With the fusion of Zhang Tianqi's inner strength, terrifying exercises began to appear around his body, surrounding Zhang Tianqi.

Moreover, Zhang Tianqi's body also began to rise, floating in the air, and constantly rotating.

The powerful aura drove the surrounding flowers and plants into the air, and began to rotate around Zhang Tianqi, and soon formed a huge tornado!

With the passage of time, Zhang Tianqi's cultivation had reached the peak state of the middle stage of the Hop Dao Realm, and he was only one step away from the late stage of the Hop Dao Realm.


A breath burst out, and countless stones flew out like bullets, shooting deep into the stone wall, and dense small holes covered the entire stone wall.

At this moment, Zhang Tianqi's cultivation had stepped into the late stage of the Convergence Realm, and with the fusion of internal strength, his cultivation was still rising.

A long time passed, and most of the internal strength in Zhang Tianqi's system had been fused, and Zhang Tianqi's cultivation had also made a breakthrough again, reaching the level of consummation of the Dao Realm.

As the last part of the internal strength fused was completed, Zhang Tianqi's cultivation stayed at the peak of the Convergence Realm, only one step away from the next realm.

"Phew, so much internal strength, actually upgraded the cultivation of two small realms, it seems that the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through, and with my current strength, even if I copy the internal strength of the innate realm and the grandmaster realm, in addition to getting genetic points, I am afraid it will not play much role!"

The terrifying aura around Zhang Tianqi disappeared, and the whole person slowly fell to the ground, feeling the powerful aura in his body, Zhang Tianqi had a feeling of invincibility.

Although Xiu Wei broke through two small realms in succession, Zhang Tianqi was not satisfied, but opened the system and began to select those genetic abilities that he particularly wanted to upgrade but did not have points before.

Level 3 genetic abilities are strength, defense, stealth, flight, and lightning body.

The secondary genetic abilities are agility, bounce, repair, storage space, poisonous body, liquefaction, tardigrade survivability, air pocket water flow (three points return to vitality)!

There are many first-level gene abilities, and many Zhang Tianqi feel that they are not of great use, so they selected some abilities with development prospects.

The mantis arm and tiger pounce are combined into one, the bouncing force of the grasshopper's leg Zhang Tianqi is also ready to fuse with the bounce, and the perception and alertness fuse into one, smell, lion roar, powerful vision!

Looking at this ability, Zhang Tianqi began to carefully select, and with Zhang Tianqi's points now, he could barely impact the fourth level of the system.

But Zhang Tianqi understands that now just upgrading those few abilities, the number of genes that need to upgrade the system later is definitely not enough, so it is necessary to go hand in hand.

In the end, Zhang Tianqi decided to upgrade several first-level gene abilities to second-level first.

Smell, lion roar, strong vision, these three abilities Zhang Tianqi felt very useful, so he directly chose to upgrade without hesitation.

Three first-level gene abilities are upgraded to the second level, and the genetic points required are 600 points, and after deduction, Zhang Tianqi's gene points still have 4,485 points left.

The upgrade of the three gene abilities made Zhang Tianqi's body also begin to undergo huge changes.

The first is the sense of smell, this ability makes Zhang Tianqi's sense of smell extremely keen, he was already very perverted before, and now after the upgrade, Zhang Tianqi can easily distinguish some subtle odor differences in the air!

The second is the lion roar, Zhang Tianqi's throat and the entire mouth have undergone slight changes, when the lion roar is upgraded to the second level, Zhang Tianqi feels that his throat can shock people a hundred meters away!

The third item is strong vision, before Zhang Tianqi's vision has been extremely perverted, and now his vision has been upgraded to level two, which makes Zhang Tianqi's eyes a terrifying existence.

With a casual glance, Zhang Tianqi could see an ant moving a piece of food a hundred miles away from the mountain and walking towards his nest.

Invincible sense of smell, scared urine fairy god, thousand miles of divine eyes, this in Zhang Tianqi's opinion, that is, sooner or later, as long as he has points to upgrade, these abilities can make Zhang Tianqi a terrifying existence!

After upgrading three first-level gene abilities to the second level, Zhang Tianqi set his sights on the second-level gene capabilities again.

After studying for a moment, Zhang Tianqi selected three genetic abilities, repair can make his injuries recover instantly, such abilities Zhang Tianqi must be a priority, after all, in the future, to other worlds do not know what ruthless or terrifying creatures.

The storage space allows Zhang Tianqi to have a mobile warehouse with countless things, and it is also a powerful ability for Zhang Tianqi to travel to other worlds to bring things.

Air pocket water flow (three points to return to vitality) is one of the terrifying attack methods in Zhang Tianqi's genetic ability, and it is also one of the hole cards, which is undoubtedly the ability that can best improve Zhang Tianqi's combat effectiveness.

After deciding, Zhang Tianqi directly told the system in his mind and began to upgrade the three second-level gene abilities to the third level.

"Ding, secondary gene ability repair, secondary gene ability storage space, secondary gene ability air pocket water flow (three points return to vitality) upgrade."

In an instant, the gene points were deducted by fifteen hundred points, and the remaining gene points were three thousand and eighty-five points.

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