Faced with Beibei's anger, Zhang Tianqi said bitterly:

"Beibei, I couldn't help it just now, besides, you have already stabbed dozens of transparent holes in me, and the anger should also disappear, right?"

Although Bei Bei didn't know why Zhang Tianqi was stabbed dozens of swords by himself, there was nothing at all, but Bei Bei understood that there was no way to take Zhang Tianqi by himself.

Angrily throwing the sword on the bed, Babe turned around and sulked.

Zhang Tianqi touched his nose, stepped forward a few steps, hugged Bei Bei from behind, and gently said in Bei Bei's ear:

"I like you!" I want to protect you for the rest of your life! With

the gentle words and the heat sprayed on his ears, Bei Bei was like noodles in an instant, and fell softly into Zhang Tianqi's arms.

Bebe had never experienced such a feeling, and no one had ever dared to do this to her.

Looking at Bei Bei, who was blushing, Zhang Tianqi slowly lowered his head, not giving Bei Bei any chance to resist.

After a long time, Bei Bei breathlessly pushed Zhang Tianqi away, re-wrapped the bath towel, and said with a blushing face:

"You... Do you really like me?

"Really, truer than real gold."

"Could it be a whim, just for fun?"

"How is it possible, I am very dedicated to feelings, how can I do such a thing, if you don't believe me, we will immediately go to get a license to get married now, and I will pay for the cost of nine dollars."

When Bei Bei heard Zhang Tianqi's words, she lowered her head and showed a smile, and then said as if she was coquettish:

"If you want to be beautiful, if you want to marry me, you have to investigate you for a while."

When Zhang Tianqi heard Bei Bei's words, he said happily:

"Really? Great, casually investigate, I'm not afraid.

Although there is no next step, the two can be regarded as having settled on the identity of a couple, and at this moment, Zhang Tianqi is extremely excited.

At this moment, the two suddenly became extremely familiar, and there were many words to say to each other.

And at this time, Bei Bei suddenly said to Zhang Tianqi:

"I forgot to tell you last time, you have five elements supreme treasure on you, and the two five element supreme treasures of the Demon Sect and the Dragon Guard Pavilion were robbed, I guess nine times out of ten it was done by An Daoyuan, you have to be more careful."

Zhang Tianqi squinted his eyes and nodded:

"I know, and I went to find An Daoyuan, the other party's strength is indeed strong, at that time, with my cultivation in the early stage of entering the Dao Realm, it was not his opponent, and the other party was not what it seemed, he must have cultivated some powerful magic skills."

Bei Bei nodded lightly and said

, "Tang Guobin seems to have known about this for a long time, so An Daoyuan has a strong defense against Tang Guobin."

"And as far as I know, not only An Daoyuan is fighting the idea of the Five Elements Supreme Treasure, there should be people like An Daoyuan waiting to sit and reap the profits."

Bei Bei's words made Zhang Tianqi startled in his heart, and he frowned and asked,

"And?" Could it be that there are still many strong people like An Daoyuan hidden in Huaxia? "

Because in Zhang Tianqi's opinion, peerless old monsters like An Daoyuan and Zhang Jiling, the Yin and Yang Walker who he has met, should be extremely rare!

Bei Bei nodded lightly and said:

"As far as I know, there are quite a few, An Daoyuan will not say, the Dragon King of the Dragon Guardian Pavilion should also have stepped into the Dao Realm, as well as Zhang Jiling, the Yin and Yang Walker of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the hot hand destroys flowers to urge lifeless, the immortal Daoist Guangtianzun, and the very mysterious Lord of Kunlun, Su Yixian."

"These people are all geniuses in the Chinese martial arts world hundreds of years ago, none of them have a lower cultivation than the early stage of entering the Dao realm, although they have not been born for more than several decades, and they have not seen their people, but with their cultivation, they will definitely not be ancient."

After listening to Beibei's words, Zhang Tianqi couldn't help but be a little shocked, how mysterious the characters of hundreds of years ago sounded.

"Could it be that they have already been killed by someone, or that they have both fallen fighting each other?"

"It's impossible, the Dragon King doesn't need to doubt in retreat, the martial arts world knows that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Yin Yang Walker Zhang Jiling Legend has special cultivation methods, and there are many hole cards, and it is difficult to kill him."

"That hot hand destroys flowers and urges no life to pass on the terrifying kung fu in his hands, in order to plunder the yellow flower girl, he focused on cultivating a body with an extremely fast body, and he was known as unrivaled in the world a hundred years ago, so the possibility of falling is very small."

"The undead Daoist Guang Tianzun, with a strange qi and blood repair method, it is rumored that he was besieged by the seven masters that year, was drained of qi and blood alive, and thrown off the cliff, everyone thought he was dead, but suddenly one day, the undead Daoist Guang Tianzun appeared, carrying a body of dead qi, killing all the seven masters, and for a while Guangtianzun became a taboo existence for everyone, and was called an undead Daoist!"

"And that mysterious Kunlun Lord Su Yat-sen, it is said that a hundred years ago, and there were very few people who saw him, but there was a saying back then, one monk, two paths, three peaks, heaven and earth, throughout the Chinese who is heroic, there are immortal gods at the top of Kunlun!"

"Back then, everyone believed that the strongest person in Huaxia was Su Yat-sen, the lord of Kunlun, and An Daoyuan could live safely, although he Su Yaoxian was decades earlier than the others, but it was said that with his means, it would never fall!"

After listening to Beibei's introduction, Zhang Tianqi understood that there were so many geniuses in Huaxia.

"Since these people are so powerful, then why didn't these people appear during the Huaxia Catastrophe back then, causing the Huaxia Land to suffer bloody shame and injury?"

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