zhou Tong, a snake was preparing to escape.

At this time, Zhang Tianqi quickly came to several women, saw the snake on the ground, and looked at the bite marks on Zhou Tong's butt!

Instantly understood what happened, and Zhou Tong, who was bitten, saw Zhang Tianqi, and his originally frightened pale face instantly turned red, and he wanted to lift his pants.

However, the three women on the side stopped Zhou Tong in unison, on the grounds that Zhou Tong was bitten by a snake and needed to let Zhang Tianqi take a look!

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