Zhang Tianqi soon followed Kahlan's map to the so-called special scientific research base.

I saw that the entire base covers an extremely wide area, with various buildings and factory buildings, and several high walls surround the entire base, and there are rare zombies wandering aimlessly inside.

Zhang Tianqi could see that these zombies were all scientific researchers and security personnel of the previous base, and some of the zombies even had firearms on their bodies.

Looking at the base in front of him, Zhang Tianqi sighed:

"This is really a good place, but unfortunately the geographical location is destined to gather a large number of zombies here, and there are too many dangerous things inside, but for unprofessional people, this is an extremely dangerous place!"

Walking on the flat ground, looking at the building and surrounding facilities with a high-tech feeling, Zhang Tianqi released his divine sense.

From time to time, groups of zombies wanted to attack Zhang Tianqi, but when they were close to Zhang Tianqi, they were shaken into a pile of minced meat by the terrifying aura on Zhang Tianqi's body!

Soon Zhang Tianqi found a place through his divine sense, which is deep underground, with various instruments and equipment inside, extending in all directions, divided into many areas, full of high-tech sense, the most important thing is that there are seven living middle-aged men and old people living in it.

Zhang Tianqi came to a sealed gate, looked at several tiny holes on it, smiled slightly, and the whole person turned into liquid and drilled into the small holes.

When Zhang Tianqi appeared in front of an old man in the underground base, the old man was startled, and the whole person kept retreating, until he retreated to the wall, he looked at Zhang Tianqi in horror and said:

"Who are you, why are you here?" How did you get in?

Zhang Tianqi looked around and said to the old man:

"Don't be afraid, I'm just a survivor, I came here to see if there are any surviving researchers, because the revival of mankind needs you."

When the old man heard Zhang Tianqi's words, he slowly lowered his guard, but still kept his distance and said,

"How is it outside?" Why hasn't the state sent someone for so long?

Zhang Tianqi shook his head and sighed:

"The outside world is already full of zombies, the national system may have been paralyzed long ago, no one organized rescue, no one gave orders, and now there is only hope for self-help."

After listening to Zhang Tianqi's words, the old man shook his head and said:

"It is impossible, the country is equipped with thousands of pairs of the latest flying armor, and has countless powerful weapons and equipment, even if the zombies are rampant, the country cannot fall so quickly."

Zhang Tianqi understood the emotions of the old man, no one was willing to accept such a result, but the outbreak of zombies was not from the outside to the inside, but from the inside in a large area, the so-called flying armored soldiers did not know or were not normal humans, moreover, the leaders of Shen Yue Country had become zombies, what else was impossible!

"There are still six of your colleagues over there, call them over, don't make small moves, there is no point."

Just as Zhang Tianqi's words fell, a bullet flew towards Zhang Tianqi.

With a flick of his finger, the bullet was hit by the aura emitted by Zhang Tianqi two meters in front of Zhang Tianqi, but the bullet suddenly exploded, and countless electric currents were released, acting on Zhang Tianqi.

What had to shock Zhang Tianqi was that the strength of this current could definitely electrocute ordinary people within three meters of the surrounding area.

But such a powerful current on Zhang Tianqi's body is only equivalent to tickling.

And Zhang Tianqi's expression of not doing anything at all shocked the old man not far away and the other six middle-aged and elderly men.

"What are you guys? Are the scientific researchers at this base? I only give you one chance.

Saying that, Zhang Tianqi's body erupted with a terrifying aura.

Although the seven people are powerful scientists, how have they ever seen such a scene, and they immediately became frightened and said in horror:

"You are an alien? Are you an alien? For

Zhang Tianqi, this is understandable, he is really an alien!

"I can take you to a safe place where there is still hope for humanity."

When the originally frightened seven people heard Zhang Tianqi's words, a bright light appeared in their eyes, and they trembled and said:

"Really? Do we still have hope?

"Now tell me your identity?"

The seven people glanced at each other, feeling that there was no other way to go now, nodded gently, and the old man spoke:

"We are the special scientists of this base, and before the disaster, we were doing research in this base, so we escaped a catastrophe and barely survived until now by relying on the life support system in the base."

Zhang Tianqi nodded slightly, and then said: "

Gather all your research materials here, and I will take you out of here."

Soon, dozens of large boxes were piled up in front of Zhang Tianqi, and the old man spoke: "

Here are all the top-secret data drawings of the base, all of which are recorded on paper, and they are also the painstaking efforts of our Shenyue Kingdom for hundreds of years."

Zhang Tianqi wants this, since there are countless high-level civilizations in this universe, then Huaxia is in danger, Zhang Tianqi wants to use the technology of other worlds to make Huaxia a high-level civilization, this is not called plunder, this is called win-win.

In return, Zhang Tianqi decided to bring a glimmer of hope to the human beings of this world.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of boxes of materials were received into the storage space.

This hand made the seven people's eyelids keep beating, and they were more sure that Zhang Tianqi was an alien from a higher civilization.

"Mr. Alien, where are you from? What is the purpose of coming to our world?

Seeing the old man's cautious appearance, Zhang Tianqi didn't know how to answer, so he had to casually say,

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

The old man hesitated for a moment and said

, "There are the latest missiles of the Shenyue Kingdom in this base, all of them are in the service stage, they are extremely powerful, one can destroy half of Cold Wind City, can we use it to deal with zombies?"

When Zhang Tianqi heard the old man's words, his heart moved, and he had a plan in his heart, and nodded: "

I'll talk about this later, I'll take you out of here first."

When Zhang Tianqi swept the three out of the base with a wave of his hand and rushed into the sky, the old man among the seven was directly frightened.

I saw a black shadow flying in the air at great speed, and a scorched yellow was spilled behind it, pulling out a water line!

Probably when people get old, the valve is not very strong ...!

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