More than two hundred people, standing in the meat sauce that did not reach their necks, quietly waiting for Zhang Tianqi to speak.

Many women really couldn't bear it and vomited on the spot, but they couldn't vomit anything after a dry gag.

After a while, a few people who had just run out came in front of them in trucks.

"Everyone get in the car, quick."

At this moment, more than two hundred people climbed to the car, and the zombies surrounded at the same time, and countless zombies that had evolved began to rush to the truck non-stop, wanting to devour the humans in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianqi shot one after another, and a large number of zombies that were already close to the truck were directly cut off their heads.

The vehicle started, crushed the thick plasma, and began to drive into the distance, and everyone looked at the group of zombies farther and farther behind them, tears of excitement in their eyes.

"We are alive, we escaped!"

"Don't be happy too early, think about where this is, this is the center of Cold Wind City, it takes at least an hour's drive to escape, whether we can live depends on him."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhang Tianqi, who was flying outside.

The truck drove all the way, encountering zombies from time to time on the street, and also directly crushed it, because everyone received Zhang Tianqi's order not to shoot.

The zombies' eyesight is very weak, and it is found that humans rely on the combination of smell and hearing, so once there is a big movement, they may be surrounded by zombies again.

But just as the truck drove through the main street and left the skyscraper five or six kilometers, a turn was made, and everyone was directly dumbfounded.

Because the street in front of you is densely packed with zombies, and the target is a residential building.

The movement of the truck instantly attracted the attention of the zombies, and in an instant, hundreds of evolved zombies ran towards the truck, and the brown liquid flowing in the mouth and the white eyeballs made the scalp numb.

"Zombies... Shoot......! "

Tap-da-da... Dah... Da-da...!

"Damn, don't shoot!"

But it was too late, and the huge gunfire instantly penetrated several nearby blocks, and in an instant, the zombies that were originally just wandering became violent and surrounded the neighborhood where the truck was.

Zhang Tianqi looked at the zombies on the street, and with a wave of his hand, a shockwave flew out, and the zombies were cut in two everywhere they passed!

I saw a woman with a little girl by the window on the fourth floor of the residential building, looking down in horror.

"Mom, that uncle is so good, is he here to save us?"

When the woman heard the little girl's words, she hurriedly covered the little girl's mouth and hid under the window in horror.

And the little girl's voice clearly reached Zhang Tianqi's ears.

"I'm going to be a savior, alas~ forget it, what do you want to do so much, since you have encountered it, save it, and don't come to this world in vain."

"We're leaving, will you leave with us?"

Facing Zhang Tianqi, who suddenly appeared at the window, the woman held the little girl in fear and took several steps back, until she hit the table and stopped.

"Uncle, are you here to save me and my mother?"

Zhang Tianqi smiled slightly: "

Yes, uncle will take you to a safe place, where you can eat, there are no monsters, and there are children to play with you."

Facing the handsome Zhang Tianqi, the woman gradually relaxed, but still tightly grasped the little girl's hand and did not let go.

Zhang Tianqi looked at this scene, looked at the zombies surging on the street in the distance, glanced at the woman and said

, "Since you are not willing to leave, forget it."

Zhang Tianqi turned around and shouted at the truck below:

"Drive, rush out after me."

At this moment, the woman did not know what to think, and came to the window and shouted:

"Wait a minute, can you take me and my daughter away?"

Zhang Tianqi glanced at it lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the woman and the little girl flew out directly, and were dragged into the truck by the aura emitted by Zhang Tianqi.

At this time, the street was already full of zombies, and the truck collided all the way, but it walked less than ten meters, because there were too many zombies, and it was completely impossible to advance.

Zhang Tianqi shot one after another at this time, and the zombies on the road in front of the truck were directly blown up into minced meat in a few breaths.

With Zhang Tianqi, it took more than three hours for four trucks with more than 200 people to leave the main city of Cold Wind City.

During this period, he encountered no less than several large-scale zombies surrounded by zombies, if it weren't for Zhang Tianqi, even if these more than two hundred people were fully armed, it would be impossible to leave Cold Wind City!

"Hahahahaha, it's out, we're out."

"Out of the main city, we don't have to be afraid, it's relatively sparsely populated."

"Yes, if it weren't for him, we might only be able to survive in the center of the city for a few days, and finally become food for the zombies or become a member of the zombies."

At this moment, everyone's eyes looking at Zhang Tianqi were full of gratitude and adoration.

On the other side of Cold Wind City, the fierce boss Higin with more than ten people drove three cars madly towards the outside of Cold Wind City.

However, after walking less than five blocks, more than a dozen of them encountered a group of zombies, and vehicles could not pass at all.

"Get out of the car and go from the other side."

More than a dozen people abandoned their vehicles and rushed towards the street on the other side, but there were evolutionary zombies, and people were constantly thrown down by zombies, and screams and gunshots mixed with zombie roars resounded throughout the neighborhood.

"Boss, no, there are more and more zombies, we can't rush out."


Higin kicked down the man who spoke and said angrily:

"There are still a few blocks before we can leave the main city, and then there will be no large zombie hordes, we will succeed, and we will rush out no matter what."

At this moment, Hikin is crazy!

"Da-da-da... Da-da...! The

remaining people rushed forward while shooting and killing the zombies around them, but in the face of a large number of zombies, everyone became more and more powerless, and one individual was drowned by zombies.

After the crazy fight, Higin ran forward with the remaining three people, because hope was in sight, and at this time, dozens of evolutionary zombies rushed towards them.

When Higin saw this scene, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed the man next to him and pushed it towards the zombie, while he rushed towards the outside of the main city.

The man who was pushed down was immediately bitten by the zombie, and blood gushed out.

"Hikin, you bastard, you don't let me live, and you don't want to live."

In the man's roar, the gun sounded, and Hikin, who was frantically fleeing, was shot in the leg, and the whole person fell forward and rolled several times.


Seeing that he was about to leave the main city, he hoped that he was tens of meters away, but the picture was forever frozen, because Higin had been overwhelmed by zombies, and only a pile of white bones was swallowed!


In the prison base, Locke, standing on the watchtower, saw the truck in the distance and immediately blew the whistle.

In an instant, Kaba and the others rushed to the watchtower with guns.

But soon, they saw Zhang Tianqi.

"Brother Zhang, it turned out to be you, we thought someone wanted to capture us!"

"Open the door and let them in, they will also be a member of the base in the future, managed by you, remember, the base personnel must make rules, otherwise it is easy to make trouble."

The base has a large population and a great increase in strength, plus more than ten more children, which has brought great vitality to the base and brought the dawn of the future to the originally hopeless human race.

And in the base, a domineering name began to spread among the people.

Savior, everyone regards Zhang Tianqi as a savior, and God sent Zhang Tianqi to save this world!

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